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Is Abandoned Cincinnati Walmart with Razor Wire a Future Jade Helm FEMA Camp?

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May 31, 2015

Published on May 28, 2015

Jade Helm 15, the multi-state, 3 month, “realistic” military training that will commence in July has made nationwide attention as public fears of martial law grow. In addition, the sudden closing of 6+ Walmarts spread throughout the southern states on the false premise of “plumbing issues” has made conspiracy theories spiral, stating that Walmarts will be used as military command centers or FEMA detention camps. What I find at this Cincinnati abandoned Walmart is shocking! Or, is it something more innocuous?

The other oddity is that this isn’t your run of the mill barbed wire. This is razor sharp Constantine wire. Per a manufacturer’s website that supplies Constantine wire:


Barbed wire is widely used in field fence, chain link fence and welded wire fence and provides general security. For example, barbed wire is often installed on top of cattle fence to keep cattle in bound.

Concertina wire is very powerful to threaten intentional invades. Hence, it has been an optimum alternative of prison, military base and the places where require high-level security.

So, being that Walmart already has a sheer face of 25+ feet to prevent criminals, why the Cadillac version of razor wire?

Also, why are not other abandoned buildings throwing up razor wire?! Of course, you could argue a company needs to have the money and means to do so. However, with the economy as it is, we have BIG businesses all over the place going under. As this WND report shows, almost 6,000 stores nationwide have closed shop. We have JC Penny, Office Max, Radio Shack and tons of other chain retailers that have gone under with NO RAZOR WIRE. There is even an entire mall (Forest Park Mall) that has gone under yet still….no razor wire.

So, is this something as simple as preventing thieves? Of is this really a part of Jade Helm? Could the roof be used as a 2nd tier staging center for tents? We will probably never know, but with the overwhelming trends of militarized police, government intrusion into our civil liberties, and global war looming, these kinds of sights put us on edge.