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Why Bibi Doesn’t Care

Brother Nathanael Kapner

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March 5, 2015


I LAUGH AT HEADLINES tooting that bipartisan support for Israel is “dead” and the Jewish Lobby will “never be the same” due to Netanyahu’s speech to Congress today.

Even Stephen Walt is whistling dixie thinking that Bibi blew up America’s ’special relationship’ with Israel due to today’s visit.

Yet, the Jewish Lobby is stronger than ever and bipartisan support grows larger every day.

Do you understand what it takes to control a country?

Who has the money, with hundreds of organizations, and owns the media?

“Presstitutes” like Paul Craig Roberts claims? “Elites” like Gerry Celente says? “Globalists” as Alex Jones puts it?

Ha, ha ha. Ask any 16 year old what group in America has the money and he’ll say “JEWS.”

Jimmy Carter summed it up, “Oppose the Jewish Lobby and you commit political suicide.”