'HELLO, CENTRAL!' A FEW DOUBTS! (Updated Feb. 4, 2014)
Patrick H. Bellringer
Been some time since I wrote to U, hope everythings fine with U and Anne. As usualsome silly doubts again, sorry to bother U amidst U'r busy schedule, it's justthat it's taking the best of my curiosity. Hope U don't mind clarifying some
things for me.
1. The Darkside wants to stop the pole shift from happening and they do all thatthey can to prevent it, just because pole shift will would mark the end of theirevil era on this planet. What I don't understand is that in the past 10 years orso, in numerous instances the forces of light have stopped the pole shift fromhappening, why would they do such a thing. If they wouldn't have tried tostabilize the planet back then, then the planet would have made her move whichwould have resulted in the evacuation of sananda's flock and the end of dark ageand 3rd dimention on planet earth. It would have also been the end of sufferingfor planet Earth and the Lightworkers. But that didn't happen and the sufferingjust continues, why would the forces of light try to stabilize a planet which isalmost on the verge of dying and wants to save itself and it's chosen few. Whywould they give the dark controllers more time to carry on their stupid plans forone world order
2. Satan is uncreated by his own consent, would his minions be so very stupid tocontinue with their evil plans in world domination, when they very well know thatthey don't stand a chance any more. As Satan is no more, does that mean thatthroughout the seven super universes, 3rd dimention or evil won't exit.
3. The Pheonix Journals tells that on planet Earth, using nuclear power fordestruction would not be allowed, but isn't it a fact that the cabal created thejapanese 2011 tsunami and thus damaged the fukishima plant, isn't it a form ofnuclear warefare against humanity, because our oceans are polluted and theradiation is already taking it's toll. How was this allowed by the forces oflight?
4. After Evacuation and Shan returning to her pristine condition in 5D, does itmean that never again anywhere in the entire universe would evil be allowed to goto such an extent as it was allowed on EarthShan?
Thanks for U'r time, Bye
In Love and Light,