Patrick H. Bellringer
Good Patrick and Anne,
Dear Patrick,
#2 (Reply)
Dear Patrick and Anne,
Hiya kids. Had to reply to this one as someone whose studied the ideas of Yin/Yang and it may reveal what it is that isn't understood clearly about trans-gender sexuality.Everyone born into this world comes carrying baggage which is to say their developed character and propensities from numerous lifetimes. As everything has its compliment of each aspect of the polarity we live within there are folks born who lean one way or the other or are balanced with developed traits. Yin is Female,Mother, Black, Negative polarity, centripetal, matter, the in-breath, moving inward.
Yang is the Spirit, Male,Father,positive polarity,outward moving,centrifugal,Light. If a person is born more yin/fem. as a male aspect that male may gravitate towards intimacy with males who are yin but more aggressive in their lives. You can easily see the measure of most folks by their actions and ways but it seems that a balanced Yin/Yang female could be swayed either way and the same for balanced yang/yin. What stands forth to me is that a male who may have completed a number of lives as a female would be born with leanings in that direction rather than the accepted roles society desires for a male. A woman living lives as such and being born into a male body may reach out to other men as before. I won't say more but you get the idea. Study of the polarity through the dynamics as portrayed by Yin/Yang helps unmask many mysteries plaguing mankind. Cheers R.
DATE: Nov. 26, 2013
Dear R
Thank you for your letter. Maybe you should take this discussion up with Creator God, who made us. There must have been some mistakes, but according to Him, living a homosexual lifestyle is a matter of freewill choice and totally unacceptable in the Higher Realms. Therefore, my point is that we will not graduate to 5D (Heaven) until we get it right, here! Rationalization has no merit, when Creator God's Laws are absolute.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
I dont like being picky but I cant let this pass without saying. I wrote Yin, Yang a number of times and the auto correct decided to post Ying/Yang which is an ignorant take on this concept and it makes the reader think, if they know the difference, that I am a bogus voice who knows nothing of what he speaks which is decidedly not the case after 40 years of study of it.
A question about law. Are Miracles outside law as in 'deserving or not',logical or reasonable, or not. If cause and effect are not the law, what is the basis for Gods laws? Miracles seem to trump all laws. So theres a dilemma to me. Being a son of God am I to be limited in my opperations by laws? Even Cosmic laws? Dosnt seem reasonable that God has limits of action.
I do realize that there are certain laws not recognized by many, such as the structure around time travel. The Shadow Gov was sending folks back in time and retrieving articles and people from a different timeline. It was found that they could bring stuff and folks back but they would disintegrate after a few days and dissapear. People too. They would quickly go insane and had to be caged till they died 3 or 4 days later. Those who they sent forward into the future went into the golden age prematurely and couldnt come back or a similar thing happened to them coming back. They were automaticaly boosted to 5 d and fully Christed and couldnt return and didnt want to in any case. This is an example to me of undeserving humans graduating to 5d without the work as required by everyone else so I gotta wonder at this and the nature of laws that are trumped by anomalies. I dont expect you to answer these questions as I recon you too are a human man stuck here in this dimension and have your shortcomings like the rest of us. It seems all our mental imagery is starting to look like train wrecks everywhere, broken thoughts and bridges out. May be Moot now but later maybe not. Namaste R.
#6 (Reply)
Hi Anne & Patrick
I should have a little Christmas contribution also to send your way.
Patrick, I was intrigued by your comment in a very recent Hello Central email. When asked about why the people that are in a position of authority and responsibility do not act to put an end to the corporate running of the US, you said they lacked the courage and ability to put aside their ego to act in the interests of others. I have always being confused why someone would not act in a certain manner when the situation is so obvious and one sided to the entire world. Did I understand your comment to mean that lightworkers, people that are awake and trying to make a difference locally, have acted in a positive manner before and that we are a little more advanced in our soul lessons from past lifetimes, but are sidelined in this present life from having an active, physical role in the transition from our corrupt system? After all, it does make sense to me as I personally do not see many lightworkers that hold positions of authority or responsibility, or at least placed in a position to act. Did I read you correctly?