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Walmart tells laid-off workers to avoid alcohol and chocolate

Cox Media Group National Content Desk

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When Walmart laid off over 2,200 workers after closing five stores for plumbing problems, the company offered tips to help workers deal with the bad news.

The advice, however, is raising eyebrows and stirring controversy online, according to Business Insider.

In a document given to the laid-off workers, the company provides stress management tips which includes avoiding alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and chocolate.

Other tips encouraged laid-off workers to take good care of themselves by eating well, exercising and getting enough rest.

In response to critics, a Walmart spokesman released the following statement, which was posted on Consumerist.

“Whenever we have a situation that impacts our associates our goal is to provide them information that will help answer their questions, as well as provide guidance to resources and other information that would help through any transition. The 'coping with transition' document is a standard resource we provide associates to help them manage the difficulties of discussing any type of work transition with others. It's unfortunate that our critics are attempting to minimize this process by conveniently excluding all the other valuable information our associates received and need during this time.”