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Monsanto's airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned, poison-spraying helicopters

Jonathan Benson

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June 25, 2015

(NaturalNews) The federal government has granted its approval for a new unmanned pesticide drone that reports indicate will soon start dumping chemical herbicides and other crop-related substances from the sky.

The helicopters, designed by Yamaha Corp. U.S.A., have an empty weight of only 141 pounds, according to a Federal Aviation Administration document,[PDF] and they don't require a human pilot. Multinational corporations like Monsanto can just load them up with Roundup and send them on their way.

"Yamaha unmanned helicopters are designed for a wide range of industrial and research applications," reads an official brochure for the new technology,[PDF] which lists "precision agriculture," "spraying" and "seeding" as potential uses.

"Your eye in the sky offers cost effective, accurate and efficient spraying with zero soil compaction," it adds.

Here you can see the "RMAX" unmanned helicopter in action as it shoots chemicals down on crops:
