James Hall
No better example on how the actually world operates can be found than the Corporatist argument that all the opposition to TPP is just wrong. Really ??? Understand that the record of trade agreements have been greatly beneficial to Transnational Corporations. So it is natural that enterprises that seek to crush competition, favor the term FREE, when in reality the practice of conducting commerce on highly structured agreements, eliminates upstarts and squeeze out weak rivals. TPP has finally taken off the mask for all to see.
Still, the sway of the corporatocracy influence is so powerful that establishment economists, main stream business media, and election money dependent politicians are beating the drums in spite of the growing public opposition to the disastrous consequences in TPP.
Don’t celebrate that the argument has been won, QUARTZ publishes the corporate line that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are both wrong about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
“But there’s a difference between not supporting free trade and being against trade agreements. Trade agreements, such as TPP or the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), promote trade by eliminating tariffs and other barriers. But they also (as is the case of TPP) enforce patents, labor and environmental standards, copyrights, and other legal protections. Rather than unfettered globalization, trade agreements steer trade to certain countries and give participating governments more control on how trade is conducted. You can be against a trade agreement because you think there should be less trade (like Sanders and Donald Trump) or because you don’t like the structure of the agreement (which Hillary Clinton claims is her issue). But opposing TPP for either reason is a mistake.”
The author of this total falsehood is Allison Schrager an economist, writer, and pension geek. Her distortion of the facts is astounding. When did Donald Trump ever take the position that he wants less trade? In Breitbart Trump states: The 5,544-page deal is far too long to be understood, said Trump. “Nobody understands it,” he said. “The deal is so bad because of the fact they don’t cover currency manipulation,” Trump added. “It’s the number-one weapon used by foreign countries to hurt the United States and take away jobs.”
Schrager goes on with even more lunacy. “The structure of TPP may not be perfect, but it is expected to increase real incomes in America by $131 billion and boost exports by $357 billion by 2030. In absolute terms, the United States will benefit most from the deal.”
Folks, only a fool or an idiot would claim that the suicidal trade deficits that America has experienced, directly from ill conceived trade agreements like NAFTA is a benefit to our economy. And we are supposed to believe and take on faith that real incomes will increase BECAUSE of the TPP?
Since all four of the contending candidates for President are giving lip service against the TPP, the political pressure from an angry electorate is finally hitting home. However, the Corporatist will not abandon their fast track plan to drain even more wealth out of the pockets of hard working Americans. Hording their manipulated ill gains off shore does not put food on the table of your neighbor. Inversions do not employ more domestic workers. And since The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the OECD, it would be totally insane to give the globalist corporations even more advantages, when they already avoid the long reach of the IRS.
Lying politicians have done the bidding of their corporate donors for as long as companies have made contributions to campaigns. Congress could reduce the corporate tax and grant a tax holiday to repatriate all those stashed billions. Allowing Citizens United to be the law of the land, guarantees control of the corporatist over trade policy.
Trade should not be an ideological issue. The merits of any agreement should be judged on how AMERICA and her people benefit, not on how much gain corporations command from the arrangements. Trump states he wants to negotiate trade deals with individual countries as opposed to all inclusive and putative global dictates.
This approach can and will stop the adverse trade hemorrhage that is destroying our future. Needless to say, a mouth piece for Marco Rubio, Scott Lincicome an international trade attorney, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and Visiting Lecturer at Duke University, disagrees. In Almost Everything Donald Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong, he contends:
“Moreover, basic economics teaches us that trade balances reflect national savings, consumption and investment, not trade policy. Thus, every dollar traveling overseas to buy imports (in excess of our exports) eventually comes back to the United States in the form of investment, and our “trade deficit” is matched by a “capital account surplus.” In other words, we buy goods and services from foreigners, and they buy an equal amount of our exports plus our financial assets (aka foreign investment in the United States).”
In this last statement, the ugly game plan of the internationalist rigged trade agreements is revealed. Transfer of domestic wealth and national treasure to the globalist companies who buy up America on the cheap. Just what this nation needs! Shills like Lincicome are certainly not nationalists.
When fronts for the supra-elites, ratchet up their attacks on Trump, they are really looking to stop the opposition against the TPP. The Club for Growth to launch million-dollar attack on Trump is a typical example of this tactic.
Lou Dobbs post on Twitter, Rubio Supports TPP, Trump Doesn't: Top Dem warns of 'TPP car,' Mexican-made, Chinese parts via @DCExaminer
“The controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal between the U.S. and 11 other nations could spark a new wave of U.S. auto and auto parts makers fleeing to Mexico, a leading Democratic trade expert in the House is warning.”
Get prepared for many more reposts like this. The Corporatists mobilization to prevent any opposition to the TPP is behind the establishment of any populist politician. Wake up America and know your trade enemy, they wrote the TPP.
James Hall – March 16, 2016
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