Patrick H. Bellringer
The Milky Way Galaxy System
by Patrick H. Bellringer
1. In the Milky Way Galaxy there are more than 178 billion planets with life-supporting capability!
2. Planet Earth Shan is approximately 4.5 Billion years old.
3. Life on Earth Shan began one Great Cycle Orbit or 206 million years ago.
4. The rise and fall of civilizations on Earth Shan have occurred approximately every 10,000 years.
5. The past two civilizations on Earth Shan were Atlantis and Lemuria.
6. Atlantis began one Sun Orbit (our Sun) or 26,000 years ago. This civilization deteriorated over a period of 14,000 years, and finally disappeared 11,500 year ago.
7. Earth Shan’s present (and last) civilization began 12,500 years ago.
8. The Milky Way Galaxy, in the shape of a huge donut, is turning around (orbiting) the Greatest Central Sun, and has completed its 22nd orbit.
9. Earth Shan is the only planet in our solar system which has not achieved fifth dimension. Fifth dimension means existence in a higher frequency in which time and space are non-existent.
10. Life on Earth Shan was given one Great Cycle Orbit to reach fifth dimension.
11. The end of our Sun orbit (around Pleiades) of 26,000 years coincides with the end of the 22nd Great Cycle Orbit.
12. These two cycles ended on August 17, 1987. At that time Shan began a new 12,000 year period of "graduation" into fifth dimension. The first 3,000 years are a period of "rebirthing".
13. Earth Shan changes such as volcanoes and earthquakes will increase as Shan cleans herself to move into fifth dimension.
14. Shan is a celestial being and has earned the right to move to fifth dimension, even though most of the people on Shan have not earned that right.
15. Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus) taught that he would return in 2,000 years to remove the "remnant" or enlightened people and transport them by spaceship to other planets of higher dimension.
16. The time of the lift-off will occur after year 2,000 AD
17.Earth Shan’s frequencies change gradually to higher frequencies as she moves through the Photon Belt.
18. To move to a higher dimension man must have cosmic consciousness and understand his place in a cosmos of other planets, animals and other humans.
19. Shan is the only planet in our solar system where man has not reached the cosmic level of awareness.
20. Without Cosmic Awareness man will self-destruct and reincarnate when Shan’s frequencies change to fifth dimension.
21. Only those humans who have understood Truth and have become enlightened and have accepted God's Laws and the Laws of Creation will be lifted off Earth Shan into fifth dimension (heaven).
22. The lift-off by spaceship for the enlightened ones is also known as the first migration –for many a migration back to Pleiades after year 2,000 AD.
23. To keep pace with the changing earth frequencies, the frequencies of the "enlightened" ones are also being raised, so that they can "make it nicely through a beam of light!"
24. The lift-off will be for the remnant who will have understood the Truth and have learned God's Laws and the Laws of Creation, for children below the age of accountability, and for anyone else who wishes to leave.
25. All third dimensional people will be removed from Earth Shan at some point.
26. When all 3-D people are removed from Shan, some will go to fifth dimension, some to third dimensional existence on other planets (reincarnation) and some to the void (Hell), a place without Light, (meaning any goodness) to learn their next lessons.
27. At the close of every civilization, as now on Shan, "Cosmic Intelligence" makes contact with humans to help them with Truth. (Journal #50, p. 9)
28. Our space brothers and sisters have returned to help us on Earth Shan, and their spaceships can be seen in the night sky with blinking red, white, blue, and yellow strobing lights. These are not stars but starships.
29. Our Pleiadian space brothers and sisters have come in their starships to Earth Shan because God has heard the prayers of people on Shan and has sent them.
30. Humans, who desire to know Truth and become enlightened, will be assisted by our space brothers and sisters to leave Earth Shan at Lift Off and will return to their homes on Pleiades (heaven) or elsewhere for their next lessons in soul growth. It will be a most joyous homecoming!