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Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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May 11, 2015

(NaturalNews) If you're "Ready for Hillary" in 2016, you might as well just admit that you're ready for more evil because nearly every top donor to Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea's Clinton Foundation, which is driving Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency, is a multinational corporation or other organization pushing for more centralized control over food, medicine, energy and/or finance.


A brief look at the top donors to the Clinton Foundation reveals that a Hillary Clinton presidency will focus on spreading more genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and crop chemicals into places like Africa; pushing more junk food on the masses; perpetuating the privately-owned Federal Reserve's fiat currency Ponzi scheme; and signing more people up for a lifetime of sick care with pharmaceuticals and vaccines.


In other words, it'll be a whole lot more of the same under Hillary, just like it's been under Obama and just like it was under Bush Junior, Bush Senior, and many other former presidents. Take a look at the donor list and see for yourself which industries will presumably be given priority treatment from a Hillary presidency based on the large cash sums they're contributing to see Hillary Clinton occupy the White House.


The number one donor to the Clinton Foundation, as you'll notice, is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization whose stated goal it is to see every child in the world vaccinated with live viruses and heavy metals. The Gates Foundation is also driving to push native agriculture out of Africa with its "Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa," a corporate ploy to force biotechnology on the people of Africa.


A couple spots down on the list is Goldman Sachs, the infamous central banking group that holds even more power over the corrupt financial system than the private Federal Reserve. Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show describes Goldman Sachs as "the epitome of the word 'evil,'" noting that this evil organization is actively working to implode the global economy in order to reorganize it under a centralized world system.


Other top Clinton Foundation donors include junk food purveyor Coca-Cola, mom-and-pop shop killer Walmart, chemical giant Dow, Big Pharma kingpin Pfizer, and the world's most evil corporation, Monsanto.


Clinton Foundation so corrupt that even its evil donors are second-guessing campaign contributions

You might be thinking to yourself, "Wait, aren't these the types of organizations that typically donate to Republicans?" Yes, but they also donate to Democrats because Republicans and Democrats are essentially two sides of the same coin. Regardless of what party the U.S. president belongs to, corporations and central banking cartels are the real winners of every election, and this couldn't be more true with a possible Hillary presidency.


Interestingly, as evil as many of the Clinton Foundation's donors are, even they are having second thoughts about supporting Hillary. A recent report by Politico explains how the $2 billion organization is losing some donors who are concerned about how the Clintons are using the foundation's money.


"One major donor who contributed at least $500,000 to the foundation last year said a 2015 donation is less likely because of revelations about sloppy record-keeping and huge payments for travel and administrative costs," wrote Kenneth P. Vogel for Politico.


"At least three other major donors also are re-evaluating whether to continue giving large donations to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, according to people familiar with its fundraising."



