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Coca-Cola plans on irradiating third world nations with wi-fi Kiosks

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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  • Oct 11, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    Coca-Cola Plans Kiosks With Water and Internet


    Published: September 30, 2013

    The Coca-Cola Company plans to erect 150 kiosks in 20 countries that will offer water, electricity and Internet connections; they may also sell Coke and other products.

    “We’re calling it a downtown in a box,” said Serena Levy, a company spokeswoman.

    The announcement was made by Coca-Cola’s chairman, Muhtar Kent, at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting.

    Right now, one such kiosk exists, a pilot version in Heidelberg, South Africa. It is a shipping container with solar panels for power, a satellite dish for wireless communication and a Slingshot water distiller designed by Dean Kamen, the Segway inventor.

    Setup costs are an issue; for example, the first Slingshots cost more than $100,000 to build, but Mr. Kamen has said that he hopes volume will push the price below $2,000.

    Ideally, the Coca-Cola Company said, the kiosks will be run by women. Which products and services the company will charge for is under discussion; they could, for example, store vaccines and offer health education without cost while asking people to pay for water and cellphone charging.

    “We’re still working on the business model,” Ms. Levy said.

    Soft drink companies are often accused of contributing to the obesity epidemic and Coca-Cola has been criticized for expanding its line of sugary products into poor countries where nutrition is subpar and dental care is lacking. Coke executives have countered that their bottling plants supply clean water and small entrepreneurs make money selling their drinks. DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.

    theunhivedmind says:

    October 12, 2013 at 12:14 am

    Coca-Cola is a front company for the Central Intelligence Agency to get inside hundreds of nations as well as poison the peoples daft enough to drink the muck.

    -= The Unhived Mind




    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part One of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick

    This series going to deal with the following:

    ===Cocaine and Coca-Cola ===Coca-Cola and the espionage/mafia cartel ===Coca-Cola’s reputed spy apparatus inside their enemy’s camp in an important unpublicized blockbuster court case against the soda pop monster ===malign if not corrupt influence on the Courts ===Coca-Cola as “Big Brother” and the Echelon worldwide spy machine.

    From the beginning, Coca-Cola always had a trace of cocaine. Early in the 20th Century it became part of a now forgotten prosecution of the soda bubble water drink. Over the years, doctors treating stomach ailments quietly used a mixture containing Coca-Cola syrup base. Of course, NOT used by doctors, who knew the score, was the base for Pepsi-Cola, Royal Crown Cola, or for that matter, any of the other fizz drinks. Savvy sorts, when they ran short of Drano, knew to pour Coca-Cola down their home plumbing. The acids in Coke cleared the plumbing almost as good as the high-priced hardware store stuff. Nutritionists raised their eyebrows. What does Coca-Cola do to the human plumbing?

    Coke advertised with scenes of sports stars, speed boat enthusiasts, and such. To give the impression that Coke adds to a vibrant, healthy life. Yet Coke rightfully cannot make any nutrition claims. At least that is what their critics swear by and swear at.

    Hey, how come Drano and other pipe-uncloggers, do not also advertise with speed boat pictures, sports stars, and such?

    Some years ago, I interviewed on tape, a top official of the firm that makes the secret Coca-Cola base. That is Stepan Chemical, headquartered in the north suburb of Chicago, Northfield, and with plants elsewhere. They are the largest importer in the western world of coca leaves, used for Coke’s base. A by-product, as admitted by the Stepan boss, is cocaine sold by them to the pharmaceutical industry. Does any of it also slip by as contraband? In the 1970s, some alternative journalists began heckling cocaine-linked Stepan Chemical. He said he was aware of the criticism of Stepan regarding cocaine. He could not go into it too far, he said, because of reasons of “national security”. Or did he really mean, “Stepan security”? The bosses of Stepan have always been close to the Daley family that since the mid-1950s, with just a short hiatus, runs Chicago’s city hall machine.

    Early on in their history, The Coca-Cola Company assisted the U.S. in espionage. When the company set up bottling plants and distribution facilities in a new country, sent in were spy operatives. The place to hang their hat was the offices and plants, worldwide, of the much ballyhooed drink. The cocaine trace made it addictive. So did the sugar content, according to some nutritionist. With the U.S. Senate subcommittee hearings on Iran-Contra late in the 1980s, the CIA-Coca-Cola link was dealt with. In Nicaragua, for example, those with CIA, when the Senate subcommittee asked, where with local offices of The Coca-Cola Company. By the end of the 20th Century, Coke bought about a billion dollars a year in advertisements in the monopoly press, even more when you add up their so-called “independent” subsidiaries.

    Coke reportedly uses worldwide, mafia-type strong-arms to assure distribution and wreck competitors. Such as making soda pop competitors’ refrigerator units in stores to over-night, disappear. In some places it is the traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. In other places, former Soviet Secret Police agents the KGB, like in the U.S. and current Russia, called the mafiya. Elsewhere used reportedly are the numerous Japanese underworld, the Yakuza.

    Feeding on lush revenue of Coke ads, the press whores are not about to run news items or documentaries pointing out the reportedly close link between The Coca-Cola Company, covert operations of the American CIA, and the criminal cartel.

    A key player, reportedly combining covert operations and the soda pop, was Roberto Goizueta. A Cuban, he started with the firm at their Havana offices in 1954. From 1980 to about the time of his death in 1997, Goizueta was at the helm of the spy-pop witches brew, operating in most every place on the globe. Through stock options he became a billionaire.

    Goizueta’s father was a Cuban sugar plantation dictator. Cuba was the major source of cane sugar used in the cola drink. Because of the ferment for change, needed was a new front man in Cuba. Batista, and the mafia, and the wealthy criminal families sucking the sugar blood out of Cuba, had overplayed their hand. So the American CIA, with the help of their reputed Atlanta-based adjunct, The Coca-Cola Company, installed their darling, Fidel Castro, a popular hero. When, like Frankenstein’s monster, he turned against his creators, they plotted to overthrow Castro and assassinate him. It was 1961 and it was called the Bay of Pigs operation. The Coca-Cola Company and other old-time imperial firms having an entrenched interest to have Cuba as a puppet colony, participated with CIA. Aiding them was Claire Boothe Luce, wife of the boss of the Time-Life Magazine empire. With the American CIA actually since 1959, through his espionage front, Zapata Petroleum, was George Herbert Walker Bush. He aided as well the aborted mission. One of the attempted invasion vessels was named after Bush’s operations. Out of official government office was Richard Milhous Nixon. In 1961, he was the overlord for the planned invasion. Blamed for the aborted invasion planned actually by President Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy said as a punishment, he would scatter the CIA to the wind. CIA boss Allen Dulles, sacked by JFK, called him a “traitor”. Some say the JFK threats against CIA led to the plot to assassinate him.

    Some would simplify this story by pointing to Coke trying to change over greatly to a diet cola, as a way of breaking loose of filling the void once supplied by Cuban cane sugar, against which there was a U.S. embargo. By the end of the 20th Century, the major player in supplying the chemical sweeteners for non-Diet Coke, was Archer-Daniels-Midland. At the time of Watergate, the head of ADM was to have been prosecuted for secret participation in Nixon’s covert operations slush fund. Dwayne Andreas was too useful to the American CIA for them to allow him to be jailed. Like The Coca-Cola Company in the past, by 1999, ADM had an interest in putting their claws on Cuba. Through foreign subsidiaries, ADM had big investments in operating food refineries in Cuba, to exploit their agriculture abundance. ADM was the principal player for the faked propaganda bombardment and orchestrated event, to open up Cuba and drop the U.S. embargo. It was called the Elian Gonzalez affair. Only one lesser known publication dared spell out the ADM-Cuba-Elian Gonzalez link. In the spring of 2000, under a headline “How Did ADM Pull This Off?”, The Massachusetts News started their blockbuster item with “What is Archer-Daniels-Midland and why does it want to build another food refinery in Cuba? Where does it get its power?” The article went on to lambast ADM, “The company is a speculator in and processor of corn and other grains around the world. It has tremendous influence on politicians AND THE MEDIA.” (Emphasis added.) So the Elian Gonzalez affair was just a smoke screen. The story quotes Forbes Magazine 2/7/2000, and their headline “ADM PREPARES FOR LIFTING OF CUBAN EMBARGO”. Note ADM sponsors many of the mass media’s TV talk shows as well as PBS’s “Jim Lehrer News Hour”.

    The story of ADM and The Coca-Cola Company and a corrupt Chicago Federal Judge will be in a later part of this series.

    A major player in The Coca-Cola Company has been Warren Buffet. If you are naive and believe in fairy tales, then you believe he made his great fortune through crafty operation starting with a department store in Omaha. To heckle him, some of his critics pronounce his name,French-style, phonetically Buffay. Buffet became a major owner of Coke stock and held a position on their Board of Directors. Few, if any, dare even whisper that Buffet’s fortune is reportedly based on operating companies that are money laundries and propaganda horns for the American CIA. The list would have to include CIA adjuncts such as the Wells Fargo Bank, helping CIA’s Pacific basin operations, and the CIA-apologist, The Washington Post Company. (Read, if you can find it, Deborah Davis’ book, “Katherine the Great” about the Washington Post and the CIA.

    To understand Warren Buffet, who mouths off his wonders at universities training so-called would-be business stars, you would have to be a profound investigator, from mostly secret sources, on the worldwide dope trafficking by the American CIA. When you are knowledgeable on that, then, and only then, do you understand the financial buffoon, Warren Buffet. Is it a mere coincidence that his purported nephew, Jimmy Buffet, and his rock concerts seem to be part of making dope use fashionable? His band, The Corral Reefers, is a word play for narcotics. At his concerts, there is reportedly massive trafficking and use of dope. And the local corrupted police have the badge of the three monkeys.

    Some had misgivings about another purported relative of Warren Buffet, the once popular Art Bell, the middle-of-the-night talk show host. Bell was broadcasted on hundreds of major wattage radio stations in major markets, never known to broadcast the truth about the Federal Reserve, or political assassinations, and a lot of other suppressed topics. With his reputed heavy intelligence agency background, was Bell’s program just some more psychological warfare operations? In crude terms, was it just mindf–k?

    Late in the 20th Century, a strange series of events started targeting The Coca-Cola Company. Various European governments and the European Union began attacking Coke.===That Coke’s products in Europe are contaminated. Such as in Belgium and Poland, among others.===That The Coca-Cola Company usesw monopoly tactics to injure competitors. Such as in Italy.===Dawn raids on Coke’s offices and closing down their plants, grabbing up records and accusing The Coca-Cola Company of making people sick with their products.

    Is there a simple, though incomplete, unpublicized explanation for this epidemic of attacks on The Coca-Cola Company? The French CIA accused Microsoft of being a spy operation and proprietary adjunct of the super-secret U.S. National Security Agency, the signal intelligence spooks. Further, France and other European copuntries are accusing The Coca-Cola Company of being, like Microsoft, an adjunct and private company proprietary of the American CIA. Privitizing some of CIA’s operations makes it impossible to get possibly incriminating records, if at all, through invoking the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. You cannot force government disclosure, for example, of CIA’s private company proprietary adjunct, Wackenhut, a alter ego for CIA with more emplopyes and operations that CIA itself. )Spy Magazine, 9/92.)

    Further, France and other European countries are accusing Coke of using some of their methods and satellite operations to assist and as a cover for Echelon, the super “Big Brother” gobbling up most everyone’s private details and tracking, through key words, what most everyone communicates with anyone else in the world.

    Raiding Coke’s European plants and offices—claiming anti-trust violations and poisoning up the populace—is just another way of sending the Atlanta-based spy/soda-spitting rattlesnake the message We do not like American spies and vipers. More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Two of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick

    COCA-COLA’s reputed spies and the corrupt Federal Witness Protection Program

    First, a short lesson in court corruption.

    How do a series of secretly related court cases get onto the docket of one Judge? As a case is in the process of being filed in the federal district court clerk’s office, the case, under the rules, is supposed to be assigned by random selection, “blindman’s buff” they used to call it. But, after studying and investigating court corruption for over 40 years, I know the term to be used is RANDOM MAGIC.

    One of the first things we probe when we are on the trail of a tainted or suspicious case is How did THIS particular case get on THAT judge’s docket? We know from long experience, corruption starts with the assignment of cases. Another tell-tale sign is when THAT judge uses JUDICIAL PERJURY to “fix” the case in favor of a certain litigant. A judge under a malign if not corrupt influence inserts false so-called “facts” plucked out of the sky and not in the court evidence to justify their decision. In simplistic terms, the undisputed court evidence shows it is DAY. Operating under a corrupt influence, the judge proclaims it is NIGHT, and applies case law regarding NIGHT to support her decision. Judges operate by case law, that is, by prior landmark rulings or statutes which cannot obviously be changed or sidestepped that easily. So the corrupted judge changes the “facts” and applies case law to fraudulent facts. That in essence is judicial perjury. Not every case is the subject of malign influence. But, often the important ones are. Over the years, when we suspected a judge was corrupt, we examined their rulings to see if there are judicial perjuries. An honest judge, mis-stating the undisputed facts, would quickly correct wrong statements. A crooked judge, even when confronted (cowardly lawyers are chicken), refuses.

    Of the more than two dozen judges sitting in Chicago’s U.S. District Court, one judge, by some witchcraft, has assigned to her a string of cases with apparent concealed links. That is Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312)435-7608]. Among these, she has assigned to her, by apparent RANDOM MAGIC, the case of Robert E. Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The Coca-Cola Company, No. 97 C 190. For a number of years Kolody planned to sue Coke for stealing his intellectual property, designs he made for them. Kolody’s confidant, who befriended him over the years and insinuated himself into the matter for some 10 years has been a local lawyer who was always sympathetic to Kolody’s grievances against Coca-Cola and their adjunct, Simon Marketing. When Kolody retained an out-of-state attorney from Arkansas to represent him in 1998, the rules required the designation of an additional lawyer as “local counsel”. That trusted “local counsel” was Kolody’s long-time confidant Daniel V. Hanley, [(708)474-6633], of the Chicago suburb of Lansing, Illinois.

    All of Kolody’s legal strategies and plans and those of his Arkansas lawyer, Dan Ivy, were discussed in confidence with Daniel V. Hanley. But strange things were happening. Coke’s lawyers seemed to be able to “beat to the punch” Kolody and Dan Ivy, that is, heading off Kolody and Ivy’s legal strategies which, of course, are confidential and not to be divulged by his “local counsel” Daniel V. Hanley.

    And Judge Blanche M. Manning arrogantly committed judicial perjuries, which some common people call straight out lies about what this copyright case was all about. The Judge evidently knew that she did not have to be careful. She refused to wipe out her judicial perjuries when confronted by Dan Ivy.

    As an electronic journalist, on May 18,2000, I attended a hearing before Judge Manning when she failed to do anything about her judicial perjuries in the Coca-Cola case. Afterwards elsewhere in the courthouse in the presence of Ivy, I interviewed Daniel V. Hanley

    “Skolnick What sort of law work do you do, Mr. Hanley? Daniel V. Hanley General. Skolnick As you know I do for many years now a Cable TV Show each week. Hanley Yes, I know. Skolnick Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategy of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here? Hanley Yes. Skolnick Really? How could they know? Hanley My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola. Skolnick What does she do? Hanley She has been with a New York firm and now is in Chicago. Skolnick What firm is she with? Hanley (looked at Skolnick but did not answer.) Skolnick Do you think putting Bob here on my TV program about Coca-Cola would do any good? Hanley No. Skolnick So your sister understands all about this case?

    Hanley Yes.”

    “Whereupon Daniel V. Hanley left and Skolnick spoke to Dan Ivy. Skolnick Did you hear what Hanley volunteered as a statement? (Kolody had come over to the table and heard the portion, he said, of the colloquy where Daniel V. Hanley said his sister is media buyer for Coca-Cola.) Dan Ivy Yes, and we are shocked. Skolnick Well, this needs further investigation now that he volunteered this statement.”

    After another court hearing on July 6, 2000, when again Judge Manning failed to take back her judicial perjuries, I attended in court and interviewed Hanley again in the presence of Dan Ivy. “Skolnick So, do you think putting Bob on my TV Show will do some good? Hanley No. The time to put him on would have been two years ago at the time of the summary judgment. It’s too late now. Skolnick So Coca-Cola understands all about this case, through your sister. Hanley Yes. Whereupon, Hanley left.”

    The foregoing transcripts are contained in my signed Declaration attached to Kolody’s Motion for the Judge to wipe out all her rulings of substance because of the Fraud Upon the Court by the Judge and Coca-Cola’s spy in Kolody’s camp for ten years. [Motion filed 8/9/2000, in No. 97 C 190.]

    As I later discovered, Daniel V. Hanley’s sister, Mary Hanley, is Associate Media Director [(312) 552-6368] of the huge, worldwide advertising firm, DDB. [Visit their websitehttp// and click on their world directory of personnel for Chicago and Mary Hanley.]

    As I put in my Declaration in Court “The long-term custom, practice, and usage, in certain parts of the U.S. to purportedly purchase federal judgeships, has been a subject of investigations and commentaries by Skolnick and his closest associates, from 1966 to the present date. Skolnick has such a commentary on his website, http// , .Knowledgeable sources have informed Skolnick that the upwards of one million dollars to purportedly purchase the judgeship for Blanche M. Manning came from William F. Cellini via U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. Law enforcement personnel contend to Skolnick that Cellini, heavily active in gambling casinos, is reporrtedly a key player in the crime cartel.”

    More details from my court Declaration

    “Skolnick jointly with some of his associates in court reform, have been investigating the circumstances of a case pending before Judge Manning USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski, et al., defendants, No. 98 CR 923, U.S. District Court,Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. The circumstances show (a) Judge Manning, many times without notice conducted closed door and secret proceedings in the case; (b) ordered the censoring, by redacting of court and other transcripts; (c) Chicago Tribune Company petitioned, to intervene in the case as of right, for among other purposes, for access to sealed judicial records and transcripts of proceedings; (d) Chicago Tribune apparently never publicly disclosed their objections to the secret proceedings in the case. Some references to this situjation are contained in the case in No.98 CR 923, among other items, docket items No. 174, 175, 176 , 180, 182, 186, 192.”

    More “Informed sources contend that this situation is due, in part, to matters actually or bordering on so-called ‘national security’, in that involved in the trafficking of dope into Chicago from Florida and elsewhere was the use of dope couriers or ‘mules’ as they are known, of persons, some of them women, who also did work for the espionage agencies.”

    More “Daniel V. Hanley has also been the attorney for Danny Harkenrider, who owns and operates Shannon’s Landing, an Irish Pub, located with the property of the Chicago suburban airport in Lansing, Illinois. The place has been a reputed center for dope trafficking, inclujding through airplanes. Nothing is done about this by the usual dope enforcement authorities. FBI Division Five, Counter-Intelligence, has informed the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and other state and federal agencies, to take no action against the dope traffice. The excuse being that the FBI purportedly is tracking clandestine IRS activities through the airport and the said Pub; activities to raise funds for the IRS and gun-smuggling through the dope traffic. Harkenrider has had purported immunity in these acts and doings in thast his sister, Mary Yokich, was at one time on the third level from the top of the U.S. Justice Department, engaged in special investigations including involved in the Oklahoma City bombings. Some contend the Justice Department and the FBI, to avoid embarassing details coming out, suppressed details of the tragedy. Mary Yokich’s father-in-law is head of the powerful United Auto Workers union which in the past has throu9gh international affiliates, assisted the American CIA in covert operations against unions deemed unfriendly to American corporate interests worldwide.”

    It is clear that Judge Manning is busy covering up high-level corrupt government officials implicated in the dope traffic through the Chicago Police as in the Miedzianowski case. Another case assigned to Judge Manning by RANDOM MAGIC, is the case of USA vs. John Serpico, et al., No.99 CR 570. The defendants are labor bosses charged with racketeering, frauds and swindles, bank fraud, among other things. Through her apparent cover-ups, Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court record that Serpico has a business partner who is a top official of the Federal Witness Protection Program. Some claim that these gangster-like connections have caused several supposedly protected witnesses to be murdered by inside complicity. Thus high-level corrupt federal officials, including IRS officials in Chicago, are kept from being fingered because the witnesses against them are being murdered INSIDE THE FEDERAL WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM.

    Well-informed sources contend that one of the reasons Daniel V. Hanley volunteered the statement mentioned is that Hanley and his client, Harkenrider, are reportedly in the Federal Witness Prortection Program, or being considered to be taken in under the criteria set forth in the U.S. Justice Department Manual under the Witness Security Reform Act of 1984 jointly with other laws. Sources contend that Hanley and Harkenrider, because of their activities at the Irish Pub, at the Lansing, Illinois Airport, are being threatened from all sides (a) by the IRA not to co-operate with FBI Counter-Intelligence, Division Five, as protected witnesses; (b) by their knowledge that Judge Manning is keeping out of the federal court record in several of her cases, the corrupt operation of the Federal Witness Protection Program, and that Hanley and Harkenrider cannot expect to be actually protected as witnesses; (c) By The Coca-Cola Company, in that they have had an entrenched spy in the camp of a major copyright case, where Robert E. Kolody is sueing Coca-Cola and their marketing adjunct Simon Marketing now merged with a firm called Cryk; (d) by various corporate interests whose planes apparently convey dope in and out of the Lansing, Illinois airport with impunity, with stste and federal authorities playing the part of the three monkeys; (e) and threatened by the Drug Enforcement Administration agents who often occupy a table at Shannon’s Landing and also play the part of the three monkeys.

    It is perhaps ironic that the only non-threatening type that Hanley could confess to is Sherman H. Skolnick, a long-known, independent-minded court reformer and Cable TV Talk Show moderator/producer. Much more about Chicago Federal District Judge Blanche M. Manning and the highly-corrupt Federal Witness Protection Program involved in a string of cases she is covering up.Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Three of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick

    This series is dealing with the type of harsh realities uncovered by our research and investigation group over 4 arduous decades of our work.

    1. Sometimes whole groups of court cases are assigned, not by random selection, but random magic, intentionally to one or more judges part of “big fix”. And involved is a malign, if not corrupt, influence upon the judge. Knowing who it is that bought the chair for the Judge is one type of influence. Straight out bribery, another. And the major corruption, as we have repeatedly shown, is not in the state courts, but the big bucks federal courts. We have been showing as an example a group of cases assigned to Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608. FAX (312) 435-7578.] We have more details on her. And she is not the only one, just an example of the corrupted federal judiciary.

    2. Worldwide, major enterprises are secret adjuncts of the American CIA. Privitizing the spy agency avoids Freedom of Information disclosures. One example is Wackenhut. An example dealt with here is The Coca-Cola Company.

    3. Government agencies are supposedly set up to protect witnesses from harm in very sensitive caes. For instance, the Federal Witness Protection Program. But they seem to have been penetrated by criminal interests, so that key witnesses, that finger corruption of top IRS and DEA officials, are NOT protected, but terrorized, and on occasion, snuffed out. As we have specified, Judge Manning is covering up this situation in the case of USA vs. John Serpico et al., No. 99 CR 570. Serpico, a union purported criminal boss, is reportedly a business partner with a top official of the Federal Witness Protection Program.

    4. There are places that operate reportedly as a criminal immunity zone. Anything goes. The state and federal authorities play the part of the three monkeys. One such that seems to fit that description, reportedly is a business on the property of the Lansing, Illinois Airport, a suburb of Chicago. Called Shannon’s Landing [(708) 895-6919], it is an Irish pub. Who seems to use that place? Corrupt top IRS officials blackmailing their way into all kinds of deals. [Visit our website series on the crooked IRS bosses and their ocean-going money laundry boat, "California Rose".] Dope traffic through the airplanes there and such is used reportedly to raise funds for gun-smuggling, for purposes of the Irish Republican Army, IRA. Agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration often sit at that pub and hear and see nothing. The owner of the pub, Danny Harkenrider, is reportedly himself in the Federal Witness Protection Program or being considered under the criteria for such. Another one in that program reportedly or being considered for such, is a purported lawyer {he does not seem to practice much law), Daniel V. Hanley, of Lansing, Illinois [(708) 474-6633].

    Hanley is a purported spy inside the camp of a fellow, Robert E. Kolody, who sued Coke for theft of storyboards and designs, that is, his intellectual property. Apparently threatened from all sides, Hanley as the supposed “local counsel” for Kolody, confessed and volunteered to me, in the presence of witnesses, that Kolody’s court opponent, The Coca-Cola Company, gets to know his confidential legal strategies through Hanley’s sister, Mary Hanley, who is the media buyer for Coca-Cola. She is with a huge worldwide advertising agency in Chicago, DDB [(312) 552-6368. FAX (312) 552-2394. E-Mail].

    5. Federal judgeships, like state judgeships, are bought and sold. A known reputed criminal type bought Judge Blanche M. Manning the federal judge’s bench and chair she occupies in the U.S. District Court in Chicago. [Visit our website for our story on Buying Judgeships.] A million dollars or more was laid out.

    6. A major dope trafficking case, by random magic, was assigned to Judge Manning. She covered up the involvement of “mules”, dope couriers, some of them women, who also do espionage for the American CIA. USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski et al., No. 98 CR 923. The Chicago Tribune are fakers. As shown in the court record they are privately blackmailing Judge Manning, lambasting her for holding without notice or formalities, secret proceedings, censoring court transcripts and papers. Why does the WORLD’S GREEDIEST NEWSPAPER remain silent about all this in print or on their TV Station in Chicago, Channel 9, WGN-TV, or on their radio horn WGN Radio?

    7. In an extremely important anti-trust conspiracy case assigned to her, again by random magic, Judge Manning tried to go easy on top officials found guilty by a jury; top officials, that is, of the worldwide farm products refinery, Archer-Daniels-Midland. ADM is a super-duper advetiser in the monopoly press and controls numerous TV talk shows and such. They have as their puppet the “Jim Lehrer News Hour” on PBS. And ADM is big with supposedly “non-commercial” radio stations, NPR. Since a Rockefeller holds the key position with NPR, we call them National Petroleum Radio. ADM, like Coca-Cola years ago, is trying to put a grab on Cuba’s agriculture by forcing the U.S. to drop the embargo.

    By the way, the whole Elian Gonzalez Affair, played out on the ADM-dominated monopoly press, was to soften up the American know-nothings for ADM’s scheme being big investments in Cuba in food refineries to take advantage of Cuba’s agriculture abundance. Working on the other side of this propaganda trick reportedly was Jose Basulto, reportedly tied to the criminal combine that includes the family of George Herbert Walker Bush and his criminal-linked, oil-soaked sons. And linked to the American CIA.

    The case of the ADM officials is USA vs. Michael D. Andreas, Terrance S. Wilson, and Mark E. Whitacre. Michael is the son of the long-time ADM dictator Dwayne Andreas who should have gone to jail in the Watergate Affair. The government whistle-blower, Whitacre, himself an ADM official, wore a wire, and aided the FBI in setting up clandestine video and audio recording of the monopoly crimes. He was done in apparently with the connivance—here it comes again—of the Federal Witness Protection Program. It is case No. 96 CR 762.

    After a jury verdict finding the defendants guilty, Judge Manning nevertheless gave a light sentence to Andreas and Wilson and a more severe jail sentence to the whistle-blower, Whitacre, to scare such finger-pointers to shut up in the future or be dropped down the chute by the criminal-combine running the Federal Witness Protection Program. And as mentioned, Judge Manning in various cases is covering up the criminals supposedly dedicated to protecting government witnesses, actually persecuting and terrorizing key government witnesses. If that does not work, well, snuffing out witnesses is also the answer. Whitacre rots in jail.

    In June, 2000, the banker-judges on the federal appeals court in Chicago, did their own blackmail job on Judge Manning. They publicly ran over her in the case of Andreas and Wilson. They want to be sure she stays shut on the corrupted Federal Witness Protection Program in the several cases put on her docket by random magic. The appeals judges, primarily tied to the Rockefeller interests and not ADM, slapped her down, saying she gave too light of jail sentences to Andreas and Wilson, and sent it back for her to fix it up. Whitacre was not part of the appeal and is left as a thrown-in-the-garbage whistle-blower.

    ADM supplies the corn and other sweeteners to The Coca-Cola Company. So you see the common link to the cases on Judge Manning’s docket. ADM is a spy-apparatus themselves, just like Coke. In 1989, ADM wanted to put an armlock on the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. They were countered by the independent-minded young “pirates” who as speculators were running the places. ADM arranged to “buy” the federal prosecutors office to frame up 46 of these “pirates” on measly five dollar discrepancy matters. In an unusual procedure, ADM supplied to the federal government prosecutors undercover spies, trained by and for ADM in commodity and other dealing. ADM’s undercover provocateurs got “evidence” of the five dollar matters which was and is a common, accepted practice on the exchanges, not considered a crime at all. The federal prosecutors, practically on ADM’s payroll instead of Uncle Sam’s, destroyed the 46 young people quicker than shooting them.

    In 1992, I was sitting in my wheelchair in the front of the front row of the packed courtroom of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago. Before the oral presentation of the appeals, I tried to tell the wives of some of the Soybean Ten, that the three-judge panel to hear the appeal, was headed by a conflict of interest. That was Federal Appeals Judge Richard D. Cudahy. According to his mandatory financial disclosure, he is the richest judge in North America and owns and operates the Patrick Cudahy Trust, which is a speculation instrument in the commodity industry. Judge Cudahy upheld the severe jail sentences of the soybean traders.

    The relatives of the doomed speculators had hired, for about a million dollars, Alan Dershowitz, to argue their appeal. Before the hearing, when I tried to warn the relatives, they just insulted me “Who the hell are you, Mr. Skolnick? I answered, I am just a voice for justice in the wilderness, that’s all.”

    Hey, maybe you are floored by all these details. Maybe I should not tell you that the Russian mafiya plays a part in some of Judge Manning’s crooked decisions. Like Harkenrider is purportedly in with them. More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Four of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick

    Is the media monster. the Tribune Company, a reputed blackmailer of The Coca-Cola Company?

    Here is more that is boiling and bubbling out of that witches brew of a scandal implicating Coca-Cola. For background to this story, you should visit our website story about the Chicago Tribune linked to the criminal cartel, at least from 1910 to date, including the Trib using Al Capone as a labor consultant in 1930 to beat back a strike against the Tribune, and then again, in 1986, using gangster goons with attack dogs against the Trib’s own workers in a labor strike.

    With a charter for their Canadian pulp from the King of England more than a 100 years ago, and large ownership currently by the Queen of England and her dope traffickers, the Tribune Company are no angels. Neither are the Coca-Cola Company as an adjunct worldwide of the American CIA. The one who got in the middle between the Tribune Company and Coca-Cola is Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608]. In a theft of intellectual property case pending against Coca-Cola, Judge Manning has issued a series of “judicial perjuries”, as some call them, to corruptly favor Coke. [Robert E. Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The Coca-Cola Company, 97 C 190.]

    Plain-spoken folks call such things straight out lies by the Judge. In August, 2000, Judge Manning was confronted with a situation involving a spy infiltrating the camp of Coke’s court opponent, Kolody, thus becoming privy to Kolody’s confidential legal strategies against Coke. How did this happen, as identified in the Court record? Following a court hearing, I interviewed Kolody’s required “local counsel” in the presence of Kolody’s out-of-state counsel Dan Ivy

    “Skolnick Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategies of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here? Local counsel Daniel V. Hanley [(708) 474-6633] Yes. Skolnick Really? How could they know? Hanley My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola.” [Portion of transcript of interview attached to Motion for Relief Because of Fraud Upon the Court, filed 8/9/00. The term "fraud upon the court" is a profound principle of law that frightens cowardly members of the bar and corrupt members of the bench. It requires that the rulings on matters of substance by a judge acting under a malign, if not corrupt, influence, be expunged from the court record.]

    When I run into savvy cynics in or near courthouses, they just cackle. “Skolnick, you have often documented such problems. How can there be a fraud upon the District Court in places like Chicago, a court that is a long-known fraud itself?”

    To try to get around Kolody’s Motion for Relief Because of Fraud Upon the Court, Judge Manning issued a decision giving the Motion a false label, calling it a motion to disqualify the Judge. There is no such thing in the Motion. But this is typical of judges operating under a malign, if not corrupt, influence. [A gambling casino kingpin, reportedly part of the criminal cartel, reportedly paid one million dollars to BUY the federal judgeship for Manning. As stated in the filed Motion. Visit our web stories also about Buying a Judgeship.]

    And falsely calling the Motion by that name, Judge Manning said Kolody did not properly invoke the federal statutes for disqualifying a judge. So the Judge said Kolody’s Motion is no good. Any one examining the Court record could see the Judge is a plain rotten liar.

    In another case on Judge Manning’s docket, the Tribune Company has been blackmailing the Judge. In a moment you will understand why. It is a case of a dope-trafficking gang, Chicago-Florida, involving Chicago police and dope “mules” or couriers, actually many of them women also working for the American CIA. The Tribune filed a petition in the case saying they should be allowed to intervene as of right. Why? Because, says the Tribune, Judge Manning is conducting, without notice or legal formality, secret court proceedings. And Judge Manning is censoring court documents and transcripts, by redacting them, and similar secret methods. Judge Manning’s apparent purpose? To cover up the dope trafficking showing complicity by corrupt top-level IRS officials, and the kinky U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and the corrupted FBI, among others. [Visit our web series on corrupt IRS brass and their ocean-going money laundry boat.]

    The dope trafficking case is USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski, et al., No. 98 CR 923, U.S. District Court, Chicago.

    According to advertising agency sources, The Tribune Company, as a media empire, has a beef against The Coca-Cola Company which is being corruptly favored by Judge Manning with her paper tricks. [Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The Coca-Cola Company, No. 97 C 190.] The Tribune Company is sore at Coke because Coke’s media buyer,Mary Hanley, reportedly is not favoring Trib and their raft of newspapers, TV and radio stations and such, with the proper amount of advertising bucks. Get this straight the Tribune, no crusaders against corrupt federal judges, does not wish to assist Kolody but rather to strong-arm Coke.

    Just after the Fraud Upon the Court Motion is filed, Mary Hanley’s boss, the monstrous DDB advertising octopus, announces, in the Chicago Tribune, that Mary Hanley has been promoted to Senior Vice President and is group media director at DDB Chicago. [Chicago Tribune, George Lazarus' column, 8/15/00.] It appears that DDB is playing the part of press agent, to try to get the stink off the mess.

    And guess what? To further get away from the ruckus, Coca-Cola’s media buyer, Mary Hanley, identified as such by her lawyer-brother, just at that point, is leaving the U.S. for Ireland. [Mary Hanley (312) 552-6368. E-Mail]

    By the way, reportedly arranging such propaganda is an apparatus we call The Banquet Committee, suddenly honoring someone, such as person of the year and such, to counter a scandal. More later.

    We have, by the way, been commenting for some 40 years about media units blackmailing slow-to-comply would-be advertisers. The late George Seldes, a crusading journalist, wrote about this type of blackmailing in his book, “Tell The Truth and Run”. Since 1991, in our public access Cable TV Program in Chicago, we have spelled out numerous examples of pressfakers using blackmail to strong-arm ads. That is, threatening to run negative stories about a corporation if they fail to buy plenty of ads.

    In simple terms, the Tribune Company wants The Coca-Cola Company to throw more ad bucks its way. And twisting Judge Manning’s crooked arm [maybe even Mary Hanley's arm] is the way to start the finger pointing leading to loosening up Coke’s billion dollar a year advertising bankroll. [Some years ago, we showed how a local TV station in Chicago, Channel 5, WMAQ-TV, an NBC unit, did a series scandalizing Sears Roebuck & Co., basically because Sears was holding back ad bucks.]

    And get this angle The Miedzianowski case secretly involves the American CIA, details covered up by Judge Manning. The background of many of the Tribune Company’s correspondents and such is that they come out of U.S. Military Intelligence, the CIA’s competitor. So the Tribune Company has a number of reasons to privately blackmail Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning.

    Sarcastic sorts crow, if Coke does not bubble up with more ads for the Tribune Company—well, Tribune may order any Coke machines to suddenly disappear from Trib’s premises. Or sternly order Tribune employees to drink Royal Crown Cola instead. NOT Pepsi-Cola, falsely described as a “competitor” of Coke, yet Coke and Pepsi are run and owned by the same folks. Ha ha. Stories like this take the fizz out of the soda monster. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Five of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick


    It was set to be a crucial hearing in the media-ignored Coca-Cola case in Chicago’s federal district court. U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608] was determined NOT to hear in open court on August 22, 2000, that Coca-Cola had a reputed spy in the camp of their opponent, Robert E. Kolody, who was sueing Coke for theft of his storyboards and designs. In law, his claim is called theft of intellectual property.

    The monopoly press, beholden to major advertiser Coca-Cola, has purposely evaded reporting on this case. Kolody’s out-of-state attorney, Dan Ivy, had on August 9, bravely filed a Motion demanding the Judge expunge all her rulings favoring Coke, since the reputed spy reportedly conveyed confidential legal strategies of Kolody to his opponent, Coke. It is called Fraud Upon the Court, an unusual procedure that makes most of those of the bench and the bar plenty nervous. Kolody’s required “local counsel”, Daniel V. Hanley, the reputed spy, in the presence of witnesses, had confessed to me that Coca-Cola knew Kolody’s court strategies because Hanley’s sister is media buyer for Coca-Cola.

    The court-filed Motion with my signed Declaration attached, among other things, pointed out [1] That power-broker, and gambling casino overlord, WILLIAM F. CELLINI, reportedly paid one million dollars to buy in 1994 the federal court judgeship for Blanche M. Manning. The pay-off reportedly made through then-U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. [Braun lost the re-election in 1998 because of growing scandlas she could not explain away. As to Buying a Judgeship, visit my website.] Cellini reportedly is linked to the nationwide criminal cartel. [2] My Declaration transcribed two interviews, done in the presence of witnesses, of Daniel V. Hanley. [3] That the Tribune Company, parent of the Chicago Tribune, and their media empire, have been blackmailing Judge Manning by seeking to intervene, as of right they claimed, without publicity, in another one of Judge Manning’s cases. To point out that the Judge engaged in secret proceedings without notice, and censored and redacted court records, as part of an apparent cover-up. As later determined, the Tribune Company wanted to pressure Judge Manning, and Coke’s media buyer, MARY HANLEY, so Tribune would get more advertising bucks from Coca-Cola. With the merger with the Los Angeles Times, Tribune Company got more heavily in debt. Getting a big share of Coke’s billion dollars a year advertising slush fund would help Tribune Company and their banks.

    Prior to the show-down August 22 hearing, Judge Manning jumped the gun and rejected the Fraud Upon the Court Motion out of hand. The Judge issued a ruling loaded with what Dan Ivy later on August 22, described in court to her face, as her “judicial perjuries”. Identified by Dan Ivy were how, to try to cover up and evade, the Fraud Upon the Court, involving the Judge herself, that she sraight out lied. The Judge falsely described the Motion as one to disqualify herself. No such thing in the Motion. Ivy confronted the Judge with a string of her lies. The Judge resisted allowing the witnesses against the reputed spy to be heard. The witnesses were all present in the courtroom.

    Notice the time-line Prior to the key hearing, Daniel V. Hanley informed Kolody that Hanley’s sister, Coke media buyer Mary Hanley, is going out of the country, to Ireland. Would she be available as a witness? Her testimony could scandalize her company, DDB advertising agency, in matters that involve both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. [More later.] Prior to the key hearing, in a business column 8/15/00, in the Chicago Tribune, it is announced that Mary Hanley of DDB Chicago has been elected Senior Vice President and is a group media director.

    By the way, as Coke’s media buyer, Mary Hanley has tremendous clout as to who in the mass media get part of Coke’s billion dollars a year ad bucks.

    After resisting hearing the witnesses, Judge Manning suddenly leaves the bench, presumably to get instructions from “higher ups”. In the recess, six federal security patrol officers enter the Courtroom. An excuse supposedly is that the Judge will briefly divert a few minutes to sentence a jail-bird, in an orange prison jumpsuit, brought in through a side door. After the brief diversion, however, the federal police do not leave. Judge Manning then tries to intimidate me demanding I roll my wheelchair to the rear of the courtroom. I told her I am an electronic journalist and wish to be upfront to observe and hear good. One of the federal police stands up and started over to me, to forceably remove me. Under threat, I rolled over to sit right near one of the federals with his intercom in his ear.

    Suddenly the Judge changes her mind and the witnesses were called such as me. I was asked what I do. Looking right at Judge Manning, I told her I investigate crooked judges for the purpose of putting them in jail. Pointing to the reputed spy for Coca-Cola who confessed to me in the presence of others, I detailed what was said. The reputed spy did not, however, appear to deny my interviews with him about his sister.

    In the Kolody case, the two defendants are The Coca-Cola Company and their marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing. Simon’s alleged attorney was asked why she did not inform the Court that Simon had merged and is now part of Cyrk, Inc. The attorney, Jacqueline A. Criswell [law firm Tressler, Soderstrom, Maloney & Priess(312) 627-4000] told Judge Manning that she did not know of the merger.

    Apparently not adequately revealed in the Court record is that Criswell does NOT represent Simon Marketing but rather, the insurance carrier under an errors and omission policy carried by many corporations. And the name of the insurance company has not been disclosed in the Court record. Also, Cyrk has reportedly failed to inform the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of the Kolody suit as required by SEC regulations.

    >From all the known facts, it appears that there may be a scam underway to rip off the insurance carrier. No great surprise. Illinois and Texas are havens for pirate insurance companies aand havens for massive insurance frauds, because of crooked state insurance regulators. Coke appears to be fraudulently shifting the multi-million dollar damage claim against them, for theft of intellectual property, so their former marketing adjunct, Simon, would take the blame to be underwritten by the insurance company.

    Coca-Cola’s advertising agency DDB, may be part of a huge price-fixing and market-tampering mess. Advertising agencies become privy to tremendous financial and political secrets of their clients. Such as the market demographics. Data on profiling would-be customers. Price trends. Political trends that effect marketing products. Problems needed to be “fixed” and judges and others necessary to be corrupted, for the benefit of their clients. Where the product sells the best, so as to put a related business unit right nearby. Point-of-purchase strategies.

    Closely scrutinizing DDB’s website is helpful http//

    DDB, once called Needham, has been trying to stay low-key on the fact that they represent PEPSI-COLA at the same time they represent their alleged “competitor” COCA-COLA. That sort of an arrangement is both unethical and may well be a violation of the U.S. Anti-Trust laws. The purpose is to freeze out smaller companies like Royal Crown Cola and others, with Pepsi and Coke together controlling the prices among themselves, dividing up markets among themselves, setting the wholesale price per-case of soda pop in a way to screw smaller firms, and then jacking up the price for themselves, and similar federal price-fixing and market-fixing law violations. An open secret, never mentioned in the monopoly press, is that Coke and Pepsi are substantially owned and operated by the same people.

    Two days after the key hearing on Coke’s reputed spy, the Chicago Tribune continues their Blackmail Machine. The apparent purpose is not to help Robert E. Kolody fight the injustice inflicted on him by Judge Manning but rather, for the Tribune Company to continue to shakedown Coke’s advertising agency, DDB, to get more ad bucks for the Tribune empire of numerous print media newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, magazines, and a great number of advertising-sponsored websites.

    The Trib blackmail story was on their front page, 8/24/2000. The Tribune announced a matter that had so far been kept secret That there had been a huge Illinois State contract swindle prosecution that actually involved top officials of then-Illinois Governor Jim Edgar [1991-1999] “The list of those linked by prosecutors to the scandal but not charged included Michael Belletire, Edgar’s deputy chief of staff and later head of the ILLINOIS GAMING BOARD; JANIS CELLINI, Edgar’s patronage chief AND SISTER OF SPRINGFIELD POWER BROKER WILLIAM CELLINI…” (Emphasis added.)

    Notice the tie-in to the Coca-Cola case A gambling casino kingpin, reputedly part of the nationwide crime cartel, William F. Cellini, reportedly bought the Judgeship for Blanche M. Manning sitting in the Coca-Cola case. One of those reportedly covering up dirty business in gambling casinos for Cellini what later became head of the Illinois Gambing Board is now named as having been an unindicted co-conspirator. That is, the prosecutor, splitting hairs because of being corrupted or otherwise inflluenced, left him off the jhook. And then the Tribune names William F. Cellini’s sister, JANIS CELLINI, as one who somehow escaped being actually prosecuted and jailed.

    Do you suppose that William F. Cellini and the Coca-Cola gang and their ad bucks controller DDB, and Mary Hanley, media buyer for Coca-Cola, along with Judge Manning, got the message? See to it, they are told, that the Tribune Company gets their “cut” of the Coke billion dollars a year ad bucks, or else, more judicial dirt and Cellini scandals will be published.

    So what is next? The WORLD GREEDIEST NEWSPAPER suddenly and belatedly finding out that there is an insurance scam reportedly implicating a marketing adjunct of Coca-Cola? Or that DDB advertising agency is concealing an apparent horrendous price-fixing mess involving both Pepsi and Coke? Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Six of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick


    One of the hardest things to understand for poorly informed folks is that the law and the facts are not the controlling factors in important cases in Court. Mind you, not every case is corrupted or “fixed”. Too often, however, the big ones show signs there has been a malign, if not corrupt, influence on the Judge or Judges involved.

    Our court reform group, targetting court corruption, has been active for four decades. We know what to look for. The assignment of cases, is, to us, a key sign.

    We have been writing and commenting, and did a one-hour Cable TV Program, on the corruption in the case against The Coca-Cola Company, in Chicago’s notorious federal district court. With no exceptions, every judgeship in the place has been bought and sold over the years. [Visit onur website story, Buying a Judgeship.]

    The case against Coca-Cola was brought in January, 1997, by a Nebraska attorney, John DeCamp, with long prior experience with the American CIA. [The plaintiff, Robert E. Kolody, found it difficult to get a local attorney.] DeCamp was in a position to understand plenty. He was in a position to know that this important case in Chicago, involving claims against the soda pop monster for theft of intellectual property, storyboards and designs, would be difficult to continue. Any plaintiff’s attorney might get chewed up and spit out, especially by Coca-Cola, a worldwide adjunct and proprietary operation of the American CIA.

    By the corrupt process of random magic, instead of random selection, the Coca-Cola case was assigned to Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608]. And the road to reportedly blackmailing her, to favor Coca-Cola, was already built. Running on that road was waste hauler John Christopher who had a criminal past with reputed ties to organized crime. He agreed to be an FBI “mole” and to wear a “wire” to target some of Chicago’s City Officials, known as “the best that money can buy”. The FBI/U.S. Justice Department project was dubbed “Silver Shovel”. Screwing the residents in their own districts with poisonous waste, various city council Aldermen took apparent pay-offs or reportedly extorted pay-offs from Christopher, so he could illegally dump huge waste in their neighborhoods. Left-over construction junk. This was primarily or exclusively in poor black areas, with an empty lot or two, areas without financial or political clout. By the way, after the FBI dust had settled, the U.S. Government did NOT quickly offer to haul away all the toxic mess that Christopher unloaded, often right near populated inner city areas.

    “Silver Shovel” was a headlined scandal in the local press starting about January, 1996. By the time the Coca-Cola case got started a year later, City of Chicago Commissioner of Water, John Bolden, was targeted for federal criminal prosecution in “Silver Shovel”. His and the soda pop case were both pending before Judge Manning. Commissioner Bolden’s defense attorney, James Montgomery, was reportedly a close crony of Judge Manning. It was obvious to savvy sorts what might happen. Montgomery reportedly had ties of some sort over the years with Nevada gambling casino gangsters. Reportedly part of the crime cartel and a big-time owner of gambling casinos, William F. Cellini reportedly had bought the federal judgeship for Manning, paying some one million dollars through then U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun [D., Ill.].

    John DeCamp, in a position reportedly to understand a few things about Coca-Cola and the CIA and the Chicago federal judges, withdrew from the newly started case against Coke, in July, 1997. A few weeks later, started the federal criminal trial USA vs. John Bolden. Same Judge.

    Anyone knowing a lot about court knows that even trials by jury can be “fixed” or sabotaged by the trial Judge. Such as, by the Judge keeping out key evidence as being “inadmissible”, by manipulating the dates and circumstances of the jury procedures. By slanting the court procedures against the prosecutors and in favor of the criminal defendant. By scheduling the jury under peculiar circumstances. In September, 1997, the jury in the Bolden case came back with a split verdict. Guilty on tax evasion, wherein Bolden could get, at most, six months in prison. They acquitted Bolden on the more serious charges of extortion.

    John Bolden was a bigshot making as much as 90 thousand dollars a year as Commissioner of Water for City of Chicago. [And perhaps much more as pay-offs to influence his official position.] He was a big fish. The team that helped put together the charges against Bolden were and are livid. Why? They contend that Judge Manning, to go easy on Water Commissioner Bolden, got a financial benefit that some might construe as a bribe. The team, in plain language, grumbles loud enough for others to hear, that U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning is a crook, whose chair reportedly was bought for her by a crook, and that she belongs in prison, along with the one who bought her the Judgesghip. ]

    To understand this story fully, you have to understand the realities of political and financial power. Those who put together criminal charges are most often NOT concerned about bribes to Judges in CIVIL cases. So, if Judge Manning had been bribed or corruptly influenced or blackmailed in the CIVIL case, the one against Coca-Cola, well, the team is NOT concerned. In the Water Commissioner’s case, Judge Manning made the same mistake, however, as Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., in 1969. He had reportedly taken a huge bribe in a CIVIL case, involving a five million dollar claim regarding a pet food company. The matter, however, that instigated the federal criminal charges aagainst Judge Kerner was that he had been corrupted to turn loose the Silver-Hi-Jacking Gang, an important federal CRIMINAL case.

    A federal judge is a fool to counter the prosecutors in a federal criminal case. A federal judge who takes bribes or financial benefits or is corruptly influenced or blackmailed, in a CIVIL case, most likely stays peacefully and quietly on the bench until he or she retires or croaks.

    The other some two dozen U.S. District Judges that sit with Judge Manning in the federal courthouse in Chicago are just as corrupt as Manning. EXCEPT, they do not screw or sabotage or sabotage CRIMINAL cases. [This is not a blanket generality. I could detail their crimes as well, one by one.]

    Judge Kerner learned the hard way the number one unwritten law that applies to crooked judges YOU DO NOT SCREW AROUND WITH CRIMINAL CASES,only civil cases.

    Our group, by the way, was instrumental in getting Kerner put in prison. He was the highest ranking sitting federal judge to be sent to jail for bribery in U.S. history. Also sent to jail with him, by our work, was his crony, the former Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue, the highest Illinois state tax collector, Theodore J. Isaacs. When I publicly accused Kerner, he tried to get a fellow judge to jail me for contempt of court. Kerner held a press conference and all the local media carried his statement calling me a “liar”. But get this, he died an ex-convict. So who was lying after all?

    Here are a few questions to think about [1] Were and are Coca-Cola’s hotshot Chicago lawyers in a position to know that Judge Manning may be in big trouble and subject to blackmail, such as reportedly by Coke’s lawyers, because of her role in the Water Commissioner’s case. Coca-Cola’s attorneys are Ms Laura Beth Miller, of Brinks, Hofer, Gilson & Lione [(312) 321-4715], E-mail FAX(312) 321-4299. [2] Why is nothing done about Simon Marketing, a marketing adjunct of Coca-Cola and also defendant with them? The one in court that purports to represent Simon Marketing, reportedly actually represents the insurance carrier. Are they committing a fraud upon the court? Simon Marketing merged with Cyrk, Inc., not shown in the Court record. Purporting to represent Simon Marketing is Jacqueline A. Criswell (312) 627-4000 E-Mail FAX (312) 627-1717, of Tressler, Soderstrom, Maloney & Priess. [3] Why did Judge Manning have six federal police in her courtroom, to intimidate me, when I testified at a hearing as to my investigations in respect to Judge Manning and the Coca-Cola case? [4] The other judges in the federal courthouse with Judge Manning know better than to sabotage or corruptly screw up the prosecutors in a federal criminal case. How is it that she does not realize she on the road to possible disaster? Did she flunk out of Crooked Judge 101? The other crooked judges in her courthouse have all passed the test. They are each as corrupt as her but know how to survive as a corrupt judge.

    Cynics claim that the School for training Corrupt Judges how to survive, is financed, in part, by gambling casino loot. Wise bookies are refusing bets, however, on Judge Manning, a judicial school drop-out. Do we know who actually runs such a school? You betcha. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Seven of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick

    A real-life drama and the players

    ROBERT E. KOLODY- For upwards of ten years a local lawyer he trusted, DANIEL V. HANLEY, reportedly elicited from Kolody details of his legal strategy plans. Kolody contends that The Coca-Cola Company and their marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing, stole Kolody’s intellectual property, being storyboards and designs. Kolody had difficulty getting a Chicago-area attorney to pursue his claims. Since 1997, Kolody’s case has been in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, No. 97 C 190.

    In February, 1999, Kolody retained Dan Ivy, an outspoken attorney from Arkansas. As required under the local federal rules in Chicago, Ivy designated Hanley as “local counsel”, meaning Hanley has to be informed of all proposed court filings and procedures.

    SHERMAN H. SKOLNICK- As a long-time court reformer and TV Show moderator/producer I began investigating the Coca-Cola case. In May, 2000, in the presence of Ivy and Kolody, I interview Hanley

    Skolnick “Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategy of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here?”

    Daniel V. Hanley “Yes”.

    Skolnick “Really? How could they know?”

    Hanley “My sister is MEDIA BUYER FOR COCA-COLA.” (Emphasis added.) From the signed court Declaration by Skolnick and Skolnick’s court testimony made in the presence of Daniel V. Hanley, 8/22/00.

    After the May interview, I find out that his sister, Mary Hanley, is Associate Media Director at the advertising agency DDB, with offices worldwide. And get this DDB represents both Coca-Cola and their alleged “competitor” Pepsi-Cola, an apparent Anti-Trust violation situation.

    TRIBUNE COMPANY- As the parent firm of the Tribune media empire, the Tribune Company owns the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, and other newspapers around the country as well as numerous radio and TV stations. Tribune Company is reportedly trying to strong-arm COCA-COLA for more advertising dollars, by reportedly leaning on DDB. But Tribune has not been interested in publicizing the Kolody suit against Coca-Cola.

    U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE BLANCHE M. MANNING, Chicago- The Tribune, without publicity in their newspapers, radio, and TV, has sought to intervene in one of Judge Manning’s criminal cases to accuse her of secret proceedings and other unlawful acts and doings. [See previous parts of this series.] The apparent purpose? To blackmail the Judge and put pressure on Coca-Cola and DDB for more ad bucks, to relieve the Tribune’s huge debt overhang caused by merging with the Los Angeles Times.

    In a series of court-filed Motions by Kolody, he documents how Judge Manning has been stuffing the Court records with “judicial perjuries”, straight out lies used to justify arbitrary and corrupt rulings favoring Coca-Cola.

    GEORGE LAZARUS- As the Chicago Tribune’s long-time, widely-read columnist on marketing and advertising, Lazarus on 8/15/00, runs an item “Mary Hanley, a group media director of DDB Chicago, was elected a senior VP of the agency” and includes a picture of her.

    MARY HANLEY- Selected to be a top official of DDB Advertising, she is reportedly unavailable to be a witness at an important hearing in Kolody’s case set for 8/22/00. Her brother, DANIEL V. HANLEY tells Kolody and Skolnick, in a conference call, that Mary Hanley is leaving the country for Ireland. Later, Hanley tells them she will be back in 15 days. [Is there a link to the IRA? See previous parts of this series.]

    While Kolody is listening on the phone, Skolnick interviews JILL ZEMANSKI, private secretary of Mary Hanley. Jill confirms that Mary Hanley represents COCA-COLA COMPANY.

    THE HEARING ON AUGUST 22, 2000- Informed by attorney Ivy that there are in Court present two witnesses, Skolnick and Kolody, prepared to testify that Judge Manning is committing a fraud upon her own Court in the Coca-Cola case, Judge Manning brings into the courtroom SIX FEDERAL POLICE to menace and intimidate Skolnick sitting in his wheelchair.

    The purpose of the hearing? For Judge Manning to hear and consider whether she herself has committed a fraud upon her own Court through the Judge falsifying the facts and filling the Court records with her “judicial perjuries”. The Judge does NOT seem to understand that such a hearing with her presiding, is outlawed by Anglo-Saxon law, that is, for a person TO SIT AS A JUDGE IN THEIR OWN CASE.

    Ivy tells the Judge that the remedy he and his client Kolody seek is for the Judge to expunge from the Court records all of Judge Manning’s rulings favoring The Coca-Cola Company and Simon Marketing. Judge Manning said she will take the matter of her own fraud upon the Court and instances brought up of newly discovered evidence, “under advisement”. [The foregoing is shown in the Report of Proceedings of her Court, of 8/22/00.]

    Following the hearing, the Broadsides Cable TV Program sends an envoy to Tribune columnist GEORGE LAZARUS informing him what is happening in Court as to The Coca-Cola Company, Mary Hanley, and DDB advertising. He expresses an interest that he is going to follow up the matter for his column. [Or, are his bosses at the Tribune intending to over-rule him and pursue thair reported blackmailing of DDB, Judge Manning, Coca-Cola, and others, to shake-down more ad bucks for The Tribune Company?]

    In a Court order dated 8/29/00, Judge Manning issues a nine-page ruling with more of her falsified facts and “judicial perjuries”, contending she finds that she has NOT committed a fraud upon her own Court. [An obvious ruling by someone sitting as a Judge in their own case.] As to some of the prior rulings, Ivy files a Notice of Appeal on August 31,2000.

    Among the issues involved in the case against Coca-Cola That the Coca-Cola Company allowed their copyright to lapse and it is now owned by Kolody as shown by documents of the U.S. Copyright office. That Coca-Cola has in respect to this litigation committed a fraud by not reporting it to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that regulates listed stock such as that of Coke.

    Several weeks in the works was a story published in the much-watched Tempo Section of the Chicago Tribune, usually published on a Thursday. Published on Thursday, September 7, 2000, was a lengthy Tempo story about various other soda pop companies. In quoting a seller of a flavored foreign pop called Tarhun “People believe Tarhun is good for you and Coke is bad for you”. Then further quoting the seller, “For instance, have you ever seen what happens when you put a chicken liver in a glass of Coke?” In so doing, the Tribune was taking a swipe at Coke to reportedly shake them and DDB down for more ad bucks.

    While they were commenting, the Tribune could have added that Coca-Cola can be a substitute for DRANO to clear out your home plumbing.

    The very next day, Friday, September 8, 2000, player GEORGE LAZARUS was found dead on the commuter train he took each day to the Tribune offices. In a lengthy story Saturday, September 9, 2000, a sort of obituary, headlined “Veteran Business Columnist George Lazarus Dies”, the Tribune stated “His daily column, put together through an indomitable force of will for 39 years, all but 11 of them at the Tribune, was practically Holy Writ for executives in the marketing and advertising business in Chicago”.

    Then the Tribune adds this strange sort of cynical humor “WE WERE SURE HE WAS HIDING IN OUR RESTROOMS”, said DDB WORLDWIDE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER KEITH REINHARD. “MANY TIMES, WE COULDN’T FIGURE OUT HOW HE GOT THE STORY.” (Emphasis added.) Did someone plant that item in that obituary to take the glare of possible foul play off of themselves and DDB and the Tribune and all the matters discussed in this series?

    The Tribune story stated, “A Metra [commuter train] employee found him Friday morning, slumped in his seat on his way to work, his customary collection of morning newspapers still in his lap. He had died on his morning commute from his Flossmoor home to his office downtown.”

    Some of his buddies, however, have confided to us that they are convinced that GEORGE LAZARUS was murdered. One media homcho, poorly informed and naive, said “Was he shot with a gun?” a foolish question in the current era of political assassination. [Evidently, they never read the reports by CIA to Congressional intelligence committees about cyanide pistols and potassium killer devices.]

    Did the Tribune want their own reporter DEAD? There is the unsolved crime of about 1930, involving a Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle, who was shaking down mobsters and others to hush up stories. He was bumped off by being shot in a public place. {It may be a small item but Lazarus lived among the numerous hoodlums in the south suburb of Flossmoor.]

    So you thought that mass media reporters are only knocked off in Mexico? Ha, ha. Lazarus was reportedly pursuing some of the issues raised by our series Was the highly corrupt U.S. Justice Department going to finally take an interest that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are owned and operated by substantially the same people? That they are a price-fixing monopoly designed to wreck other smaller soft drink beverage firms like R C Cola. And that DDB advertising represents both of the two major soda pop companies, Coca-Cola and Pepso-Cola.

    So how many more are they going to have to assassinate to cover up the Coca-Cola espionage and corruption scandals? Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Eight of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 8/23/01


    McDonald’s Hamburgers, a worldwide chain as a purveyor of Coca-Cola, is caught up supposedly in an embezzlement racket. The Bush Justice Department has focussed on an employee of McDonald’s long-time marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing, their Chief of Security. The FBI says it involves rigging and siphoning off a purported 13 million dollars from McDonald’s prize contests.

    Sources in narcotics law enforcement and the field of Federal criminal prosecution contend, however, the true nature of the scandal is being covered up by the George W. Bush Justice Department. Sneering at and hooting at the Bush Justice Department, they tell confidants that they call the U.S. Attorney General “John Ashcan”, to signify a continuation, they say, of cover-up artist Janet “Butch” Reno.

    Those ahead of the curve say that patriotic Americans must leave their cocoon of denial. Howsoever it has happened, the biggest business in the United States is the distribution of dope principally from Southwest China and Colombia. It exceeds any business you can mention. IBM and General Motors, by comparison, are childrens’ lemonade stands.

    A full understanding of the profound and complex details would convince any reasonable person that what appears to be only the crimes of misappropriation of game prize monies are really an epidemic of corruption that reaches up to America’s highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Some background. The matter revolves, in part, around a Massachusetts-based games promotion firm, Cyrk, Inc., and through a complicated series of mergers and moves, to Simon Worldwide, Inc., and division, Simon Marketing. The founder of Cyrk, a Balkans-linked marine biology professor whose hobby was graphic design, picked a Slavic word for the name of the firm, meaning CIRCUS. Has it become a misleading if not evil three rings of criminality?

    The business formed a partnership with Asian trading company, Li & Fung which acquired a one-third interest in the company. This deal gave Cyrk access to the trading company’s manufacturing arrangements in Asia. The nature of the business had reputed links that were part of the British opium dynasty, that sought to subjugate China starting in the 19th Century. Among the reputed links to Simon Marketing are the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank which financed the opium trade starting more than 150 years ago. In recent years, in a taped interview, the manager of what was the bank’s unit in Chicago clearly admitted the same to us. The bank’s parent, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Corp., HSBC, was in the process of merging in 1999, with the reputed international criminal banking center, tied to the Russian mafiya and Colombia/U.S. dope cartel, Republic National Bank of New York, headed by international gold smuggling tycoon Edmond Safra. In the midst of the merger dealings, Safra was apparently murdered in his lavish villa in the smugglers’ haven of Monaco. The crime against the ailing Safra was blamed, some claim falsely, on one of Safra’s male nurses. [Visit our website story, "Murder In the Gold Market"].

    The dope smuggling business from the Orient, starting at least in the 19th Century and continuing to this date, reportedly was and is overseen by the Inchcape Family, long-time operators in the Pacific basin and elsewhere of shiplines, banks, and other financial and transportation entities, from the Orient to America.

    [For an extensive historical and current round-up of this Family's reputed criminality, with references to little-known publications and government reports, see the various editions of "Dope, Inc.", New Ben Franklin House, New York, N.Y.]

    In 1997, Cyrk consummated a licensing agreement with Ty Inc., the maker of Beanie Babies. It was part of McDonald’s Hamburgers marketing and advertising agenda directed at enticing young children into their fast food chain stores. Described in some press reports as secretive, Oak Brook, Illinois-based Ty Inc., is presumed to be run by its purported sole owner Ty Warner who as president and founder of Ty Inc. is an investor in Simon Worldwide, Inc. [Oak Brook is in Du Page County adjoining Cook County and Chicago. Law enforcement personnel confirm that Oak Brook is the new center for the Old West Side Chicago Mob. Frank Sinatra and a host of known criminal-types were the original stockholders reportedly of Oak Brook Development Company. Cynics crow it is a natural place, under the circumstances, for McDonald's and Ty Inc.]

    With Cyrk, and Simon, and McDonald’s and McDonald’s advertising agency DDB Chicago, was set off a clever latter day version of the Dutch tulip craze. [See the book, "Extraordinary Popular Delusions & The Madness of Crowds" by Charles MacKay et al., paperback reprint of historical book, 1995.]

    For reasons that defied intellectual logic, the Beanies Babies became an industry, with the buying and selling of them causing, for a while, astronomical prices. Particularly after Ty Inc. in a highly secretive move, shut down their website and then announced they were retiring every one of its Beanies Babies, the plush collectibles. That was December, 1999.

    The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Customs were reportedly aware but took no enforcement action as to what some contend is the real nature of the pellet-contained bean bags, a major export item from Red China to the U.S. The Red Chinese had apparently developed a process to pelletize dope. And then later, how to undo the process as to result in the successful marketing of narcotics. Through bar-codes on the boxes the bean bags were shipped in, it was possible that agents of the drug cartel could sort out those that were harmless from those containing pelletized dope that could NOT be detected by dope-sniffing dogs.

    [For more of a background on this, visit our extensive website series, "RED CHINESE SECRET POLICE IN THE UNITED STATES".]

    Former DEA officials and others presently or formerly in dope law enforcement assert they would have liked to have the arrangements, through the U.S. Justice Department, to question before federal grand juries, all those involved with McDonald’s in the importing of the bean bags. Of course, under the American Constitutional principles, Ty Inc., McDonald’s Hamburgers, Cyrk, Inc., Simon Worldwide, Inc., and Simon Marketing are presumed innocent until proven otherwise. And it should be expected for them to vigorously deny knowledge of dope criminality.

    The FBI, the Justice Department, and the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press did not bother to explain that in arresting the Chief of Security of Simon for misappropriating game prize monies, that this was not some lowly guard-shack employee. In a business like Simon, the Chief of Security is not a low-level person but a top-drawer official. That official was reportedly from Wackenhut, a huge adjunct to the American CIA. [See "Spy Magazine", 9/92, as to Wackenhut having far more people than CIA. This so-called private proprietary of the spy agency is to evade Freedom of Information requests.]

    Another business caught up ostensibly in the bigger scandal of which the game prizes are a tiny part, is Yucaipa Companies. Yucaipa owns 70 per cent of Golden State foods, one of McDonald’s Hamburgers largest food suppliers. Yucaipa also is an investor in Simon Worldwide, Inc.

    An interesting sidelight is how Rev. Jesse Jackson apparently pressured Yucaipa to reward Jesse’s mistress, Karin Stanford, by paying her as a purported “consultant”, ten thousand dollars per month. {See, Chicago Sun-Times, 1/26/2001.]

    Some of the illicit dealings of Simon Marketing have come out in a suit where they and Coca-Cola are named defendants. The suit, pending in Chicago’s federal courts also involved a fraud upon the court by Judge Blanche Manning hearing the case. The attorneys for Simon Marketing’s liability carrier, referring to themselves as “attorneys for Simon Marketing”, had originally stated in Court in the lawsuit, that they did not know of Cyrk. Later, the same lawyers, exposing their false prior statements, said they DID know of Cyrk.

    [To understand more about McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and DDB Chicago their advertising agency, visit the prior parts of this series.]

    It should be obvious from the details of those that have overseen McDonald’s Hamburgers and Coca-Cola’s advertising and marketing agenda, that such entities and their top officials most likely were in a position to be aware of the criminal mess confronting McDonald’s marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing.

    In further parts of this series will be detailed how the McDonald’s “embezzlement” scandal is really the dope rackets of the U.S./Colombia dope cartel. And visit our website story, “The Chandra Levy Affair, Part Two” as to dope king Carlos Lehder and his business partners the Bush Family. When the details are all laid out, it would be obvious the scandal reaches all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Nine of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/22/03


    There is one subject lawyers do not generally study at all. That is, Fraud Upon the Court, implicating the Judges themselves. After all, lawyers are Officers of the Court, pledged and sworn to uphold and respect the Courts. Corruption and bribery, invol ving the Judge themselves, are a rarity; and lawyers do not wish to get caught up in it.

    The biggest judicial bribery scandal in American history was caused by me as a non-lawyer, self-educated in Law. In 1969, in a little-known or understood procedure, I invoked the same directly confronting most of the Judges on Illinois’ highest state tr ibunal. Instead of denying the accusations, the Illinois Supreme Court ordered a local Judge in Chicago to grill me as to how our group, of which I am the Founder and Chairman, since 1963, goes about investigating court corruption. That is, the Citizen’ s Committee to Clean Up the Courts.

    If I did not detail our methods, I was informed, I would be sent to prison for a judge-invented offense, created out of the mists and vapors of antiquity, called contempt of court. It was an extreme burden and jeopardy thrown upon me.

    As most of the judges and lawyers knew, and anybody could see, I was a paraplegic in a wheelchair, from infantile paralysis, called polio, since childhood. I get about haltingly if at all, on crutches and heavy metal braces. I use a wheelchair. When I r efused to divulge our investigative methods, they ordered me to prison. The Sheriff’s Police had a problem. They did not know how to put a wheelchair-bound person into the heavily-armored vehicle, called a paddy wagon. They were set to take me away, to demean and humiliate me, as if they had caught the biggest bank-robber in American history.

    The only thing about banks was that the state high court judges had been fingered by me for having been bribed to turn loose the head and major stockholder of a bank across the street from their Chicago office. The banker was in their court on criminal conviction. He had been the top state tax collector, Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue. Founded by him, the bank called Civic Center Bank was named for the courthouse across the street. The bribery involved the State high court Judges, a long with nine name-brand gangsters, brought into the Civic Center bank as owners, as a pay-off.

    Unfortunately, this secret has been typical of American justice, Banker-Judges, throughout the land and history. And I knew all about it. The picture of the police and their difficulty in hauling me away to jail ended up in August, 1969, in Time Magazine. The uproar caused the state high court to be swept away into near-oblivion. More than thirty two years later, was published a book by a Law Professor, carefully detailing what had happened. (“Illinois Justice” by Kenneth A. Manaster, 2001.)

    Shortly after the state high court mess, the highest ranking sitting federal Judge in the nation’s history, formerly Illinois Governor, a paid-off owner of the Civic Center Bank; he was then sitting on the Chicago federal appeals court; he together wi th the State top Tax Collector, were both sent to prison for bribery as a result of our work. To this day, many federal judges together with the bosses of the State Revenue and top brass of the U.S. IRS deeply hate our guts for having caused this.[Scrol l down our website for our series on IRS top-level corruption, including a boat the tax collector bosses use as an ocean-going money-laundry, called "California Rose".]

    Most all the judges ever sent to jail for bribery and related offenses, in the nation’s history, were clapped away in the last forty years, as a consequence of our work. And in the whole history of the courts in this country, there is only one other pu blicized instance of investigation of Fraud Upon the Court implicating the Judges themselves. It was a fraud by the Judges themselves, upon the U.S. Court of Appeals in the 3rd Circuit, in 1948.

    I have been a key witness in the court corruption and related media corruption involving the Chicago case against Coca-Cola Company by a advertising storyboard creator, former owner of a video/advertising production company, Robert E. Kolody. As to the court corruption, I have been a witness in the Kolody case against Coca-Cola which started in Chicago’s U.S. District Court.

    Our group’s research and investigations aided in the Motion to Investigate Fraud Upon the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit Perpetrated by the Judges Themselves of Said Court, and the companion, overlapping matter of Fraud Upon the U.S. Supreme Court.

    The matter has been filed, September 22, 2003, by being sent to the Clerk of U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and is thus, under the rules, considered as filed on September 22, 2003. The prefacing court-req uired Notice of Motion, the Declaration, and the Service List, together with the Motion itself, are included below. The voluminous Exhibits are expected to be ON-LINE and posted shortly thereafter.

    Kolody Court Motion_1A.doc

    Kolody Court Motion_1B.doc

    Kolody Court Motion Distribution List.doc

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Ten of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/4/03

    Some have come to know about the Patriot Act and Homeland Security. That seems to authorize secret proceedings. Seldom mentioned, however, is that some years ago has been set up in the U.S., a series of nationwide secret tribunals. In and out of the law trade, few know or understand the workings. Few, if any, are skilled in tangling with this already set up apparat.

    Notice the particulars

    [1] They are housed in supposed federal facilities or federal office buildings.

    [2] Their headquarters are not in a known room or group of rooms. They have, if at all, only a general address.

    [3] They have no records available to the public, referencing what is pending there, what determinations are made and have been made there, and who all are effected by the clandestine operations.

    [4] There are no records available to the public adequately showing who all sit there, and when, and under what circumstances.

    [5] Witnesses supposedly “voluntary” or actually abducted and brought there, with or without a so-called “legal” subpoena or warrant, are grilled by methods used by Royal tyrants centuries ago.

    [6] What do this series of secret tribunals supposedly do? They purport to investigate instances of bribery of federal judges and related corruption. It appears to be a giant whitewash machine, in the dark hole of limbo.

    In Chicago, for example, they are the Judicial Council of the Seventh Circuit, involving the federal courts of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Each Judge on the U.S. Supreme Court actually wears two hats. First, they are, of course, a Justice on the high court. Secondly, they are the supervising Circuit Justice of one or more of the federal court circuits. They are more or less the “orchestra leader” of the secret tribunals, apparently operating outside the re gular court system, known as Judicial Council of [such and such] Circuit.

    I have been a court reformer more than forty six years. For more than forty years, I have been the Founder/Chairman of a court-reform group, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts. Among other things, through volunteer associa tes and investigators worldwide, we compile data on financial and espionage matters. Why? Because we are about the only ones who use the label Banker-Judge to describe important judges who are interwoven& nbsp;with the financial system and Aristocracy, and some, who are entangled with the Espionage Cartel, the American CIA, and other spook agencies.

    For example, our investigations of banker-judges touched off, in 1969, the biggest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history. It caused the highest state court of Illinois, that is, the Illinois Supreme Court, to be toppled almost into oblivion. By 2001, a law professor wrote a book all about it, “Illinois Justice” by Kenneth A. Manaster. One of about the only judges having a kind word publicly about me, after all me being a judge-buster, is shown in a picture on the cover of the book talking to me. That is, John Paul Stevens, who since 1969, became a Judge on the U.S. Supreme Court.

    He wrote the forward to the book mentioning me.

    Because of the four decades of the work of our group, I have to, from time to time, set forth my credentials, to make matters clear to others. I try very hard to remain humble and not brag There have been only about two persons with wo rking knowledge of the Judicial Councils. One was a very rare honest Chief Judge of a U.S. District Court. He dared make proper rulings, based on evidence and witnesses on trial in his Court, lambasting Big Oil. A Judicial Council in his Circuit, on&nbs p;behalf of the petroleum monopoly, took away his entire docket of cases, destroyed him, and stole everything from his office. And the 24-hour security patrol would not thereafter talk to him, to explain how his office and all its records could thus be carted away. [Details are in the recently published book, "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick.]

    I seem to be the only other one who understands something about this secret Gestapo, the Judicial Council. They operate beyond the Bill of Rights. [Do we all understand that the Bill of Rights was reluctantly against great resistance a dded to the basic U.S. Constitution, to shield Americans from tyranny by a central government?]

    Some years ago I confronted the dictators operating as the Judicial Council of the Seventh Circuit, in Chicago, Illinois. My detailed court papers, setting forth their crimes, completely disappeared from the U.S. Supreme Court. [Sherma n H. Skolnick, petitioner versus Judicial Council of the Seventh Circuit, respondents.]

    Our group did much of the investigations and research that on September 22, 2003, was filed as Motion to Investigate Fraud Upon the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Perpetrated by the Judges Themselves. As shown in the de tailed document, among other things, I was a key sworn witness in the matter. I obtained the confession of a local attorney who was apparently a spy in the camp of the one who sued Coca-Cola. He admitted his sister was “media buyer for Coca-Cola”. Among the details was the matter of cocaine, a by-product of the massive processing in the U.S. of coca leaves for the secret base of Coca-Cola. Some of the cocaine in the U.S. actually is NOT smuggled in but is created within the U.S. There is “leakage” int o non-legal channels of cocaine and implicated in the same has been George Herbert Walker Bush, a director of a pharmaceutical firm, and a federal appeals judge, later chief Judge, installed on the bench by Bush in Chicago.!

    There has been a Coca-Cola connection to bribery of judges and espionage, as stated in the court papers. For example, this was the route for corrupting at least two U.S. Supreme Court Judges of the 5-Judge majority that arbitrarily ins talled George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House. Some call it the infamous Bush versus Gore litigation.

    Attached hereto is a copy of the fraud upon the court matter, implicating Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court. in Chicago, the corruption involved ALL the Judges of the federal appeals court, sitting in what they call “en banc”. Cynics sa y it should be called, all the Judges sitting in the Coca-Cola/U.S. Supreme Court Bank.

    So now there is a one page document and the envelope it arrived in, showing the secret tribunal has plundered and swallowed up, the whole high court/federal appeals court bribery mess. What is the secret tribunal matter name or number? Where is the docket reference? Who all sits there?

    The attached copy is cryptic. For convenience, it is reduced in size and the envelope is shown as well. Click HERE to view.

    More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Eleven of a Series

    Pepsi-Cola is Really Coca-Cola?

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/6/04

    From ancient times onward, there have always been certain ways of getting things done. By way of defeating your enemy, you send spies to infiltrate your enemy’s camp. Or, as an alternative, to control what you perceive as the know-nothings, you set up a false “enemy”. AND, claiming the “enemy” is formidable and threatening the nation, what do you do?

    Before we continue on this topic, we first must define and identify terms. By YOU, I mean the Establishment, “the powers that be”, the Aristocracy, the Ruling Class. And, of course, to do your sneaky, treacherous dirty work, you have your stooges, to be later scape-goated when necessary, to protect and perpetuate your power and your position.

    So, by way of supposedly “protecting” the great unwashed, the shirtless ones, against a created “enemy”, you put huge on-going obligations on the backs of the populace. You clip the corners of your gold coins, you cheapen your paper money, and raise huge armies and cause your war-mongering industries to invent and produce the latest weaponry at several times the price of civilian-type devices.

    Further, you lure volunteers into being your warriors, promising later benefits (eventually reneged on) to those hungry for employment. As a last resort, you require all those reaching military age to register with agencies of the central authority. This, so you can, as needed, set up boards of compulsion, conscripting those who are too proud to run away from their “patriotic duty” to be maimed or slaughtered on some faraway battlefield that many young people cannot find on the map. That is, their “duty” to protect the elite, the plutocrats, and their assets, or crudely described as protecting their asses.

    And this, against a background of drum-rolls of guarantees, that the rich and the poor alike, have the equal right to sleep under bridges when it rains.

    Is it any wonder, then, that large financial interests, likewise, have certain ways of extending and consolidating their power and control?

    Early in their history, the Rockefeller monopoly rid themselves of their obsolete facilities. How? By claiming their competitors, their supposed “enemy”, bombed the Rockefeller plant. Left unsaid, except by a pitiful few anti-cartel crusaders, was that the Rockefellers created and controlled this false enemy to fool those who relied too heavily on the popular press, owned as well by the Rockefellers. By the way, to give the image of “law”, the Rockefellers bought the Pennsylvania State Legislature, owning all the representatives. Sound familiar?

    And for centuries, this sort of way of controlling and creating events, has been played out against a vast panorama of idle jargon and slogans. “We are, after all, a nation, not of men, but of LAWS.”

    By repeated propaganda, a mindset is put into the mental software of the commonfolk. Namely, that the men and women who adjudicate our rights, privileges, and immunities, together with our claims, on occasion, against the entrenched, large corporate interests—that those who pass judgment on us peons, are all, most certainly, deities. For, take note of the scene. They sit, after all, in their black and austere robes in a high-ceilinged royal chamber, on a throne.

    In their opinion, if we dare insult their divine-like authority; then, from the mists and vapors of antiquity, they draw out their battle-axes and chains, and have us thus hauled away to prison, for “contempt of court”.[As the writer of this story I know directly. In some eight times in forty six years as a court reformer, wheelchair and all, I have been hauled away to prison, not for crimes, but for "contempt of court", for directly accusing the judges of specific bribery and corruption. In each case, I was later vindicated, and the judges I accused were removed from the bench or sent to prison for bribery. Many of them later died as ex-convicts.]

    Appeals, if any, go up through a church-like heirarchy, the head tribunal of which has a demeaning set of their own rules. The common Americans have no right to enter the U.S. Supreme Court seeking remedies. A petitioner has to file a “begging” petition, “praying” to be allowed to enter this holy of holies. This type of plea on bended-knee, is called by the ancient term of Petition for Certiorari.

    In October of a recent year, at the opening of the high court term, sixteen hundred of these “prayers” to be allowed to even knock on their door, were pending. (Many lawyers continue to use, as is their tradition, the clerical terminology.) Each and every one of these “prayers” to enter were later marked as rejected, with a single word, “denied”, customarily sent by collect telegram, no reasons given by the nine high and mighty priests of America’s highest church-court. Each such petition, to be acceptable to be read at all by the high court law clerks and courtiers, has to conclude with a “prayer for relief”, required by the rules. All sixteen hundred “prayers for relief” had no merit? Really?

    Hey, what’s this, about Church and State? Why do critics of the high tribunal call it America’s nursing home?

    So, if you actually comprehend this background, then you might understand the strange and sinister court activities of two giants of the beverage industry, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola.

    1. Knowledgeable sources contend that Coke is really Pepsi and vice versa. BUT, it is not simple to quickly prove this rightaway to those who may be naive and poorly informed.

    2. Savvy folks who should know better, nevertheless assert that Coke and Pepsi are competitors. Yet they seem to jointly control the beverage industry and pricing, running the prices up and down, to ruin lesser enterprises.

    3. Because of the secret combination between Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola, lesser beverage companies are locked out of profitable markets, such as at beverage counters at movie theaters; such as at vending machines at gas stations and at public and private schools and colleges; such as at shelf space and prominent displays at food store chains; all in violation of Anti-Trust laws and similar provisions outlawing price, market, and distribution favoritism and dirty business with the same.

    4. Coca-Cola funds have been used to corrupt judges on the U.S. Supreme Court in the litigation of Bush versus Gore, where a 5-judge, Military-Style Junta on the high court installed George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House. [See our website series, "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts" Part 9.]

    5. There is substantial reason to believe Coca-Cola is responsible for the murder and mayhem directed against labor activists and dissidents in Colombia. See, and Pittsburgh, Pa., “Post-Gazette” newspaper, April 29, 2003.

    6. See the details regarding Richard M. Nixon, Pepsi-Cola, and the murder of President Kennedy in our website story “The Overthrow of the American Republic”, part 42, sub-titled “The Public Execution of John F. Kennedy”.

    7. Knowledgeable sources contend the facilities of Pepsi-Cola/Coca-Cola overseas are used to secretly process dope, which may be the basis for authorities there to have conducted seizure and ransacking of Coke facilities in Spain, Belgium, Italy, and elsewhere in Europe. See earlier parts of this series.

    8.. One giant of advertising and marketing, with a huge unit in the Windy City, DDB Chicago, has ostensibly directly and/or through their parent firm, represented both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, an apparent violation of Anti-Trust Laws.

    9. So, it should come as no surprise that in certain areas in the U.S., Coca-Cola/Pepsi-Cola work a malign if not corrupt influence on federal judges in cases involving the beverage monopolists. What is certain as we have many times pointed out in our articles, the cheapest federal judge whores in the U.S., are those in the federal courts in Chicago.(Observers of court corruption in New York and Los Angeles, however, loudly object to our seemingly fingering only Chicago’s federal courts.) And the two beverage giants prefer to be in a courthouse located a few miles from the old West Side, once site of Chicago’s traditional mafia.

    10. Coca-Cola is embroiled in a highly corrupt case in the federal courts in Chicago. In another case, in the same courthouse, Pepsi-Cola is apparently likewise entangled in a crooked case. The details are in the court records of each case. The Coke case has already been referred to in earlier parts of this website series. For example, in the case Robert E. Kolody versus Simon Marketing and Coca-Cola Company, the Chicago U.S. District Judge has been Judge Blanche M. Manning.

    In the court record, and not disputed, is that a known gangster-type paid at least a million dollars to buy her the judgeship. (An elite government unit, stating they are investigating our undisputed charges in the court records, infored us that we were “not accurate”. That in investigating the matter, they confirmed—hey, get this!—that the gangster paid TWO MILLION DOLLARS for the judgeship not one million. Was anyone grabbed and prosecuted for this criminality? Not so far.) A great secret is that state and federal judgeships are bought and sold.—current price for a Federal District Court judgeship is two million dollars, for a judgeship on the U.S. Courts of Appeal in the various circuits around the U.S., the price is “sky is the limit”, ten million dollars MINIMUM. Am I hearing some poorly informed, naive person heckling me when I say in many large venues, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, just to name a few places, “Judges are for sale”. Hey, remember our website story “Buying A Media Job”, those positions in some instances are likewise “for sale”.

    There are certain similarities between the case against Coca-Cola and the one against subsidiaries of Pepsi-Cola, PepsiCO, Inc.

    ===In the Coke case, the local counsel for the challenger has a sister who is media buyer for Coca-Cola. And Coke spends upwards of ONE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR in the media. When it came up in Court, it was not disputed that Coke had a spy in the camp of the one that sued Coke. The sister became at the time unavailable to be subpoenaed, conveniently going off to Ireland. The Federal Judge refused to take action and committed several frauds upon her own court including obstructions of justice. The Federal Judge issued “rulings” with judicial perjuries, what ordinary people call straight-out lies. When the case went up to the federal appeals court in Chicago, the banker-judges sitting there, sat in what the law books call “en banc”, meaning all the fourteen judges of the court sitting at once. Guess what? They issued an unsigned ruling stating the challenger suing Coke cannot have his lawyer proceed in the federal appeals court. No reason of any kind was given. [[For many decades, the unwritten policy in the federal courts is that the judges SIGN NONE OF THEIR COURT ORDERS, particularly so in civil cases. Cynics point out the judges are "correct" since the law clerks prepared the Court Orders, not the Judges. Many times the Judges do not even know what is in the Court orders issued supposedly in their name.]

    Thereafter, a motion to re-open the Coca-Cola case because the judges have been operating under a malign if not corrupt influence, was evaded. How? By sending the matter to a secret court that supposedly investigates whether federal judges are corrupt and take bribes. Specific details are in “Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts”, parts 9 and 10, part of our website series.

    11. Briefly stated, RUSH Beverage Co., Inc., has the Ginseng RUSH trademark since 1978, a noncaffeinated energy drink with American Ginseng. They entered into an agreement with Pepsi subsidiary South Beach Beverage Co., Inc. That has been terminated by RUSH Beverage Co., Inc.

    As shown by the court record, Pepsi’s attorney procured and instigated a burglary of the offices of RUSH Beverage Co., Inc.:

    (a) the Pepsi unit’s attorney procured and induced a burglary;

    (b) they issued fraudulent subpoenas to “cover up” the burglary;

    (c) they obstructed the police investigation of the burglary;

    (d) they maintained the stolen records, so that attorney for RUSH Beverage Co., Inc., was not able to make objections as to the attorney-client privilege;

    (e) they reviewed the stolen documents including the privileged documents of RUSH;

    (f) they maintained the stolen documents until afte the time for dispositive motions had expired, thus precluding RUSH from filing a dispositive motion;

    (g) they procured perjury, in law talk called, suborned perjury.

    By the way, earlier parts of our Coke series show how media octopus Tribune Company, owner of various big-time newspapers, radio, and television facilities, black-mailed the Coca-Cola federal district judge. Why? To pressure Coca-Cola to hand out more advertising bucks to the Tribune Company.

    See the details where Tribune Company complains about the secret proceedings of Judge Manning, how the judge blanks out court transcripts, and such, detailed in earlier parts of our website series “Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts”, such as part 4, sub-titled “Is the media monster, the Tribune Company, a reputed blackmailer of The Coca-Cola Company?”; such as part 5, sub-titled “The Blackmail machine rolls on”; such as part 7, sub-titled “A real-life drama and the players”, and the murder of the Chicago Tribune reporter, a columnist on advertising and marketing. A “natural happening” is that the advertising/marketing expert reporter at the Tribune, taking interest in the mess, George Lazarus, was found dead on the commuter train on the way to his Chicago Tribune office. Foul play was suspected.

    Alright, so you did not know the media fakers use blackmail to get advertisements. It is an old-time practice. Early in the 20th Century, investigative journalist/whistle blower, George Seldes wrote about it in his book, “Tell the Truth and Run”.

    ===In the same federal courthouse in Chicago has been the Pepsi-Cola case. Notice the similarity. Pepsi’s attorneys procured and instigated a burglary of the office of the RUSH Beverage Company, the one that sued Pepsi. Pepsi’s lawyers as a cover up issued a fake subpoena and blocked the police in the Chicago suburb of Blue Island, from investigating. Proof was uncovered showing Pepsi’s lawyers had the stolen records.

    What was in the records thus grabbed? Notes and documents how the challenger, called a “plaintiff”, Rush Beverage Company, had confidential legal strategies how to proceed in Court against Pepsi subsidiaries, the “defendants”. When your court enemy by burglary gets your strategy, your enemy has spied into your camp and knows when, where, and how you intend to attack. In lawyer lingo, it is called “attorney-client” privilege, which your court enemy has no right to see, certainly not by burglarizing your office.

    The plaintiff’s lawyer filed some forty Motions and court pleadings about this obstruction of justice. Federal Judge John W. Darrah refused to consider the matter, in so doing he committed a fraud upon his own court and obstructions of justice. In law talk, combining with Pepsi’s attorneys and to favor Pepsi, Judge Darrah was operating under a malign if not corrupt influence. The judge would not grant sufficient time for the plaintiff’s lawyer to have what is called more “discovery”, necessary to bring out more about the burglary, and the judge quickly threw the case out of court.

    Among other things, the Judge refused the request to refer the matter for criminal and other investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney in Chicago. The judge refused to consider the demand that Pepsi’s lawyers be disqualified from being in court in this matter altogether.

    How the plaintiff’s lawyer was put under terrible, horrible pressure is outlined in the court records. Result? That lawyer simply dropped dead.

    The foregoing are in specific court-filed details to purge the court records as to Pepsi and to punish them and their attorneys. This sort of extra-ordinary procedure is seldom invoked. Why? Because law students generally do not learn about fraud upon the court perpetrated by a judge himself, a taboo subject. As non-lawyers, self-educated in law, some in our group are experts, however, on this subject. In 2001 was published a book about how we set off the biggest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history, toppling Illinois’ highest tribunal, the llinois State Supreme court, using accusations in a court-filed Motion accusing them to their face, of fraud upon their own court after they had been bribed. In a typical reaction, they had me as the head of our court-reform group grabbed and clapped in jail for “contempt of court”. Later, I was vindicated and the high court was temporarily swept away.

    The book is “Illinois Justice” by law professor Kenneth A. Manaster.


    Originals hand-signed by Robert J.Corr. Filed January 5, 2004.

    Robert J. Corr can be contacted by e-mail through His company website is

    Two copies of Notice of Motion; Verification including Proof of Service; Motion; and Exhibits; sent to Clerk of U.S. District Court, Dirksen Building, 20th floor, 219 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60604, VIA REGISTERED MAIL, return receipt requested, Registered Mail Number: RA 294996596 US January 5, 2004


    For the Northern District of Illinois

    Eastern Division

    RUSH BEVERAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff and ROBERT J. CORR, movant and seeking permission to intervene if so required,


    SOUTH BEACH BEVERAGE COMPANY and PepsiAmericas, Inc.,Defendants. Case No. 01 C 5684-JWD Judge John W. Darrah, Presiding.


    To: David C. Hilliard, Esq.

    John M. Murphy, Esq.

    Pattishall, McAuliffe, Newbury, Hilliard &


    311 South Wacker Drive, Suite 5000

    Chicago, Illinois 60606

    Be informed that on January 5, 2004, two copies filed with the Clerk of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt requested, Registered Mail Number as above shown, this Notice of Filing, Verification including Proof of Service, attached Motion with Exhibits thereto attached, all herewith served upon you and each of you.


    Robert J. Corr, Movant, and seeking permission to intervene if so required, pro se

    12201 So. Western Ave., Blue Island, Illinois 60406; phone: (708) 389-6625; FAX: (708) 389-6504.


    Robert J. Corr, the undersigned, declares and certifies, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.A. Section 1746, that if called as a witness in this or any related proceedings, he could competently testify from personal knowledge, as to the following:

    1. That he understands that pursuant to said statute, that this instrument has the same full force and effect as if it were an Affidavit sworn to by him before a Notary Public.

    2. That the matters in the attached Motion are true and correct as to his personal knowledge, or are matters of record or of law, and in either case are true; that the Exhibits attached to the Motion, are true and correct copies.

    3. That he is causing a copy of above Notice, this Verification, attached Motion and Exhibits thereto attached, to be served on those above shown, by U.S. Certified Mail, return receipt requested, sent on January 5, 2004.

    Executed on January 5, 2004. _______________________________

    Robert J. Corr


    Northern District of Illinois

    Eastern Division

    RUSH BEVERAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff and ROBERT J. CORR, Movant, and seeking permission to intervene if so required,


    SOUTH BEACH BEVERAGE COMPANY and PepsiAmericas, Inc., Defendants.

    Case No. 01 C 5684-JWD

    Judge John W. Darrah, Presiding.


    Comes now Robert J. Corr, as Movant, and seeking to intervene, if so required, pro se, and moves as follows:

    (A) That this matter be sent up through channels as a request for Certificate of Necessity, to the Chief Justice of the United States, Washington, D.C., for the Chief Justice to especially designate a Judge, from faraway, not of the Seventh Circuit, to especially sit in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, Illinois, to hear and adjudicate the instant matters.

    (B) Insofar as required, Robert J. Corr, by way of this Motion, requests permission to Intervene in the instant case, as provided for in matters involving Fraud Upon the Federal Court Perpetrated By a Federal Judge Himself; as hereinafter more fully set forth;

    (C) That the especially designated Federal Judge, not from the Seventh Circuit, that sits in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, Illinois, call before the Court, by appropriate means, all those who may be affected by the outcome of the inquiry into Fraud Upon the U.S. District Court in Chicago and obstructions of justice Perpetrated by Chicago U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah Himself; that there be appointed a Master or other court official to elicit testimony and seek and subpoena evidence and documents, and authorized and directed to examine, investigate, and report as to the matters herein referred to, as to the fraud upon the court and obstructions of justice perpetrated by Judge John W. Darrah himself and submit such report of the same to the especially designated Judge sitting in Chicago to hear and determine the same.

    (D) That the especially designated Judge purge the records, rulings, decrees, and Judgments in the instant case, as tainted, as having been procured by Fraud Upon the U.S. District Court in Chicago and Obstructions of Justice Perpetrated By U.S. District John W. Darrah Judge Himself.

    (E) That the especially designated Judge, from faraway, not of the Seventh Circuit, invoke the doctrine of “unclean hands” against the defendants and defendants’ attorneys; and purge the court records of defendants’ purported defenses, and other of their court pleadings, including but not limited to claims made by purported counter-claims; and enter Judgment and remedies for plaintiff, and Robert J. Corr, and against defendants and defendants’ attorneys, as asked for in the pleadings of the plaintiff, that are in the records of the instant case;

    (F) For such other and further relief as this extra-ordinary matter requires.

    For grounds, Robert J. Corr, among other things, states, as follows:

    1. That as more fully herein set forth, this matter involves rulings, judgments, and decrees, procured and arranged for the financial benefit of the defendants, and for others, by Fraud Upon the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, and by obstructions of justice, perpetrated by U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah himself.

    2. The principles of law and fact involved in such a matter are set forth in the landmark case of Root Refining Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 169 F.2d 514 (3rd Circuit, 1948), backed up by U.S. Supreme Court pertinent decisions as to fraudulently procured rulings, involving Judges themselves operating under a malign if not corrupt influence and perpetrating an Obstuction of Justice by the Judges themselves.

    3. There is a principle of law pertinent to trade-mark and copyright cases, similar to patent cases.

    “This matter does not concern only private parties. There are issues of great moment to the public in a patent suit. (Citing U.S. Supreme Court cases.) Furthermore, tampering with the administration of justice in the manner indisputably shown here involves far more than an injury to a single litigant. It is a wrong against the institutions set up to protect and safeguard the public, institutions in which fraud cannot complacently be tolerated consistently with the good order of society. Surely it cannot be that preservation of the integrity of the judicial process must always wait upon the diligence of litigants. The public welfare demands that the agencies of public justice be not so impotent that they must always be mute and helpless victims of deception and fraud.”

    Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. v. Hartford Empire Co., 322 U.S. 238, at page 246, 64 S.Ct. 992, at page 1001, 88 L.Ed.1250. Cited and quoted with approval in the Root case, 169 F.2d 514, at page 522.

    4. Robert J. Corr, as movant, representing himself in the instant matter, and seeking permission to intervene if so required, has a financial interest in the court rulings, orders, judgments, and decrees in the instant case, procured for the benefit of defendants and others, by obstruction of justice and fraud upon the U.S. District Court in Chicago perpetrated by U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah himself, as hereinafter more fully set forth.

    Robert J. Corr derives all his livelihood from the plaintiff corporation. He has borrowed money from other persons and put the same into the corporation. He is the sole stockholder of the corporation.

    In consideration of the details, Robert J. Corr, as an interested party in this matter, should be granted permission to intervene. Root Refining Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 169 F.2d 514, at pages 523-524 (3rd Circuit, 1948.)

    Fellow judges in the same Federal Judicial Circuit , that is the Seventh Circuit, should not sit to hear and adjudicate the instant matter. Rather, a Certificate of Necessity is to be submitted to the Chief Justice of the United States, Washington, D.C., for the Chief Justice to especially designate a judge or judges, from faraway, not from the Seventh Circuit, to hear and determine matters involving fraud upon the federal court and obstruction of justice perpetrated by the Judge or Judges themselves of said Court. See the Root case, 169 F.2d 514, at page 516, starting at the bottom of the first column and continuing to the top of the second column on page 516.

    5. Fraudulently procured court orders, decrees, and judgments in combination with obstructions of justice, perpetrated by federal judges themselves, as in the instant matter, can be challenged at any time, without time limits. Root case, 169 F.2d 514, at page 522.

    6. Whether orders, rulings, decrees, and judgments have been been procured by fraud upon the court and by obstructions of justice, the federal court inquiring into the same as stated by the U.S. Supreme Court, “may bring before it by appropriate means all those who may be affected by the outcome of the investigation.”

    Universal Oil Products Co. v. Root Refining Co., 328 U.S. 575, at 580, 66 S.Ct. 1176, at 1179, 90 L.Ed. 1447. (Emphasis added.) Quoted with approval, Root case, 169 F.2d 514, at 525.

    7. For such purpose, the following persons have to be brought before the Court “by appropriate means”, to be examined and cross-examined as to the matters herein:

    (a) U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah, of the U.S. District Court, Chicago, Illinois:

    (b) Sharon S. Corr, perpetrator of the burglary at the offices of Rush Beverage Co. as instigated and connived in by subsidiaries of Pepsico, Inc., defendants in the instant case and their attorneys, as hereinafter set forth;

    (c) Chief Kosman/Detective Cornell, Blue Island, Illinois Police Department, investigating police, as a burglary;

    (d) Robert Hogan, a Private Investigator, hired by Robert J. Corr, after the burglary;

    (d) Walter Monco, attorney, of Rinella & Rinella, attorneys, who represented Sharon S. Corr in the Divorce proceedings;

    (e) Dean Duccias, a Divorce Lawyer, who represented Robert J. Corr in his Divorce proceedings;

    (f) Edmund J. Ferdinand III and Gregory Battersby, attorneys for South Beach Beverage Co.;

    (g) John M. Murphy, David C. Hilliard, and Robert Newbury, attorneys for Pattishall, McAuliffe, Newbury, Hilliard & Geraldson, who represent Pepsico and PepsiCo defendants;

    (h) Mr. Superfine, an Attorney for Hamman & Benn, allowed by Pattishall to see the stolen documents.

    Evidence to be elicited by the Master or other court official to be submitted by way of a report to the especially designated Judge to sit in Chicago in the U.S. District Court to hear and determine the same: or other appropriate means:

    All redacted documents requested to be presented and were not supplied at the depositions of each of the defendants’ attorneys. All the Motions and Exhibits filed by attorney James L. Kurtz that are currently not available at the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. District Court in Chicago, Illinois. The originals, not the copies, of the stolen documents, being held by Pattishall, McAuliffe, et al., by their own admissions.

    8. A Master or other court official should be appointed to elicit testimony and evidence, “authorized and directed” to examine, investigate and report his conclusions as to the fraud upon the court and obstructions of justice perpetrated by Judge John W. Darrah himself, a report to the especially designated, faraway Judge to sit in Chicago to hear and determine the same. See, the Root case, 169 F.2d 514, at page 517 and thereafter.


    9. Robert J. Corr is the sole stockholder of Rush Beverage Company. By a series of circumstances, he has claims of trademark and other violations against the defendants.

    10. On or about June, 2001, Corr met with attorney James Kurtz who was impressed with Corr’s supporting proof of his claims. Together, the two estimated the claims as totallng ten million dollars against subsidiaries of Pepsi-Cola. As a consequence of being so impressed with the details, the attorney agreed to undertake a Federal Court case and pursue and same on a contingency basis, a rare situation for most of those in the intellectual property law field.

    11. The instant case was filed on July 23, 2001.

    12. Robert J. Corr kept in his office extensive notes, records, notebooks, and other papers and books, as to his confidential and privileged court legal strategies by which he was convinced he could prevail in court against the defendants and their attorneys.

    13. One day, Corr went to his office and was shocked that the office was bare, his confidential and privileged materials for pursuing his claims having been cleaned out and burglarized.

    14. He later compiled the details proving such purloined material was in the possession of the defendants’ attorneys and that they had instigated and connived in the theft of the same.From the facts unearthed by Robert J. Corr, inferences can properly be drawn that said attorneys were acting on behalf of their principals, the Pepsico subsidiaries, being the defendants, and on behalf, as well, of the parent firm, Pepsico, Inc.

    15. Corr’s attorney prepared and filed over forty court-filed Motions and other pleadings, brought to the attention of Judge John W. Darrah, detailing the burglary instigation by the defendants’ attorneys and that they had possession of Corr’s confidential and privileged records and the defendants and their attorneys were thus in a position to defeat and obstruct Corr’s claims, the basis of his lawsuit.

    As shown by the Court records, the defendants did, caused to be done, allowed, permitted, condoned, and acquiesced in the following, among other things:

    (a) induced a burglary of Robert J. Corr’s office;

    (b) issued a fraudulent subpoena to “cover up” the burglary;

    (c) obstructed the police investigation of the burglary;

    (d) maintained and kept the stolen documents so that Corr’s attorney was not able to make objections as to which documents were attorney-client privileged and which were husband-wife relationship privilege, to be kept confidential and not disclosed;

    (e) reviewed and studied the documents, so as to determine Corr’s legal strategies for seeking justice from Pepsi-Cola’s subsidiares; thus obstructing justice;

    (f) maintained and reviewed the stolen documents until after the time had expired in the key Judge-ordered time-table for the case; thus blockading and excluding Corr from filing a dispositive motion;

    (g) arranged and instigated perjury, called suborning perjury, to damage Corr.

    16. Among other remedies Corr demanded of Judge John W. Darrah, as shown by the court records:

    (a) that Judge John W. Darrah suspend the proceedings and have this matter turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, headquartered in Chicago, for criminal and other investigation.

    (b) that the defendants and their attorneys be punished, including disqualifying the defendants’ attorneys from being in Court in this case.

    17. Judge Darrah cut-short the re-opening of a proceedings called “Discovery”, whereby Corr’s attorney informed Judge Darrah that the attorney wanted sufficient time to bring out more of these obstructions of justice.

    Corr’s attorney said to Judge Darrah: “Your Honor, I need this because I really believe these people have abused, and I mean abused the court system.” The transcript, that is the “Report of Proceedings” before Judge Darrah, Oct. 15, 2002.

    18. By his acts and doings, Judge Darrah clearly demonstrated he was operating under a malign if not corrupt influence, within the meaning of the Root case. The Judge refused to consider the more than forty Motions and pleadings regarding the burglary and the obstructions of justice. The Judge evaded ruling and considering said matters, quickly entered judgment in favor of Pepsi-Cola’s subsidiaries and against Rush Beverage Co., and put the case out of Court.

    19. Corr’s attorney took an appeal of the case. The federal appeals court said the judgment of Judge Darrah was not final and appealable and sent the case back to Judge Darrah. In the meanwhile, Corr was repeatedly informed by his attorney, James Kurtz, that extreme pressure was being put on him and that Judge Darrah was part of a “whitewash” to benefit Pepsi-Cola’s subsidiaries, defendants in the case.

    Kurtz was an associate and/or employee of a large law firm that began pressuring and threatening Kurtz to drop the matter. They fired Kurtz and Corr hired a truck and helped Kurtz move his belongings out of Kurtz’s office. Kurtz’s employer/partners refused to allow him to remove some seventeen boxes of Robert J. Corr’s original documents necessary for a trial on the merits of the claims.

    20. Corr became informed through Kurtz and other means, that it was evident. and such inferences can be drawn, that Pepsi-Cola’s attorneys were exerting extreme pressure on Judge Darrah and on the employer/partners of Kurtz as well, that Corr be stopped from proceeding. By the summer of 2003, under the terrible pressures that Kurtz repeatedly informed Corr that Kurtz was subjected to, Kurtz simply one day dropped dead.

    21. In the landmark fraud upon the court case, implicating the judges themselves in obstructions of justice, the special out-of-the-circuit panel, after analyzing the Master’s Report of the details, showing the judges operated under a malign if not corrupt influence, stated, which is pertinent to the instant matter, as to the acts and doings of the attorneys for Pepsi-Cola’s subsidiaries in combination with Judge John W. Darrah:

    “The attorney who attempts by personal influence to control a judge or jury in their decision in a pending case, or who merely holds himself out as able to do so, whether or not he actually makes the attempt, and whether or not he succeeds or fails in the attempt, in short, an apostate lawyer, who is false to the lawyers’ creed that justice shall be undefiled, is ejected from the courts, and as a lawyer ceases to exist. (Citing numerous cases.)”

    And the special panel continues:

    “The client who with evil intent employs such an agent fares no better in the instant case. To him also the doors of the courts are closed. From the moment that he ceases to depend upon the justice of his case and seeks discriminatory treatment, he becomes a corrupter of the Government itself and is fortunate if he loses no more than the rights he seeks to obtain.”

    And the court concludes with the remedy:

    “By this action, the records …of the District Court will be purged….”

    Root Refining Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 169 F.2d 514, at page 541 (3rd Circuit, 1948). (Emphasis added.)

    22. Defendants and their attorneys and Judge Darrah were in a position to know that Robert J. Corr, from a series of circumstances, was impoverished and could not retain by payment, new attorneys. When Corr came to Judge John W. Darrah’s courtroom, Corr began complaining about the illegal acts. Judge Darrah sought to shut up Corr who began thus to finger the Judge himself for the obstructions of justice constituting frauds upon the court of which the Judge was himself a part. From the language of the transcript and the circumstances, it is proper to draw an inference that the judge was leading up to scaring Corr by “contempt of court”. This is apparent from the Report of Proceedings before Judge Darrah, being a “transcript” , had on July 2, 2003.

    23. Judge Darrah seeks to trap and damage Corr, as a continuation of the Judge’s acts under a malign if not corrupt influence. The Judge demands that Corr proceed to trial, yet the Judge refused to consider the more than forty Motions and other court-filed pleadings brought to Judge Darrah’s attention and as to which the Judge refuses to act, regarding defendants’ attorneys having the records stolen from Corr’s office.

    When Robert J. Corr himself came to Judge Darrah’s courtroom and began complaining to the judge about these obstructions of which the Judge is a part, after Corr said the word “illegal”, the judge began threatening Corr, apparently that the Judge would put him in “contempt of court” to shut up Corr from proceeding.Report of Proceedings, July 2 ,2003.

    That some Exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof to show some of the specifics involved in the instant matter.

    24. Robert J. Corr has been informed that there are apparent secret financial and other links between Pepsi-Cola and their supposed main “competitor” Coca-Cola, which would constitute Anti-Trust violations. For example, a major marketing and advertising firm through their Chicago unit, DDB Chicago, has represented both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, directly and/or also through the parent firm.

    25. Corr has also been informed that there has been pending in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, and in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, a matter that Corr has been informed similarly implicates a Chicago U.S. District Judge in apparent fraud upon her own Court and obstructions of justice, in some ways, Corr has been informed, similar to the instant matter. Corr has been informed that said other matter is known as Robert E. Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and Coca-Cola Company, having been No. 97 C 190, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.

    That a proper inference can be drawn as to the U.S. District Court in Chicago, that two judges in said Courthouse are committing obstructions of justice themselves while operating under a malign if not corrupt influence, as in the Root case previously cited. That two of the largest beverage firms are thus benefitted and that said two firms, supposedly “competitors” , have apparent secret financial and other links. A further inference is properly drawn that the two largest beverage firms, to beat down major claims against them, as in the instant case, and Corr has been informed are so in the Kolody case, are the apparent policy of procedure of these two giant beverage firms and their attorneys. That these situations are additional reasons for the issuance of a Certificate of Necessity, requesting the Chief Justice of the United States, in Washington, D.C., to especially designate a faraway judge, not from the Seventh Federal Judicial Circuit, to especially sit in the U.S. District Court in Chicago to hear and adjudicate the instant matter. Robert J. Corr, from all such circumstances, believes he cannot reasonably expect a fair and impartial adjudication of the instant extra-ordinary matter, involving, as Corr contends, fraud upon the U.S. District Court and obstructions of justice perpetrated by U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah himself in unlawful combination with defendants’ attorneys for the benefit of Pepsico’s subisidiaries, the instant defendants, and, by proper inference, benefitting the parent firm, Pepsico, Inc.

    26. As stated herein and detailed in and supported by the more than forty Motions and pleadings which Judge John W. Darrah refused to deal with, the defendants and defendants’ attorneys are in this case with “unclean hands”. The doctrine of “unclean hands” should be invoked against the defendants and defendants attorneys, as asked for in opening paragraph (E). The landmark case involving frauds upon the court and obstructions of justice, perpetrated by the Judges themselves in unlawful combination with certain attorneys and party-litigants, sets forth the doctrine of “unclean hands”. Root Refining Co. vs. Universal Oil Products Co., 169 F.2d 514, at pages 534-535 (3rd Circuit, 1948), where the court cites numerous other cases including those of the U.S. Supreme Court.

    27. WHEREFORE, Robert J. Corr, movant and seeking to intervene if so required, asks as in opening paragraphs (A) through (F) inclusive, as if verbatim here set forth.


    Robert J.Corr, Movant and seeking to Intervene if so required, pro se.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Twelve of a Series

    Pepsi-Cola is Really Coca-Cola?

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/12/04

    This series has raised issues that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola have ostensible secret links, financial, marketing, and advertising, using among other things, market and pricing tricks, to divide up among themselves the major markets, monopolizing the same, in apparent violation of the Anti-Trust and other Anti-Monopoly laws. We have contended they thus marginalize and x-out lesser beverage companies from various major markets. Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola have apparently procured and instigated a propaganda attack against our issues. At or about 3:45 p.m.,Central Time, Monday, January 12, 2004, was run a segment that sounded as if Coke/Pepsi prepared it. That ran on “All Things Considered”, on National Public Radio. The broadcast piece asserted that Coke/Pepsi no longer monopolize the markets, and that R.C. Cola is now permitted to better enter the beverage markets. We continue to believe we are correct and that Coke/Pepsi have launched a smoke screen. By the way, NPR is run by the Rockefeller Family, hence we label it National PETROLEUM Radio. Thanks to Internet and various websites, we have drawn the liars out in the open. — Sherman H. Skolnick.

    In America, the commonfolk have somehow come to believe that the Federal courts are the site of honest judges, not subject to local political pressures or corruption. On the other hand, there is the widespread perception that the state courts, unlike the federal courts, are subject to operating pursuant to the local moneyed interests and politics.

    The federal judges are generally immune from being the target of finger-pointing in the popular press. Why?

    Contrary to popular wisdom, starting as long ago as 1966, we have dared point out as court-reformers that federal judgeships are bought and sold. And moreso than the state courts, big bucks are involved.

    [See our website story "Buying A Judgeship".]

    The federal courts are the very foundation of stiff control by the Establishment, “the powers that be”, the ultra-rich, the Ruling Class—in short, THEM. Throughout the history of the United States, the larger outlets of the popular press promoted the fairy tale, that the federal judges, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, are not “for sale”.

    Seldom mentioned is a heavily-documented book that shows the major corruption is in the U.S. Supreme Court and on-down the federal court chain. ["The History of the Supreme Court" by Gustavus Myers.] Most university and other large law libraries do not have the book. The librarians of the same would deny that there ever was such a book.

    Many law schools have hanging on their wall a gold-framed portrait of John Marshall. Early in the 19th Century, he was Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court for upwards of thirty five years. Law students, and later, as members of the Bar, read and mouth-off his pronouncements as if they were issued by a Deity, in beautiful, cast-in-stone language.

    In the colonial America period, and then in the beginning of the United States of America, the ultra-rich were principally land swindlers. By their fundamental nature, the State Courts were well-equipped and set up to punish the dirty business. The federal courts, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, were not. Why?

    The difference is the Constitutions, of the States, as compared to that of the Federal. Generally, State Constitutions grant great power to the central authorities of the State and the People therein. The basic U.S. Constitution is not that unusual of an instrument. As a parliamentary system, the federal Constitution has many loopholes and defects. So, early in the history of the U.S. of A., the so-called Founding Fathers, primarily of the moneyed and mercantile class, were forced to add a Bill of Rights. Without that, the U.S. Constitution may not have been accepted by the common people of the colonies. [Study the 1794 Whiskey Tax rebellion as well as the Sedition Laws.]

    Most of the first Ten Amendments repeatedly and forcefully have the word NO. They are a shield against the tyranny of a federal central government. The State Constitutions, on the other hand, are primarily a sword.

    The U.S. Bill of Rights set forth supposed guarantees to the ordinary people, to prevent the U.S. from having an Emperor operating with Executive authority in conjunction with a Parliament that is “for sale”, beholden to the Aristocracy.

    But early on, Chief Justice John Marshall practically destroyed the powers of the State Constitutions. Using flowery language in Marbury versus Madison, he took away the basic powers of the State Court Judges. Such judges thereafter were no longer effective against the land title surveyors and robbers, to whom the Chief Justice was obligated.

    And who benefitted? Why, the Chief Justice’s own brother, a land criminal. When the high court had his brother’s case, Chief Justice Marshall did NOT disqualify himself. Guess who won in his crooked high court?

    The Bench and the Bar, hand-cuffed to the media fakers, promote fairy tales. They even have John Marshall Law School a few steps away from the Federal Courthouse in Chicago, the Dirksen Building. Shackled to the Federal Courts, the law professors are forever praising the federal Banker-Judges.

    Another seldom-mentioned, heavily-documented book is “The Corrupt Judge” by Joseph Borkin, published in 1962. Generally nothing happens to a crooked federal judge in cases involving an underdog against a large corporate interest. On the other hand, a federal judge, as the book points out, is subject to being crushed if the Judge gets in the middle between two large money interests, fighting each other. This has been moreso in patent cases, much mentioned in the book. And it is true, as well, in the related trademark and copyright cases.

    [Borkin's book deals mostly with the impeachment of federal judges. On the other hand, in the entire history of the U.S., the bulk of all the state and federal judges ever sent to prison for bribery and other high crimes, occurred within the last forty years, a direct result of the work of our group, the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts.]

    The key matter that may make the difference is massive publicity of federal court corruption, often difficult to obtain.

    What, on occasion, prevents a small-timer from getting Equal Justice Under Law, are the customs, practices, and usages, a legal jargon term meaning the entrenched not always codified habits of public officials and big money baggers. Two block-buster cases that show this are in the Federal Courts in Chicago. One is a copyright and contract case against Coca-Cola. The other is a trademark and contract case against Pepsi-Cola.


    In the Coca-Cola case, as shown by the undisputed federal court record, a reputed gangster bought and procured the Chicago U.S. District Court Judgeship for Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608.] Paid was One Million Dollars. Part of an elite government team contacted our group and informed us they were investigating the buying of the judgeship by a known gangster—but, get this—that the amount stated by my testimony in the court records, was inaccurate. They confirmed, they said, that the gangster paid TWO MILLION DOLLARS. The government took no action against the gangster, however.

    The traditional mafia used to be located in Chicago’s old West Side, a few blocks from the Federal Courthouse. The Mob moved just West of Chicago to Du Page County. The former State’s Attorney of Du Page County, a reputed pal of the Mob, and willfully blind to their activities, was William J. Bauer. By 1970, he was the Chief Federal Prosecutor in Chicago, with the title of U.S. District Attorney. He went on to be a judicial-fixer, and cover-up artist for major corporate criminals and sits as a Senior Circuit Judge [(312) 435-5810 ] in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Chicago.

    On tape we once interviewed a top offical of the popular suburban newspaper, The Daily Herald.

    Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts: “As Associate Editor, can you tell us why your publication never prints anything about the gangsters in Du Page County that moved from the old West Side?”

    Associate Editor of the Daily Herald: “There is nothing to print. No news. There are no gangsters, no Mafia, in Du Page.”

    (I presumed he was sheepish about this, afraid the Boys would bomb his delivery trucks.)

    In Du Page County was a local state court Judge, John W. Darrah, sitting in the Du Page County Circuit Court, in Wheaton, Illinois. In 1993, Judge Darrah stopped to talk to a television reporter.

    TV Reporter: “Judge, I see where the powers that be have rejected you for a judgeship in the Illinois State Appellate Court in Elgin.” [Called Illinois Appellate Court, Second District, one step below the state high tribunal, the Illinois Supreme Court.]

    Judge John W. Darrah: “Yes, I suppose that is true. I guess they must have figured I am not acceptable.”

    Funny thing. Some time AFTER 1993, “the Boys”, “the Syndicate” apparently as a front for the moneyed class and the Aristocracy, reportedly found Darrah “acceptable” and reportedly paid several million dollas to buy and procure him a better job, as Chicago U.S. District Judge [(312) 435-5619 ].

    The Establishment would have you believe that cases when filed, are assigned to a federal district court judge’s docket by “random selection”, that is, in fairy tale style, while the Court Clerk is blind-folded picking a Judge’s name out of a fishbowl. After years of investigating the process, we are convinced that certain big money cases against major financial interests—such as against the two largest beverage firms—are fixed from the beginning. That is, the cases are corruptly assigned to a certain known federal district judge “in” on the obstruction of justice.

    A maxim we found to be true over a period of forty six years of our research and investigations of court corruption and judicial bribery, is YOU NEED A CROOKED CLERK’S OFFICE TO ASSIST CROOKED JUDGES.

    Some years ago, because of our work, the Chief Deputy Clerk of the U.S. District Court in Chicago, Robert P. Steine, was sent to federal prison for various criminal offenses, getting sentenced to two five-year prison terms. At the time, when we first publicly accused the Chief Deputy Clerk, the Chief Judge of the Court, William J. Campbell, himself having escaped charges of bribery by big-time real estate interests, was quoted in the Chicago Tribune as calling me a “liar” and my public accusations “a diatribe”.

    Shortly thereafter, we also accused the Chief Clerk of the U.S. District Court, Elbert Wagner, of various criminal offenses. BUT, he dropped dead before he was to be indicted by a federal grand jury as a result of our work.


    In the case against Coca-Cola, plaintiff Robert E. Kolody caused to be filed some six Motions, with specifics, that Judge Manning had perpetrated a fraud upon her own court, while the judge was operating under a malign if not corrupt influence to benefit Coca-Cola and their attorneys. This included, but was not limited to, Judge Manning committing Judicial Perjuries—straight-out lies, as shown by the undisputed court records. To evade the accusations, the Judge fraudulently and unlawfully changed the title of the accusing Motions.

    After several other obstructions of justice occurred by the federal judges in the federal appeals court, the case was sent to a secret court that supposedly investigates bribery and corruption of federal judges. [See "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts, parts 10 and 11.]

    What is seldom if ever mentioned in the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press, is that Congress has unconstitutionally abandoned their power to investigate and impeach Federal Judges. Instead, federal judicial bribery matters are sent to a secret court where they are torpedoed. [Serious researchers need to study and ponder Title 28 United States Code, Section 372.]


    Fundamental to Anglo-Saxon Law, over the centuries, is that no man can sit as a Judge in their own case. Despite that, implicit in what Judge Manning did in the Coca-Cola case, she sat as a Judge in her own case, and declared herself innocent of having corruptly obstructed justice and committed a fraud upon her own court.

    In the Pepsi-Cola case, as of the time of this posting, Chicago Federal District Judge John W. Darrah is set to sit as a judge in his own case, to consider Robert J. Corr’s Motion to Purge, etc., accusing Judge Darrah of specific matters that the judge committed obstructions of justice and frauds upon his own court, while acting under a malign if not corrupt influence, in combination with Pepsi-Cola and their attorneys. [See, Part 11 of this series.]

    Hey, Judge Blanche M. Manning and Judge John W. Darrah never heard of fundamental law? That a person cannot sit as a judge in their own case?

    Have Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola used their overseas facilities to process dope?

    More coming. Stay tuned.


    Coca-Cola, CIA & The Courts Coke & Cocaine Part Thirteen of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 4/2/04

    There are many big secrets with Coca-Cola. Naturally, the monopoly press, with their financial and espionage hang-ups and conflicts of interest, are certainly in no position to ever tell you about it.

    Since started several decades after the American Civil War, what was it that made Coca-Cola so popular? There were already plenty of drinks that could have been more popular.

    The answer is simple. Coke had a secret formula base made up from processing coca leaves, the by-product of which is cocaine. Up to the beginning of the 20th Century, the Coca-Cola creators did say that their beverage had cocaine. And in 1903, they were taken to task by authorities for having cocaine in their drink which for many years in the beginning, was available as a soda fountain drink in pharmacies.

    For a hundred years now, however, Coca-Cola Company has denied they ever had cocaine and that they deny that it has cocaine now.

    Heroin causes a physical reaction when used and a terrible wrenching of the person when they seek to withdraw. Cocaine addiction, on the other hand, is primarily subconscious. Up to 1989, when you started drinking Coke, you got that “kick”. Some even claimed that it had some unknown medicinal way of making you feel better. One long-time head of Coca-Cola Company contended it helped relieve pain left-over from a childhood head injury he suffered from.

    But 1989 was a turning point. As we have pointed out earlier in this series, the secret base for Coca-Cola is made by Stepan Chemical Company, of Northfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, through their Maywood Chemical Division in New Jersey.

    I once interviewed, on tape, a top official of Stepan, who admitted that cocaine was a by-product of their processing of coca leaves for the secret Coca-Cola base, They supply, he added, cocaine for the pharmaceutical trade.

    And that is where George Herbert Walker Bush has to be inserted into the picture. After eleven and a half months in 1976 as Director of Central Intelligence, he became a Director of Eli Lilly Company, which reportedly gets their cocaine from Stepan. Somewhere, somehow, cocaine “leaks out” into the dope underground. Whether between Stepan and Coke’s bottlers or otherwise.

    Daddy Bush’s power and fortune, in greater part, is based from the beginning on dope and espionage. He was with the American CIA since 1959. As shown, by the way, by an FBI document, he helped cover up some of the post-assassination details as to the wipe-out of President John F. Kennedy. (The document is attached to our website series “Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush”.)

    His firm, which the British royals helped found, was Zapata Petroleum, later called Zapata Offshore. They had branches around the world. Among other things, they did offshore drilling for oil, beyond the U.S. and other nation’s jurisdiction. So dope production centers, like Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and others could have helicopters fly to the Zapata offshore drilling platforms, supposedly to bring routine supples. Actually, according to Reuters News items some years ago, the helicopters landed there as a transit point for the dope trafficking.

    And thus some dope ended up in the U.S. An easier way, of course, was through “leakage” in the processing and handling of Coca-Cola’s secret base. But by 1989, blackmailers, among the top officials of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, began poking around Coca-Cola and asking sticky questions. So Coke, in the dark brown beverage for the U.S., lessened the cocaine content in the secret base.

    It was at that point that Daddy Bush, a major baron in dope trafficking, began making his move. That was right after he was inaugurated as U.S. President.

    He ordered U.S. Troops to invade a foreign sovereignty, Panama, having one of the few leaders considered “of color” in the Western Hemisphere, Manuel Noriega; kidnapped Noriega, brought him to trial in Florida. Noriega’s defense attorneys were forbidden by a CIA-captive Federal Judge from using any details that showed that Daddy Bush and Noriega were actually in the dope traffic together through Colombia, adjacent to Panama. Some newspapers did run a picture showing Daddy Bush and Noriega talking to one another at a business meeting.

    (Also, the Bush Crime Family got into a business partnership with Colombia druglord, Carlos Lehder, who was extradicted to Florida and testified in a way about Norieaga, protecting the Bushies. Lehder’s own prison sentence was lessened. And then, Lehder disappeared entirely from the U.S. Prison System. Chandra Levy wiggled her way into a key post in the Prison System Press Office, began checking on how and why Lehder disappeared from prison custody. And this led to her murder. See our website series “The Chandra Levy Affair”.)

    Daddy Bush also in 1989, knew that CIA’s involvement with driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan was ended. AND, that the Bush Crime Family’s business partnership with Osama bin Laden and others of the bin Laden family, in the major opium trade from Afghanistan, through Saudi, and then to Europe, would have to come eventually under more direct control by the Bushies.

    So, in 1989, the business of Coca-Cola Company changed, They lessened the trace of cocaine in their beverage for distribution in the United States. And their U.S. market share centages began leveling off. It had nothing to do, really, with competence or incompetence of their marketing big cheeses, their advertising agency personnel, or anything of the sort. In the U.S., those opening up a container of Coke did not get that same “kick” they got from the drink in years past.

    On the other hand, elsewhere in the world, sales of Coke outran most every local beverage. And there were plenty of foreign beverages with traditional flavors. Yet, Coke outsold them. WHY? Simple. For foreign consumption Coke had cocaine in the secret base.

    So those drinking Coke overseas, subconsciously got addicted to Coca-Cola. It made them feel better, some thought it even made certain pains and troubles seem to go away. And Coke’s marketing experts spread the fairy tale that it had to do with their great brilliant advertisements on television, even in places where only ten per cent of the populace had tv sets.

    But some foreign governments began reacting. Overseas, Coke did not contribute heavily to local charities, high school sports teams, and such, as they do in the U.S. So, in Belgium, Spain, Italy, and India, among numerous other places, the authorities swooped down on Coke. There were claims that Coke allowed toxic substances to get into the drink. There were claims of Coke not keeping proper records. Whole offices of Coke’s records and equipment were hauled away, to send a message to Atlanta, Georgia, Coke’s headquarters.

    In a way, it was also sending a message to the bosses at the American spy agency, so directly hooked to Coca-Cola. Coke’s overseas offices, like those in the monopoly press, are vacuum pumps for intelligence, moreso than for gathering news or marketing the beverage whose great worldwide demand is driven by the subconscious addiction to cocaine in Coca-Cola.

    And Coke developed other strange situations. They set up in Ireland, a major center for putting their ingredients together including the secret base containing cocaine. There were reports, difficult to get anyone to publicly confirm, that the IRA (the Irish Republican Army) had some arm-lock on the plant in Ireland putting together the Coca-Cola concentrate. (That is not to say, that ALL of those in the IRA had something to do with this.)

    And then there were published reports that the IRA together with the Russian mafiya, were active in the dope trafficking from Colombia. The Bush White House, seldom mentioned, has sent several thousand U.S. Troops into Colombia to protect Coca-Cola’s facilities and their purported purchases, by them, or their secret base processors, of coca leaves.

    The most mysterious development of 1989? Somehow, Coca-Cola Company failed to renew their copyright. And so, it is now owned by a skilled storyboard producer in Indiana. See the earlier parts of this series of those details.

    And as stated in the earlier parts of this series, starting later in the 1990s, was the corruption of the Federal Judges in Chicago as to a copyright case against Coca-Cola. And, aided by Coca-Cola dope funds, the corruption in 2000, of some of the 5-Judge, military-style Junta on the U.S. Supreme Court in the Bush versus Gore litigation installing Bush as the resident and occupant of the Oval Office.

    (For details see earlier parts of this series.)

    In February, 2004 was published “The Real Thing–Truth and Power at the Coca-Cola Company” by Constance L. Hays, a writer for the New York Times; Random House publishers. She continues the fairy tale in her book that Coca-Cola is getting more popular overseas because of the great marketing and advertising efforts of Coca-Cola. She has reportedly also stated that the trace of cocaine in Coke ended in 1989.

    More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    Coca-Cola, The CIA And The Courts – Part 14

    Disclosures Of Corruption Of The US Supreme Court Part Fourteen of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/21/04

    It was the year 2004. The U.S. Presidential Election was set for November 2. The bosses of the newly-minted Homeland Security were worried. Their primary purpose was to root out dissidents, soon as possble, that could disturb the agenda of the Anglo-American Aristocracy that owns and operates the occupant and resident of the White House, George W. Bush. who is a stooge and scapegoat for their program of ruling WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THOSE GOVERNED, a horrendous violation of the organic law, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    Not for small reasons did critics call them the American Gestapo. After all, their title, Homeland Security, was the English-language equivalent of the Nazi-era secret political police. And the Federal Bureau of Investigation, sor t of aides to them, has an awful historical background. A dirty little secret is that NO CHARTER PROVIDES FOR THE EXISTENCE OF FBI. Nowadays, who dares mention such things?

    By 2004, some savvy folks persisted in grumbling that in a five-to-four decision, in December, 2000, the Supreme Court of the United States installed George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House. Some refuse to c all him “Mr. President”. The duly elected President, NOT inaugurated, Albert Gore, Jr., never actually conceded defeat. Some people forgot that.

    The ruling of the Five-Judge majority in Bush versus Gore was arbitrary. Even worse, some knew the five-judge Military-Style Junta had been corrupted. Judges on the High Court wear two hats. One, as a Justice of the Supr eme Court of the United States. Secondly and little known, each is also a Circuit Justice, supervising one or more U.S. Courts of Appeal, one step below the Supreme Court of the United States.

    As Associate Justice, John Paul Stevens, as part of the Dissenting Four Judges, in Bush versus Gore, wrote the most blistering dissenting opinion probably in the history of the high tribunal.

    [In 1969, I directly accused the Judges on the Illinois Supreme Court, that state's highest tribunal. of bribery. It became the biggest judicial bribery scandal in the nation's history up to that time. A Special Commission was pu t together to consider my accusations. Since I was self-educated in law but not a member of the Bar, they demanded, despite my outspoken objections at that time, that a lawyer be appointed to represent me and present my accusations, namely Jo hn Paul Stevens. The state high court was just about swept away by the judicial earthquake that occurred; the Chief Justice and an Associate Justice resigned and a third Justice, while under fire from me, simply croaked. Issued in the name of that third judge, dated and signed by him---now get this---supposedly a month after he was dead and buried was an important steel company decision. Ten days AFTER the effective resignation date of the two other judges was issued i! n their name, and dated, a supposedly valid decision upholding the state Income Tax as Constitutional. Corruption does not go away that easy. Before that, while yet on the bench, the judges jailed me, wheelchair and all, for the judge-made offense of "contempt of court" as the head of our court-reform group because I refused to divulge to the bribe-tainted judges the methods we use to finger judges and lawyers for bribery. Later, I was released and vindicated.

    Stevens and I became famous. A few years later, he was appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. More than thirty years later, a law professor wrote a book about the 1969 scandal. "Illinois Justice" by Ke nneth Manaster. Pictured with me on the cover of the book, Stevens, about the only Judge ever to have a public good word to say about me, a loudmouth Judge-buster, wrote the forward to the book. See the Home Page,

    As I have written, John F. Kerry's "wife of convenience", billionaire heiress to the Heinz Ketchup fortune, Teresa Heinz Kerry, a long-time rabid ultra-right Republican, long prior to the year 2004 Election, made an unholy deal wi th the GOP. In return for a promise of a horde of gold, she would see to it that John, a purported "Democrat" with a litle-known British intelligence agency background, "lay down and play dead", sort of like a typical crooked wrestler in a he avily gambled upon match. [ See my story, "Overthrow of the American Republic", part 64, "Buying & Selling the U.S. Presidency".]

    BUT, two groups were at work, months before the 2004 Election, with details that could have wrecked the rotten tricks set to re-install George W. Bush as the resident and occupant of the White House.

    (1) Operating in the Chicago-area is a court-reform group, of which since 1963, I am the Founder/Chairman. One member of that group was putting together some four hundred pages of documents relating to Coca-Cola’s role in corrupting al l the judges in active service, sitting in what is known in law lingo as en banc, all together, some fourteen judges in a case against Coke in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, headquartered in Chicago. Seventh Circuit Justice Stevens s upervises that Court.

    Because the corruption involved all the judges of that federal appeals court and in related situations, some of the five-judge majority in Bush versus Gore, on the Supreme Court of the United States; the one sueing Coca-Cola, Robert E. Kolody, made an Application to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens that he arrange a special panel of judges, from outside the Seventh Circuit, to hear and determine the judicial corruption matter, of Judges on the Chicago federal appeals court a s well as those on the high court in Washington, D.C., committing a fraud upon their own Court and obstructing the same.

    Unknown to most, Homeland Security and the FBI have a virtual wall around the Supreme Court of the United States.This all started with the “anthrax terror” first publicized shortly after 9-11. The apparent real culprit is a super-duper Russian biochemist who is a defector. He heads up a company, under contract to the American CIA, to develop, perfect, and test the usage of weaponized anthrax. To sidestep the geopolitical problems in investigating this situation, the FBI, instead , saw fit to try to blame the anthrax mess on someone else, apparently not really involved.

    Apparently contaminated, or possibly so, with weaponized anthrax or similar, powder leaking from envelopes were in the offices of media bigshots; Congress; the Supreme Court of the United States; as well as one or more major U.S. Post Office facilities.

    It was the perfect excuse to violate the U.S. Constitution’s mandate of “Separation of Powers”. Already illegally in existence, with no Charter, the FBI, together with the newly setup Homeland Security, both supposedly of the Executive branch of the U.S. central Government, took command of the Supreme Court of the United States, plainly part of the Judicial branch of the Government.

    They decided who, if anyone, would be permitted in person, by U.S. Mail, or other transportation ways, to communicate with those in the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States. For that purpose, a remote warehou se was used. All mail, packages, and such, would have to go there, under the absolute examination and supervision of Homeland Security and FBI, secretly or otherwise.

    With the connivance of Court clerks and employes inside the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as those in the remote warehouse and enroute to the headquarters building; it was a perfect obstruction of justice scheme.

    (2) Running on a parallel track, with apparent knowledge of the first group, was a group of investigative reporters of Vanity Fair Magazine. Without mentioning the first group by name or detail, the Magazine group starting ma ny months before the 2004 Presidential Election, was to start to divulge some of their work for the October 2004 monthly issue of Vanity Fair, set to be distributed and circulated about September 27th, just a few weeks before the Election .

    Both the first and second group were in a position to know that some of the “Gang of Five” judges in Bush versus Gore, had complained to the FBI and Homeland Security, some of the following:

    (a) each of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States typically has five law clerks who look up prior decisions, write or assist to write decisions on pending matters, and prepare the decisions to be printed in the prin ting plant historically contained within the headquarters building.

    The law clerks are pledged to absolute secrecy. After serving several years as a high court law clerk, they can usually expect to be hired by a big bucks lawfirm at a salary of some two hundred thousand dollars a year. < /FONT> Not something to be lightly thrown away with little consideration of the consequences.

    For the first time in the history of the high court, some of the law clerks of some of the four dissenting judges in Bush versus Gore, at great danger to themelves and their later careers, went public. They spoke to the reporters of Va nity Fair and others. They told how Justice Antonin Scalia, a Fascist-inclined Judge of the “Gang of Five”, was “Hell bent” on stopping the crucial Florida recount of the ballots, with Florida being the necessary vote to put the winner over the to p for the necessary Electoral College vote. Scalia was Hell bent on stopping Gore from becoming President-Elect; so was Chief Justice Rehnquist and O’Connor, both telling friends they cannot, as they planned, retire if Gore gets elected.

    The law clerks often work late, long after the Justices have left for the day; such as the night before release of a decision. So the law clerks have all the keys to the place. According to Antonin Scalia and others of the Five, some of the law clerks of the Four swiped private papers from various locked drawers of the Five; some of these papers related to handwritten type notes of the Five to some of the Four making threats by some of the Five that could or wou ld constitute federal criminal offenses, threatening a federal government official. According to some law clerks of the Four, Scalia tried every dirty trick to stop John Paul Stevens from having time enough to write a Dissenting Opinion in Bush versus Gore.

    Some of these details got into the October 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine. Other details were revealed on a forty-minute segment on National Public Radio on the Terry Gross Show interviewing one of the magazine’s reporters. Su ch as that Antonin Scalia strong-armed one of the Four dissenting Judges in Bush versus Gore to remove a revealing footnote from their separate Dissenting Opinion.

    Right after the Vanity Fair publishing their report, one or more law review articles condemned the law clerks who broke the pledge of silence. Various Judges and law clerks of other courts howled against the law clerks of the Four diss enting Judges in Bush versus Gore. The law clerks for the dissenters, defending themselves against being condemned by others of the Bench and the Bar, stated that the serious offenses committed by the Five Judge Majority in Bush versus Gore, released th e law clerks from their pledge of secrecy.

    FBI and Homeland Security sped up their persistent spying on the Four Dissenting Judges and their law clerks, harassing them in various devilish ways. FBI and Homeland Security claim that the ring leader of the Four is Justice John Paul Stevens and that somehow, through intermediaries he communicates with those outside the headquarters building of the high court. Stevens has reportedly been accused of being a part of a plot to Overthrow the U.S. central government by discrediting the Supreme Court of the United States by profound scandal because Five, of the Nine, on the Court are accused of corrupt acts and doings in Bush versus Gore.

    Some at FBI and Homeland Security have raised the question that Sherman H. Skolnick is part of this plot.

    To understand more about this, refer to the entire series, “Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts”, parts 1 through 13 inclusive. In particular study the court documents attached to Part 9 and the document about the Secret Court in Part 1 0.

    Set out below is, verbatim, a related document. The letter dated “5/7/2004″, mentioned therein, .. once thought to be an erroneous date pre-dating the sending of the packages is actually revealing and apparently not erroneous. That dat e was supposed to have been a secret and apparently refers to the date on or about which the law clerks for some of the dissenting judges in Bush versus Gore somehow latched onto certain records of Justice Antonin Scalia proving his corruption and criminality in the litigation where he was the so-called team leader of the five-judge majority. Does that qualify as a magnificient blunder by the cover up specialists?

    More coming. Stay tuned.

    Via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Registered Number

    RA 528943745 US (for Suter); and

    RA 528943754 US (for Johnson)

    and Via EXPRESS MAIL

    Number ED 112007088 US(for Suter); and 112007138 US (for Johnson).

    To check: or 1-800-222-1811.


    December 20, 2004

    To: William K. Suter, individually and as purported Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States

    One First Avenue, N.E.

    Washington, D.C. 20543

    (202) 479-3014;

    Gail Johnson, individually and as purported Deputy Clerk and/or purported employee of the Supreme Court of the United States.

    Clerk’s Office

    One First Avenue, N.E.,

    Washington, D.C. 20543

    (202) 479-3038;

    1. You and each of you are and have been, together with persons directly associated with you and with whom you are and have been directly acting in respect to Robert E. Kolody and the matters herein mentioned, in a position to kno w, as follows:

    2. That the persons and entities actually involved with the purported “anthrax scare” or “anthrax terror” starting in the United States, on or about later in September, 2001, are known to the highest authorities within the F ederal Executive Department bureaucracy.

    3. That because of conflicting interests within the Executive Department of the U.S. Government, that said true perpetrators are not publicly accused or identified, because, among other reasons, they are interwoven with the operations of certain U.S. intelligence operatives and agencies.

    4. As a consequence of a purported “anthrax scare” purportedly targeting the Supreme Court of the United States, and its headquarters, you, and each of you, and persons directly associated with you and in combination with whom you are directly acting, and have been acting, allowing, permiting, condoning and acquiescing in.the following:

    (a) That the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for which there is no Charter authorizing their existence, and later, the Federal agency known as Homeland Security; both; purporting to be of the Executive branch of the U.S. cen tral government ; tthat said purported agencies set up and/or began using, a warehouse, not within the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States.

    (b) That said remotely located purported warehouse is and has been, part of an unlawful plan or scheme, to obstruct, evade, and nullify, efforts of those who rightfully and lawfully seek to communicate with persons having offices withi n the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States, whether via United States Postal Service, Federal Express, or other transportation means. For example, in respect to Kolody, that said obstructed communications related to corruption of certain Judges on the Supreme Court of the United States, in litigation commonly known as Bush versus Gore, and related corruption of Judges on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, in litiga tion Robert E. Kolody versus Simon Marketing and Coca-Cola Company.

    5. On October 14, 2004, the undersigned, Robert E.Kolody, sent a package properly and lawfully addressed to John Paul Stevens, not in his capacity as Associate Justice of the United States, but to Stevens in his capacity as Seventh Cir cuit Justice, supervising, among others, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

    6. Said package was sent by Kolody via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Registered Mail Number RA 785544000 US

    7. On 10/22/2004, a package arrived at Kolody’s home address from Clerk’s Office, Supreme Court of the United States. On it was a printed, office-supply-store-type label, “RECEIVED IN DAMAGED CONDITION”. Said package had a postage meter purportedly indicating it was sent on 10/19/2004. The package contained just two of Kolody’s Applications for Certificate of Necessity and just two copies of supporting Exhibits, which Kolody had properly and lawfully addressed to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens, in his capacity supervising the Seventh Circuit. No letter of explanation was contained in said package received by Kolody.

    8. On 10/25/2004, on the phone, Kolody spoke to John Kouros, the person identifying himself as the “Manager” or similar title, of the purported remotely located “warehouse”. Said person led Kolody to know, b elieve, and understand, that said person was aware of the package from Kolody; that said package did not arrive damaged; that said package was forwarded to certain other persons and entities.

    9. On 10/25/2004, by phone, Kolody spoke to Gail Johnson in the headquarters building. Kolody in substance, complained that part of the contents of his package, arrived back to him with the cryptic printed label as mentioned, with only part of the contents of the package he sent.

    10. On 10/27/2004, there arrived at Kolody’s home address, a package containing the additional nine copies, being the balance of the contents of the original package that Kolody had rightfully and lawfully addressed to Sevent h Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens. This package contained a purported letter, dated 5/7/2004, from William K. Suter and Gail Johnson. Said letter, in substance, made the false and perjurious statement that Kolody had sent his package to the wrong place. On November 1, 2004, Kolody received a letter, marked “COPY”, dated 10/18/2004, the same words as in the letter falsely dated “5/7/2004″.

    11. Said package originally sent by Kolody contained copies directed to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens, in his supervisory capacity as mentioned. Kolody made Application, supported by some four hundred pages of document ation, to Stevens for a Certificate of Necessity.

    12. Kolody asked Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens to arrange to have designated a panel of Judges, not from the Seventh Circuit, to especially sit in Chicago, to hear and determine Kolody’s Motion to Purge The Judgments, Rulings, and Decrees in Kolody’s Seventh Circuit litigation, said rulings having been obtained by frauds upon the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and obstructions of justice, perpetrated by the Judges themselves of said Court upo n their own Court.

    13. Kolody pointed out that the fraud upon the court also was related to the fraud upon the Supreme Court of the United States, in the litigation commonly known as Bush versus Gore, perpetrated by some of the five judges that issued a purported majority ruling installing George W. Bush corruptly and arbitrarily as the occupant and resident of the Oval Office.

    14. Kolody pointed out that the fraud upon the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit was done by all the judges on that court in active service, sitting in what is known as en banc, that is, all sitting at one time. pe rpetrating a fraud upon their own Court and obstructions of justice upon their own Court, as shown in the some four hundred pages of supporting documentation sent to Stevens with the Application for Certificate of Necessity.

    15. Kolody pointed out that his documentation in support of this included that the Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, unlawfully delegated to himself, the Judicial authority to make Judicial rulin gs on said Motion to Purge, disregarding the case law precedents mentioned in said Motion. Such as Root Refining Co. versus Universal Oil Products, Co., 169 F.2d 514 ( 3rd Circuit, 1948); namely that a U.S. Court of Appeals has original jurisdictio n to inquire at any time, without regard to statutes of limitations, as to whether its Judgments, Rulings, and Decrees are tainted, and subject to being purged, having been obtained by a malign if not corrupt influence on such U.S. Court of Appeals . In the Root case, since the corruption involved Judges on the United States Court of Appeals, judges from outside that Circuit, were especially designated to sit and determine the extra-ordinary matter, within that Circuit, to i! nquire into said matter. Such special out-of-Circuit panel, the Root case states, has to call before it all the persons involved by way of unearthing the fraud upon the United States Court of Appeals, and thereafter, to purge the records favoring certain male factors and corrupters in said litigation.

    16. Kolody’s said documentation shows that. prior to his Application for Certificate of Necessity to Stevens, that Kolody’s Motion to Purge was sent to an apparent secret court, that purports to consider apparent misdeeds, co rruption, and bribery of Federal Judges. That said secret court has no public record location where it sits, no public records, no public available title of the proceeding, no public record of the cause number or other reference, and no public issued de termination as to what, if anything, is done about the documentation of corrupt acts and doings of certain Federal Judges.

    On the other hand, the Root case, cited by Kolody in his Motion to Purge, requires public hearings, public record identification of the corrupt federal appeals Judges implicated, public record identification of the lawyers and public o fficials implicated, and public record announcement of the remedy of the corruption as determined by the out-of-Circuit special panel of Judges.

    17. That on 11/22/2004, Kolody properly and lawfully addressed and sent to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens, a further package, again making Application for Certificate of Necessity; via Registered Mail, Return Recei pt Requested, Registered Mail Number RB 361395565 US, that Stevens, in his capacity as supervising Justice of the Seventh Circuit, arrange to have out-of-Seventh Circuit panel of Judges to hear and determine the matter of Kolody’s Motion to P urge, and as it relates to the corruption of some of the five Supreme Court of the United States Justices in the litigation known as Bush versus Gore.

    18. In a letter to Kolody, dated November 30, 2004, William K. Suter and Gail Johnson, made, in substance, the selfsame false and perjurious statement identical to the previous one in letter marked “COPY” and dated 10/18/2004, &nb sp;that Kolody’s Application For Certificate of Necessity to have been received by Seventh Circuit Justice in his capacity as supervising the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, was sent to the wrong place.

    19. A very small piece of what this is all about, without referring at all to Kolody, is contained in the October, 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine.

    20. Plainly, the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States, is obviously that of the Judicial branch of the U.S. central government, according to Article Three of the U.S. Constitution. Purported units o f the Executive branch of the central government of the United States, namely the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Security, have by unlawful acts and doings, built a virtual wall around the headquarters building housing the Suprem e Court of the United States, by “anthrax terror” tricks supposedly justifying blockading, obstructing, and nullifying any attempts to have properly delivered papers supported by extensive documentation as to the corrupt acts and doings o f federal appeals judges, one step below the high court, and to corrupt acts and doings of some of the five judges in the high court in their unlawful, corrupt, and arbitrary installation of George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House, in 2000.

    21. As a matter of record, John Paul Stevens, in the litigation known as Bush versus Gore, issued a blistering dissent condemning what the five Judge majority had done. Some of those investigating how some of the law clerks, of t he four Dissenting high court justices, went public with the corrupt doings of the five judge majority; that found out was that the team leader for the five of the Majority, was Justice Antonin Scalia who was “Hell bent” to stop Go re from properly winning the Electoral College vote revolving around Florida in 2000. And, further, that Scalia attempted to blockade Stevens from having time to prepare and present his Dissenting opinion in Bush versus Gore. And that some of the five M ajority judges sent private notes to some of the Dissenting four judges, notes which seem to constitute federal criminal offenses for threats against such Dissenting Judges for not remaining silent and not joining with the five Ma! jority to unlawfully and corruptly install Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House.

    22. Under the U.S. Constitution’s provisions for “Separation of Powers”, the purported units of the Executive branch of the U.S. central Government, namely FBI and Homeland Security, have no lawful authority to be controlling what someone, like Kolody, properly and lawfully sends, regarding high judicial corruption, to a supervising Circuit Justice, such as Stevens, or to hound and torment Stevens and his law clerks, and other Dissenting Justices and their law clerks, as these t wo purported Executive branch agencies have done, regarding the five judge Majority’s corrupt acts and doings in Bush versus Gore related to Coca-Cola’s corruption of said Judges.

    23. William K. Suter,individually and as purported Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Gail Johnson individually and as purported Deputy Clerk and/or Employee of said Court, have by their acts and doings, aided a nd abetted the unlawful acts and doings of the FBI and Homeland Security. That Robert E. Kolody has, as a consequence, been damaged in his copyright and contract rights, and in his Constitutionally guaranteed and protected rights to Due and orderly Processes of Law and the Equal Protection of the Laws.

    24. That Kolody’s opponent, Coca-Cola Company, is implicated in the corruption of the Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit as well as the related corruption of some of the five Majority Judges of the Sup reme Court of the United States, in Bush versus Gore.

    25. Kolody because of the foregoing corruption and wrongdoing, has been damaged to a total well over a Billion Dollars and so herein and hereby claims.

    26. THAT ROBERT E. KOLODY HEREBY INFORMS WILLIAM K. SUTER and GAIL JOHNSON that ROBERT E. KOLODY in due course intends in a court of competent jurisdiction to bring a damage suit against the m, individually and in their capacity as supposed public officials, as named defendants having joined in combination with others to greatly damage Kolody.

    _____/s/ Robert E. Kolody_________________

    Robert E. Kolody, complainant in this Notice of Claims Prior to Suit

    223 Saint Andrews Drive

    Schererville, Indiana 46375

    (219) 865-9880.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    Coca-Cola, The CIA And The Courts – Part 15


    by Sherman H. Skolnick 02/17/05

    To defeat intellectual property claims against them, the two major beverage companies worked a corrupt influence on Federal Judges in Chicago.

    The Coca-Cola case started, as I set forth in this series, before Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche Manning. Obviously, I ran a jeopardy as head of a court reform group when I was brought in as a witness against her in her Court as to her corruption. My written statement in the Court record points to a gangster who paid one million dollars to buy her the Judgeship.

    [I was later contacted by a supposedly elite government investigating group. As to my federal court presentations in the Coca-Cola case, they said they were going to immediately grill gangster William F. Cellini, a gangster who I contended in the Coca-Cola case buys and sells federal judgeships and bought Manning the federal district court judgeship for one million dollars.

    When the supposedly elite group contacted me the second time, they said, "Mr. Skolnick, your federal court testimony is NOT accurate." Puzzled, I responded "In what way?" They answered, "The gangster paid two million dollars, not one million". Outraged, I demanded "And what are YOU going to do about THAT?" They simply stated, "We'll let you know". They never contacted me further and apparently did nothing against Cellini, a major power broker. Cellini reportedly under various names including Argosy Gaming and similar, owns and operates nationwide gambling casinos, and apparently because of "muscle" gets kickbacks from other casinos of what is known in the trade as Three Points. The highly corrupt IRS seems not to notice anything. Also, for many years covered up by the monopoly press and corrupt state and federal officials, was that Cellini's sister. Janice Cellini, for many years Administrative executive assistant to Illinois Governors installed corruptly by her brother, was an uni ndicted co-conspirator in a huge embezlement by computer consultants swindling the Illinois Public Aid Department.]

    In the presence of Judge Manning, I was asked what I do. Under oath, I testified I lead investigations of judges suspected of bribery for the purpose of fingering them and putting them in prison.

    To try to scare me, during my testimony, the Judge had six very sinister looking Federal Police sitting nearby ready to jump on me. Earlier, the Judge had insisted that despite I was a public access cable television journalis t and program producer, that I put myself with my wheelchair all the way to the rear of the court by the court door.

    When I protested I could not hear the proceedings from that distance, one of the toughtest of the Federal Police got up and started right for me to grab me. I ended the stand-off by suggesting I sit directly next to one of the police w ith a radio-like earpiece in his ear.

    The Judge refused to consider six Motions that she had perpetrated frauds upon her own Court. Not disputed was that the plaintiff Robert E. Kolody accusing Coca-Cola of copyright violations, had for some ten years a lawyer who lat er confessed to me in the presence of witnesses that his sister was media buyer for Coke. By this method, he admitted Coke was able to spy on Kolody and torpedo his confidential legal strategies..During my testimony, I pointed to that lawyer, Dan H anley, present in Court who did not dispute his confession. (That lawyer was reportedly a close relative of Edward Hanley, the gangster that for many years ran the hoodlum-controlled Hotel Workers Union which was also reportedly tied to Judge Mann ing. When Jesse Jackson, Jr. ran to fill a vacancy in a Congressional District in Chicago in 1995, reporters on a radio show asked him what he did to be paid fifty nine thousand dollars from the gangster-riddled Hotel Workers Unio! n. He could not give a straight answer. Asked if he knew of his boss, Edward Hanley, runnning the Union and a known hoodlum, he asserted with a straight face that he never heard of his boss.)

    In the process of investigating his sister, Mary Hanley, an official of the marketing and advertising firm DDB Chicago, I found out that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are owned by the same financial interests and only pretend to be worldwid e competitors. Further, DDB Chicago quietly represented both Pepsi and Coke. All these things are Anti-Trust violations which the highly politicized and corrupt Justice Department has failed to do anything about.

    Later, in the Federal Appeals Court, all the judges of that Court, some 14, sitting what they call en banc, together, blockaded the Kolody appeal from proceeding. Still later, the plaintiff Kolody filed court documents setting fo rth that the corruption in the Coca-Cola case is linked to the corrupting of five Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush versus Gore, to arbitrarily install George W. Bush in December, 2000, as the occupant and resident of the White House.

    The documents relating to this judicial corruption were sent to a Secret Court that considers matters of misdeeds of Federal Judges including bribery. Unknown to the public, such Court has no case number, no docket or procedures of rec ord, and meeting place is unknown.

    In 2004, Homeland Security and the FBI arbitrarily twice blocked heavy packages of documents relating to the High Court corruption in Bush versus Gore from getting to one of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, John Paul Stevens (in his se cond capacity as 7th Circuit Justice supervising the fedral appeals court in Chicago). Stevens who with three other High Court Justices dissented in Bush Versus Gore. Justice Stevens’ dissent is considered the most outspoken in the two hundre d year history of the High Court.

    [In 1969, in the biggest judicial bribery mess in American history up to that time, Stevens, as a Chicago lawyer, was my attorney presenting my charges of bribery against some of the Judges of the Illinois Supreme Court, that state's h ighest tribunal which was nearly swept away by the disclosures. As a result, I and Stevens became famous. He was later appointed to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, his current position for more than thirty years. For details, visit, this series, Part 14 posted soon. Not mentioning us by name, is a small part of our work on the U.S. Supreme Court corruption of Five of their Judges:in the October, 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine.]

    [Visit, parts 9 and 10 of this series as to the Secret Court's existence. Other numerous details in other parts of this series as to Coca-Cola.]

    As to Pepsi-Cola, the other major worldwide beverage company:

    The owner of a Chicago-area-based beverage firm, filed on February 15, 2005, a civil damage suit in the state court in Chicago, being in Cook County. Named as defendants are Pepsico, Inc., several of their units, and two law firms and lawyers representing them. Among the law firms named as defendants are Pattishall, McAuliffe, Murphy, Newberry, Hilliard & Geraldson, 311 South Wacker Drive, Suite 5000, Chicago IL 60606 (312) 554-8000 ; and Grimes & Battersby, 488 Ma in Ave., Third Floor, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851 (203) 849-8300 .

    Robert J. Corr owner of Rush Beverage Company, Inc., of the Chicago suburb of Blue Island, sets forth in his Verified Compaint with Exhibit attached, as follows:

    That Chicago U.S. District Judge John W. Darrah (312) 435-5619 [Federal civil action, No. 01 C-5684 ] for the Pepsi defendants’ and their attorneys huge financial benefits, did Frauds Upon the U.S. Disdtrict Court and Obstructions of Justice, Perpetrated by Judge Darrah himself on his Own Court.

    Judge Darrah condoned and acquiesced in, as stated, in the Complaint by Corr, that Pepsico and their attorneys arranged the burglary of most of Corr’s office and benefitted from that.. Stolen were his trade secrets, confidential books and records, documents and papers.

    All the burglarized items were delivered in garbage bags to the Pepsico attorneys who admitted they had the same but refused to return the original records to Corr despite his repeated demands.

    Original records, rather than machine copies, are the most effectxive evidence to prove claims at trials and elsewhere. Original records are not as subject to dispute and rejection as machine copies would be.

    Under a malign if not corrupt influence by the defendants, Judge Darrah cut short Corr from having Pepsi’s attorneys adequately questioned.

    Deprived of his records, Corr could not timely renew the registration of his trade mark as to which he sued Pepsi in the federal court. [ For many years previous to the federal case, "Red Bull" beverage tried to knockout Corr's tradema rk "Ginseng Rush". linked to his beverages marketed by Corr through his firm, Rush Beverage Co., Inc. Corr's beverage is made with American Ginseng, according to published sources, of a superior quality and more expensive than Ginsng supposedly in some other beverages with Korean Ginseng. Corr contends his beverage is good for one's health. On the other hand, "Red Bull" is reputedly heavily caffeinated. Corr says he is against other beverages which have almost a toxic level of caffein. Also , neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi-Cola can legally clim their bubble water has any nutrition value.]

    In January, 2004, in the Federal Court, Corr filed “Motion By Robert Corr To Purge The Records Of Certain Orders, Judgments, and Rulings In The Instant Case Because of Fraud Upon the U.S. District Court and Obstructions of Justice Perpetrated By Judge John W. Darrah Himself”.

    It is a fundamental principle of Anglo-Saxon Law, that “No Man Shall Sit As A Judge In His Own Case”. Unlawfully sitting as a Judge in his own case, Judge Darrah stating the entire title of the motion, ruled on February 19, 2004, t hat such “Motion ;;; is Denied” Please notice. In law the words Motion is Denied, does NOT mean the facts are disputed but rather that the Motion is not granted. The Judge, Pepsi, their units, and lawyers DID NOT DISPUTE the FACTS of the malign influence on Judge Darrah to enter Judgments arbitrarily destroying Corr’s intellectual and contract property rights.

    In his State Court suit, Corr claims the named Pepsi defendants are wielding and using against him corruptly and fraudulently begotten federal court judgments, orders, and rulings, defendants having worked a malign influence on Judge D obtain the same. In this way, the Pepsi defendants, with Judge Darrah underf a malign influence, destroyed Corr’s intellectual and contract property rights.

    In so diong, the named defendants are implying that such federal court judgments, orders, and rulings are valid and res judicata (law jargon for “rest in peace”).when the named Pepsi defendants know full well they obtained the same cor ruptly and fraudulently.

    Among the types of damage claims Corr makes against the named Pepsi fidefendants, in the State Court suit filed 2/15/05,im the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Law Division, Case No. 2005 L 001785, are the following:

    That they engaged in Theft of His Records. That they conducted corporate espionage against him; that they conducted misappropriation of his Trade Secrets; that they engaged in interference of his business activities; that they did thes e things for Unjust Enrichment.

    Updated details of the State Court suit will be posted (after 2/21/5)

    Question: Unknown to Robert J. Corr, have the details of the corruption in the Pepsi case of Chicago Federal District Judge John W. Darrah, also been sent to the SECRET COURT like in the Coca-Cola matter?

    More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.


    Coca-Cola, The CIA And The Courts – Part 16

    Spy Media React To Suit Against Pepsi Part Sixteen of a Series

    by Sherman H. Skolnick 02/23/05

    How do the spy-riddled, oil-soaked monopoly press react to suits against Big Business?

    If they cover the story at all, the mouthpieces of the Anglo-American Aristocracy tend to marginalize and heckle private persons bringing accusations and bad news. After all, the journalism schools of the Establishment, the Ruling Class—whatever you call THEM—persistently teach their obedient students that the only dependable statements come from “official sources”, such as “for sale Congressmen and Senators”, “Banker-Judges”, bribe-taking heads of government agencies, and blackmailable and/or criminally insane occupants of the White House. That is, self-serving statements from the shills of governance, most often ruling without the consent of those governed.

    Carefully forgotten is the sorry history of America’s fraudulent elections for high office.

    News from peons petitioning government tribunals for redress of grievances are on their face suspect. Likewise to be quickly rejected are the statements of activists and reformers addressing calls to action to their fellow citizens.

    So it was a typical happening when CBS Network’s outlets in Chicago, WBBM-TV and WBBM Radio, received a press release about a suit filed February 15, 2005, in the State Court in town.

    It started out, Robert J. Corr, owner of a beverage firm, accused Pepsi of using “corruptly begotten” court judgments, implicating a federal judge in destroying Corr’s trademark and contract rights as against Pepsico et al.[Part 15 of this series.]

    So a WBBM reporter, John J. Cody, suddenly knows exactly where to reach Mr. Corr. The supposed reporter, an old-timer, apparently did not see fit to consult the damage suit details just filed. No, the reporter wanted instead to immediately tape sound bites of the accuser

    In law jargon, the finger-pointer in a civil suit is called the plaintiff; the accused, naturally, are labeled the defendants.

    The reporter lures the plaintiff to be “off-guard”, by stating “I am very interested in your suit. I will be following the progress of the suit and will be taping sound bites of you in the next few weeks”. So the pigeon, thus duped, is led to falsely believe that the wonderful monopoly press is going to greatly publicize his denunciations of Pepsico, several of their units, and their attorneys, named defendants in a civil damage suit. Claims against them as to using corrupt and fraudulently begotten judgments, as to theft of records, misappropriation of trade secrets, interference with business, corporate espionage, and other matters.

    The practices of CBS and their local major outlets are typical of Big Brother. The liars and whores of the press have perfected their practices over a period of decades.

    Civil rights and anti-Viet Nam War activists were contacted by the network outlets, as well as by the major print media. The targets, too often completely blank on the history of the press and their practices, usually think to themselves “Wow, I am going to be in the NEWS. I am going to be heard!”

    The pretended interviews, fully audio taped, filmed, in later years videoed, would consist of eliciting personal data. Do you represent yourself or do you have a lawyer? Where do you work? What do your siblings and parents work at? Where were you educated? Are your activities financed? By whom? Are you sure you know what you are talking about in your damage suit? Who are your witnesses?

    The product of such interviews seldom or never went on the air. Instead couriers would deliver transcripts of the interviews to the FBI, or to an unmarked office in Virginia of the American CIA. And delivered as well quietly to the attorneys for the Big Business accused. So that spy-agency paid agents provocateurs could steer such activists into getting busted. “Don’t just sit idle there. Come on, let’s fire-bomb the Draft Board.” Or, that hired guns of Big Business could get a head start in torpedoing the dissidents before they go much in Court.

    (Briefly, I taught how to conduct investigations to naive students at a broadcast school—very briefly, until the school bosses could not stomach me further and ran me out. My teaching of how to finger bagmen and corrupters and government-paid provocateurs was terminated. I found out that nearby, in an unmarked office, were working the couriers of these transcripts from the spy media.)

    CBS’s Chicago outlets are typical of what goes on and has gone on throughout America.

    In December, 1969, an elite team of CIA assassins, later falsely described as simply local Chicgo police, assassinated, in his bed while he was asleep, Fred Hampton, head of the Illinois Black Panther Party with his wife sleeping next to him shot through the stomach; she survived and gave birth to Fred Hampton, Jr.; also murdered with Fred was an associate in the black activist movement.

    WBBM-TV, Channel 2 Chicago, aired an entirely fraudulent re-creation of the event. They together with WBBM Radio knowingly falsely stated that the police shot Hampton because he was firing weapons at them. The media whores censored the fact that the murder team arrived about 4 a.m. in the morning in a truck they borrowed from the telephone company, accomplices to the assassination. (As I later in 1970 showed with suppressed documents in court, the leader of the murder team, was the same CIA-trained operative within the Chicago police, Daniel Groth, who covered up aspects of the aborted plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy expected at a football game, some two and a half weeks before Dallas.)

    In 1987, right the day before Thanksgiving, Chicago’s first black Mayor, Harold Washington, was assassinated with a cup of coffee laced with a near pure mixture of Cocaine causing a fatal heart seizure. (Bank collapses and political assassinations are covered up, the best way either right before or during a holiday.)

    WBBM Radio reporters, knowing I tend to be reasonable, said they wanted me for a one-hour live radio broadcast on my exclusive details of the murder of the Mayor, circulated by me through a vast chain of phone lines hooked to my sophisticated telephone message machinery. The news-fakers kept repeating the death of the Mayor was purely natural.

    Among the motives I set forth for the murder of Mayor Harold Washington, a few months after his re-election, are some of the following:

    ===The City contract was soon to expire, with the electricity monopoly, Commonwealth Edison. The Mayor (if he lived) vowed to take over Edison’s generating facilities within the city limits; facilities already amortized and fully paid for. Outside the city limits were Edison’s nuclear energy generating machinery, a large cost item. Under Mayor Washington’s plan, announced for his re-election, he would supply municipal-owned electricty to Chicagoans for as little as ten dollars per month per residence.

    At the time, a major owner of Edison, according to U.S. government reports, was the Pope, a faraway absentee owner and landlord as to Chicago.

    [A member of our group petitioned the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to forbid the Vatican from proceeding with its plans to build further Nuclear plants in Illinois, already site of the most in the nation. Federal law prohibits a foreign power, such as the Vatican, from owning nuclear facilities in the U.S. The Vatican-owned Edison arbitrarily cut off the electricity to her home, as a reprisal. She won a damage suit against the Vatican after sixteen local judges disqualified themselves, some not even Catholics, but beholden to the Church Hierarchy. [Visit, scroll way down to story "Electric Scandal".]

    ===Mayor Wasington announced he was going to stop the exclusive city bond deals with the Rockefeller banks, highly lucrative to them, and permit Japanese banks to bid on the contracts.

    So, with the murder of the Mayor and motives of foul play covered up by WBBM and all the rest of the monopoly press, WBBM proceeded with their plans as to me.

    They promised me, that despite having heckled me, and spied on me in the past through their interview tricks, that they would be fair to me. I figured to myself I will take a chance and in a pinch, hollar back louder than them.

    They started the one-hour program live by describing me as being as phony as a three dollar bill. I countered by rapidly listing their fraudulent broadcasts and spying on peaceniks, and to cover up the CIA murder of Fred Hampton. Despite my accomplishments of the biggest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history touched off by me in 1969, and me causing a situation where twenty judges and forty lawyers were sent to prison for bribery; despite that, the WBBM hatchet-man announcer shouted at me that I was a known long-time liar and idiot.

    Among subjects absolutely censored by such media as outlets in Chicago and elsewhere of ABC, NBC,, CBS, Fox, and CNN, to name just some of them, are the following:

    ===non-governmental person’s accusations, in and out of court, of bribery and corruption of Federal Judges, state and federal officials, and against Big Business such as the Oil Cartel.

    ===private persons making accusations, in and out of court or governmental tribunals, against members of High Society and puppets of the Ruling Class.

    ===Ar a time of fake war hystery and domestic violence orchestrated by the Aristocracy themselves as “foreign terrorism”, for the purposes of canceling the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights; censored are the statements of private persons as to the war party in the District of Criminals.

    The long-time dirty practices of the mass media iare to conduct pretended “interviews” to dupe accusers into divulging possibly negative personal data which can make its way to the accused Big Shots and their attorneys, as well as to Big Brother’s spy shop.

    A large number of the supposed reporters in the American monopoly press were or continue to be with Military Intelligence, and/or the American CIA, and other lesser known aspects of the espionage community. That is quite true of the Chicago Tribune, its print and website versions, as well as their more than fifty units, print, radio, and tv of their Presslord Empire.

    Likewise engaging in these rotten practices of pretended “interviews” to extract background data to feed to Big Busines and their hired guns, big law firms, are those, for example of the financial press, such as the Wall Street Journal and Business Week, just to name a few.

    In the Pepsi litigation, it seems evident that WBBM presumed they have a sucker or dupe on the hook, and will grill him, extract from him data as if taking his “deposition”, without the safeguards of court rules. And then, mysteriously such transcripts and tapes may find their way to Pepsi’s law devils, well-paid mercenaries of Darkness.

    In a second talk with long-time WBBM reporter John J. Cody [(312) 951-3810 ,], Corr with includimg me in a conference call, asked Cody if he is going to do more sound bites. Cody said the matter is too complicated. Corr asked for the tapes to be turned over to him (implying so as to keep them out of the hands of third parties, such as Pepsi and their attorneys). Cody said they were “gone” and Cody would not say where.

    I asked Cody about their media practices, such as censoring stories pointing the finger at Big Business. [ In his many years in the monopoly press, Cody, like other mass media reporters, is presumably familiar with the practice of "grilling" private persons as dissidents and accusers of Big Business, not to put on the air but to spy on them. Perhaps Cody stopped the apparent plan of "grilling" Corr because perhaps Cody found out that Skolnick, who fingers media spies, was involved investigating the matter of Pepsi.].

    One of the dirty secrets of the monopoly press is that various units, print, tv, radio are adjuncts for what has become the American Gestapo, namely Homeland Security and counter-intelligence oif the FBI including but not limited to WBBM Radio and TV in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Post as well as other mass media outlets nationwide.

    More details of the suit aainst Pepsi: [to be activated soon]

    More coming. Stay tuned.

    Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, “Broadsides”, Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.