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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 4:16 PM
Subject: Special K --Do not be afraid to print what you see fit and disregard the other my friend who hears me VERY CLEARLY..
I read your article,,”Hold on Tight”.  I only have one thing to say,,SOMEBODY IS HEARING ME ACROSS THE MILES,,Very Clearly and Exactly..hmm
This falls under the category of the” Power With In” and are ability to connect without 3D methods. You would be shocked at how you heard my words
so exactly..
On your article,,The Power of Spirit
As you recall I had written how I was a Rothschild Mk Ultra Victim from birth 1955, who was used for their discussion, planning and storing of evil deeds.
Who was put into full service in 2000,   They notified me in April 2001 (Easter Weekend) they were in my life/home..with this continuing until Nov.2004.
Then they were tapped on the shoulder by a Higher Power (that would be God) ,and I have been under his wing with guidance and help since that date, with a lot of help coming my way..
Miracles,  I have had so many in the last couple of years.  We call them Miracles, but they are our POWER WITHIN.
The first one I remember in part because it was big.  I had been looking at flower seeds on the Internet and ran across a flower called Lisianthus.
I was so awe struck by it’s beauty, I looked up and said to God,"This is the most beautiful flower you created.  I should plant thousands of them”.
I ordered about 300 seeds of different colors.  I had a tiny house greenhouse and sat at the table with one packet of 30 seeds grumbling at how tiny they were and hard to plant. I planted the other colors along with a few other seeds.
Little did I know that this was one of the hardest seeds to germinate. All my other seeds had germinated with no action from the Lisianthus.
Then they sprouted.  I had planted about 3 seeds in a pot. What germinated was hundreds of seeds from every pot.
They were so thick I couldn’t save them all. I ended up planting 2 to 3 Thousand in trays/flats.
This is what I officially called my Jesus moment, ”Many Folds”. My garden was adorned with thousands of Lisianthus.
This also taught me to be careful of what I wish for. This became a big challenge, as I had limited Greenhouse space. I had to buy two outdoor little greenhouses.
There’s been so many [miracles].
This one was Special..I wanted to help somebody in need at Christmas..There was somebody on the street needing help,,We were late for getting somewhere so
we drove by...I felt so bad,,I really wanted to help somebody in this kind of need,,Somebody who would stand in the road in the freezing Mn. cold would be
in great need,,We took our trip right after this to visit our children.,,My thoughts would wonder to this man in the freezing Dec. cold needing help..
We drove home from our trip and on the last bend 1/2 mile from our home was a man in the freezing cold asking for help..
My soul filled with such Joy that God found a way to help me help a man in the freezing cold in need,,,,,He had so many missing teeth,,and looked so in need..
I gave him $50 which was allot for our budget,,He was grateful and said we made it possible for him to visit his children in the cities..
He said “God Bless You”.. Little did he know he gave me more Joy then I gave him..
One more,,a very special one,,
This was in May of 2012,,We were leaving to see our children out of state..I talk to my blessed birds,,Yes I do..
All day long I asked the birds to watch the house and my 2 greenhouses while I would be away for a few days...We arrived back home and I knew some kind of animal had been in
our house,,Our birdseed was in our coat/shoe closet and the spilt seeds had been eaten..My thought was ,,I wonder if there is a mouse,,
The next morning we spent the morning chasing a bird out of our house,,I was grateful I had spilt birdseed in the closet and left a cup of coffee on the table..
Another case of be careful of what you ask for..
3 out of many hundreds..
As far as the Dark Evil who used me from birth,,As they used me they also taught me..I have broken their Code,,They are communicating via Media,,
Every day I can read what they're discussing with each other..
The movement working on behalf of humanity which I call the GGT (Good God Train),,has complete control and is in the final steps before announcements,,
In fact I know some very specific details...  :)
In closing,,Pray,,Your prays of good intent are very powerful,,,(Hence why evil took control of 3D methods (media),,as their power within is void of power)..
One more thing,,I read your article from the Phoenix Journals and Moses..I was very impressed with what and how he spoke...I told him so..
He answered me..I left the computer,,stated heading up the stairs,,something made me turn around,,A circle of smoke,,about  6-8” was in the middle of the room..
O for mOses..
I said something to God the day before when I was baking..I’ve melted the butter many times before,,I know how long it takes to melt butter in the microwave..
God answered me with the butter,,All the butter was melted except for a perfectly shaped heart of butter..
May Peace Fall Upon the Lands
Special K
PS..We are moving into higher vibration for those open to receiving,,I feel Jesus/Sanada’s vibration bigger and more frequent now.
God left a handful of my Mk Ultra Scars with words in my memory for purpose.  The many were dealt with years ago, along with the evidence to the GGT.
As God doesn’t inflict pain, more over he will stand aside and allows the dark evil to Zap me to resurface the scar with the words.
Sananda lets me know he is there and not to worry.  This happens when I go to bed or awake in the morning.  He will then rock me like a parent rocks a child in a crib.
Even though the Zap from the evils technology isn’t very pleasant.  It is comforting that Sanada lets me know he is there and not to worry.
In August a few years back Jesus/Sanada spoke threw me..I awoke and almost ran to the kitchen and spoke as if I had been awake,,I spoke so loud and clear..
The words that came from my mouth were,,”All Truth would to told,,because I SAID SO and God SAID SO”..
At this time I had been working with the GGT giving evidence of decades of crimes and atrocities..I think some were hesitant on how  much truth the masses could handle.
The above was answer to there question..
The next day I pondered this,,I pondered this for days wondering WHO DARE say something so Firmly connected to God,,It finally came to me,,it was Blessed Jesus/Sanada One With God!
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  K
DATE:  Dec. 9, 2013
Dear K:
    Thank you for your epistle!  Truth is, and the Angels guide us into the same "wave lengths" and thought patterns.  Miracles are happening everywhere and more often, as people are awakening to Enlightenment.  Some miracles shock people to wake up.  Others move people to greater and higher understanding.
    God allows the Darkside to "zap" you for as long as you tolerate it, for your lessons, but you choose to accept the "zap"or to not accept them.  You can, through your freewill, choose to stop these attacks by using your Power within.  You do not have to put up with them!  Call in the Light and request Divine Protection, my friend.  May you have a blessed Christmas season.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "DC"
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 9:55 PM
Subject: Journal 22 and the gold standard


Thank you for your writing today, “The Power of Spirit”.  I pray and meditate and thank Aton, Esu Sanada and Hatonn and all the others every night before sleep and throughout each day.  But, Patick, I’m so new to all this and read and read every day until my eyes burn.  Still there is more to learn and as fast I can learn it. I asked for knowledge and it is delivered in buckets and buckets!


You stressed returning to the gold standard.  But Hatonn explained most explicitly in Journal 22 from Chapter 14 and on that the gold standard has destroyed economies and countries every time it was set in motion! Why are the world's good people trying to do it again?  Please help me with this that I'm not understanding.  



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer


      TO:  DC

DATE:  December  9, 2013



Dear DC:


    Thank you for your letter. You are most welcome to read my writings, and I am glad that you find them helpful.


    In your question about the gold standard money system you reference Phoenix Journal #22 entitled "Matter, Anti-Mater and What's the Matter", chapter 14 and following.  When properly operated the Gold Standard does not allow interest (usury) to be charged for the use of money.  It is not the system that is wrong or bad, but the greed that always has corrupted it throughout history.  The old saying that "money is the root of all evil" is not correct..  It is the love of money (greed) that is the root of all evil. Money and having money is not evil, but what one feels about money and what one does with money becomes the problem, and often leads to evil thoughts and actions.


    The present goal is to abolish the Federal Reserve System of usury and money having no value, that is, no collateral backing it, but only generated from "thin air", and establish a gold-backed system where gold (and silver, etc.) become the collateral to give it value and control by establishing a constant value.


    Such a system operated by good people has great merit, as Creator God intended for His people.


                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer