Gerry Spence
It’s time we lay naked the myth, expose it like ripping the shirt off a fat man’s belly. We are not a democracy. Americans are not free. Our politicians do not represent us. We have not been taught or told the truth. None. We are the new slaves.
Slaves must have a master. Yes. The master is the corporate glob that controls us, speaks for us, that provides us with our only voice, the corporate media, that uses us up for its profit, that engorges itself while masses of our people remain jobless and hungry and that uses our resources and children to extend its aggression across the world for more profit.
The master is dead, of course. It does not breath or feel, and it is immortal. Such a frightening spectacle, for the master is not only dead, but insane! It is addicted to profit. Does it not terrorize us to see these organisms, these profit seeking corporations, still fighting for more, squeezing the life blood out of its workers for more, cheating its shareholders for more, twisting its barrowers for more, killing for more, blithely destroying the earth for more, bringing on wars where untold thousands of the innocent are wounded and killed – all for more? More!
In short, if I were to describe a monster so large it could not be seen, so ubiquitous that it covered every part of our being, so powerful that it controls our government and the governments of many nations, yet a monster without a heart or morals – and that has such power over the minds of the people that the people, the slaves, believe they are free and are willing to lay down their lives for the monster – if realizing this truth, might we all not run, hide, yes, scurry into small holes like frightened rabbits to seek refuge somewhere where the monster could not reach us? But what if I tell you that there is no place to hide? The master, the monster, the corporate glob occupies every nook and cranny where we once might have hidden. And it knows where we are. Even a cow can occasionally break through the fence and find momentary freedom in the neighbor’s pasture, but not the people. We cannot escape.
Is there hope? Stay tuned.