HOLDING THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - By Patrick H. Bellringer [with Comment by Anne Bellringer ]
Written in 2012 by Patrick H. Bellriinger
I write this piece to Sananda’s flock. Who are they?, you ask. Sananda’s flock are all those, who have found the Truth of The Laws of God and Creation from whatever source, and are living these Laws to the best of their ability. These dear people have learned to live the four great virtues in their lives: of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity, and are anticipating evacuation and graduation into fifth dimension, as the reward for work well done and the completion of their mission on Shan.
So, my sisters and brothers, with little fanfare or acknowledgement we have passed another very important Cosmic date. On August 17, 2012 we began the New Year of Year 26 in Cosmic time. The New Count began at the point of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, 1987, the point at which both the Pleiadian Cycle and the Great Orbit returned to their zero point at the exact same time.
Our solar system orbits around Alcyone, the Central Sun of Pleiades, every 26,000 years, which orbit is called the Pleiadian Cycle. The Milky Way Galaxy, which is not a galaxy at all but the Seventh Super Universe of the Cosmos, orbits around The Greatest Central sun every 206 million years, which is called the Great Orbit.
At the time of the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987 Hatonn made an agreement with the Lightworkers (Sananda’s flock) to hold the Light of Truth for a period of twenty-five years to allow time for Truth to go out one last time to the “four corners of Shan”, so many would awaken from their spiritual sleep, and for lessons to be learned in soul growth. The Lightworkers have stood faithful to their mission. Some have fallen, some have passed on to the Astral Plane, but others have arisen to take their place.
For these twenty-five years the Light of Truth has held the Darkside at bay. They have not won their New World Order of one religion, one military and one money system, as they had planned. The Darkness has not won on Shan! Having completed these twenty-five years, the Lightworkers now pass the “torch” back to Creator God Aton of Light (Hatonn). The “ball” is now in His court. Time has run out for this last third dimensional civilization on our planet. She is in her transition into the higher energies of fifth dimension at this time, and it is Hatonn’s call, when planetary evacuation shall occur.
Today is August 29,2020, over 8 years since Patrick worte this article in 2012. It still stands as the Truth. Why hasn't lift-off occured? Has God forgotten us? I heard a message from Patrick concerning this very thing. The Darkside has refused to come to the light as they promised by 2012. Things are based on the freewill of Earth People. We live in 3rd dimnsion of time, space and matter, but in the Lighted Realms there is no "time; however, we are assured Mother Earth is ready and damaged to the point of extinction so the "time" is very soon.
Patrick told me and other Fourwinds readers that he was working with Hatonn aboard the Command Ship, The Phoenix, on Earth's evacuation, and that the people on Mother Earth are soon to be evacuated.. When? Yes, it is soon, but we are not to sit around twiddling our thumbs waiting for Motherr Earth to turn over until evacuation occurs. Patrick said we are to keep on with our mission of being here to do the best we can in following the Laws of God and Creation. We must keep learning our lessons and finish the contract we made with the Lighted Realms, or we will repeat them in many more 3rd dimensional lifestreams. He encourages all Lightworkers to keep on soldiering on in spite of all the difficulties. We are responsible for what we have done in this lifestream.and to keep living on, doing the best we can to live the Laws of God and Creation. If we do the best we can, we shall be honored for doing that.
Patrick has spoken and appeared to Fourwinds readers and our neighbor in Rapid City, who saw Patrick sitting in our car as he mowed our lawn. He speaks to me and told me to post this article and add his words to what he wrote in 2012. I hope they help, and that you know he is aboard the Command Ship working with Hatonn. His words are the Truth. ....Anne Bellringer