Mystery surrounds Wal-Mart's bizarre cover story of closing five stores for six months due to 'plumbing problems'
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Wal-Mart has suddenly announced it is shuttering five stores from Florida to California for a six-month period due to what the company claims are "plumbing problems." Nobody except the ultra-gullible really believes the Wal-Mart cover story, however.
"The retail chain announced Monday that five stores are shutting down - one in Brandon, two in Texas, one in Oklahoma and one in California - due to clogging and drainage problems," reports News Channel 8 in Florida.
The sudden closures were only announced five hours before they took place, thrusting thousands of employees out of work with little or no notice.
"Wal-Mart announced the temporary closure of the Midland Drive store at 2 p.m." reports the Midland Reporter-Telegram. "Monday, five hours before the designated closure time. No signs have been posted at the store’s entrances, as of 2 p.m. Wal-Mart also closed stores in Brandon, Florida, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Livingston on Monday for plumbing repairs, according to news sources in each of those respective cities."
Seriously? Does anybody believe the official explanation?
What's really raising eyebrows across the web is the mathematical improbability that five large Wal-Mart stores would all experience catastrophic plumbing problems at exactly the same day, all requiring exactly the same duration of closures: six months. The very idea that a plumbing problem could be so catastrophic that it would require shuttering an entire store for six months ranks right up there with some of the most ridiculously implausible cover-up explanations we've heard over the years such as "steel-reinforced concrete buildings suddenly collapse in perfect demolition style when they suffer from a few small office fires."
The cover story is so lacking in credibility that every informed person across the internet is laughing like crazy at the sheer stupidity of it. One news organization, Channel 8 in Brandon, Florida, looked into the claimed plumbing repairs and found it was a fictional cover story. "...8 On Your Side has found no paperwork and no work done on the plumbing," reports "According to Hillsborough County, Walmart didn't notify the county's permit department either. No one there has heard a peep from Walmart about any major repairs."
The news outlet goes on to report:
On Tuesday, 8 On Your Side stopped by the Walmart, and found no plumber in sight at the Brandon Supercenter, just hundreds of confused and concerned customers.
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