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McDonald’s Sick Mutant Baby Art Psyop Exposed

Rob Dew

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March 20, 2015

Warning: Video includes graphic images
Thousands of SXSW festival goers are completely unaware that they are under an intense psyop as they make their way through the streets of Austin.

What started as a place for bands to get exposure is now a joint mind control operation between dying corporations who are fighting to stay relevant and hip and the city of Austin, which rakes in millions in tax revenue.

Here the blueprint to create and sustain a mindless party culture industry is enabled by the thousands of gullible attendees looking for a chance at star down and the armies of volunteers looking to break into the industry.

In order to break people out of their trance, we have focused most of our attacks on the blue chip corporation McDonalds, which in addition to giving away food containing estrogen mimickers GMO’s and plastic like cancer causing chemicals, is subliminally attacking the subconscious mind with images of death, deformed and diseased children.

Article printed from Infowars: