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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' DISCERNING TRUTH (Updated August 26, 2013)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: F
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 11:28 AM
Subject: Check out Ships of Light Are On Standby! IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! 08/12 by Sh
Ships of Light Are On Standby! IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! 08/12 by Shattering The Matrix | Spirituality
Hi Patrick, Ann,
I found this broadcast to be in sync with what the Journals have been telling us all this time.  Ari Kopel seems to be a very enlightened person and is warning us that the time is near for us.
I found this message to resonate with me.  What do you think?
In Love and Light,
PS, I found your prophetic message of July 10 very powerful.  Thank you for this and all that you do through the Fourwinds website.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  F
DATE:  August 14, 2013
Dear F:
    This video presents much unTruth about the Forces of Light and Lift-off.  Ari Kopel probably has not read the Phoenix Journals, and many even be a CIA "plant" to fool the people.  Yes, she speaks some Truth but Planet X is a hoax, as it is 1600 years from returning to this part of our solar system.  Also, the ships for lift off do not land.  Only those, who have lived the Laws of God, as best they can, shall go through a beam of Light to the ships.
    Be discerning in all things, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Check out Ships of Light Are On Standby! IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! 08/12 b...
Thank you Patrick for your response as regards to the "Ships of Light'.  We can be fooled by smidgens of truth interspersed by misinformation.  Ari seemed to me to be the closest to warnings of the end times.  All others that I have read are pointing to the GOLDEN AGE which, at this point seems impossible due to the almost complete destruction of all which can support our health on our beautiful, but very sick planet.
We cannot expect the Galactics to come and save us by cleaning up the mess that we have created and which is slowly poisoning all of us in the end.  We have to resolve this ourselves and can expect their aid, but all seems that the corrupt governments are covering us the dangers.  An example of that is the sick Mackerel in western Canada bleeding through their eyes, gills, tails, etc.
Perhaps this is the sign that the Fukushima radiation leaks are more deadly than expected.  And what about the poisons that were spread in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010?  These poisons surely have spread and killing the fish in lakes, rivers, and oceans.  All in all these and the multiple signs abound and  that we may not have much time before mother Earth Flips since things are getting worse as time goes on.
Another thing that concerns me is that I have read and reread both the Phoenix Journal # 2 and The Talmud of Immanuel found by Billy Meir.  There are minor differences and many similarities.  Would you consider the Talmud as authentic? I realize that from translating from Aramaic to German and then to English there may be some errors.
Patrick, thank you for your and Ann's devotion to Truth.  In Love and Light, F, along time truth seeker.  I find reading Fourwinds both enlighting and comforting.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  F
DATE:  Aug. 24, 2013
Dear F:
    Yes, The Talmud of Jmmanuel found in Esu Immanuel's Tomb by Billy Meier is as authentic as the translators could make it to be.  As you know, this writing is a major portion of one of the three scrolls written by Esu Immanuel, that his son, Joseph, brought from India at Esu's death and buried in Esu's tomb in Jerusalem, where it remained hidden for 2000 years.
    Much of the text is exactly the same as is found in Phoenix Journal #2, which Esu Immanuel and Judas Iscariot gave to Doris Ekker via short-wave radio communication from the Pleiadian Star Fleet Command Ship, The Phoenix, during August, 1989.  This is further proof of the accuracy of these immortal teachings of Truth by the Greatest Truthbringer of this civilization, Esu Immanuel Sananda.  Under Cosmic Law no one has the authority to copyright Truth.  It has always been most unpleasant for those who attempt to do so.  Be in Peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer



#2     (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: Check out Ships of Light Are On Standby! IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! 08/12 b...
Dear Patrick,
I AM SO COMFORTED in knowing that herein lies the TRUTH.  I have been reading and rereading both.
Lately I have had a hard time concentrating during my meditations...I feel so many distractions. I'm just wondering if the solar flares has anything to do with this. 
Another thing that concerns me because I reread some other postings  on Fourwinds about Evacuation and the End Times.
I have been seeking ways to raise my vibrations so that I may be taken up in the light beam to the Starship.  I have asked Aton creator God to help me prepare for this.  I have read in one posting that  Creator God has been working with Darhma on a nightly basis.  I realize that the posting was written in 1989 and she has passed on since then.  By the fact that I have requested this help from Creator God, I am sure that he is helping me, but I cannot consciously find any signs that have changed.
What are  your wisdom thoughts on this.  I am so grateful for your personal responses. 
In Love and Light,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  F
DATE:  Aug. 25, 2013
Dear F:
    All the planets in our solar system have graduated to the fifth dimension except our planet, Shan.  Because Shan is still in the third dimension, our sun's solar activity does affect Shan's energies and magnetic field.  These energy/frequency changes may also affect Shan's people.
    To those enlightened ones these changes need not be a problem.  We simply ask for complete and permanent Divine Protection from all harmful technologies and events of any kind.  Then we are to believe that we have that, and we do.  Doubt, and we do not.  It is that simple.  In this way any harmful effects from solar flares can also be neutralized.
    All the help we need is only a thought away.  Ask your two Guardian Angels for clear thinking and true focus during your meditations.  Put them to work!  They are there for you.  I think mine are about "wore out!"
    Do not fret about lift-off!  Ask to be put on their automatic pick-up list.  Then believe that it is so.  If we live the eighteen Laws of God and Creation, as best we can, and help others where we can, that is all anyone can do to achieve graduation into fifth dimension.  Learn to relax and enjoy the flowers along your pathway, and not be so focused upon the rocks and holes in the roadway.  The Angels shall guide your feet, if you but ask.
    Yes, Aton taught Dharma on a nightly basis, as He does for all of us.  During our sleep state all enlightened humans go abroad ship to attend classes and work on our mission in other dimensions.  Many of us awaken tired and feeling we have not slept at all.  Very few return from the ships with any memory of what happened, because Hatonn says that we would not want to return to 3D, if we remembered how much better it is in the higher dimensions.
    You are most blessed to have awakened to the Truth.  Enjoy the "ride", and may your Angels guide you, always.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer