Bernie Sanders: ‘I do wish’ Apple would bring manufacturing jobs back to the US
The Unhived Mind
Bernie Sanders: ‘I do wish’ Apple would bring manufacturing jobs back to the US
By Ashley Carman on April 5, 2016 04:52 pm Email @ashleyrcarman
In an interview with the New York Daily News’ editorial board this past week, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said that he wishes Apple would “be manufacturing some of their devices, here, in the United States rather than in China.” He also said he wishes “they would not be trying to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.” (Apple does assemble some of its devices in the US, including the iMac and the Mac Pro.)
Sanders has championed a takedown of corporate America and business practices that “destroy the fabric” of the United States. Apple doesn’t fit this bill for him, he said. Instead, he named General Electric, JPMorgan Chase, and “virtually every other major bank in this country” as good examples, because they cut American jobs without considering domestic workers.
Returning manufacturing jobs to the US is one point where Sanders agrees with Republican candidate Donald Trump. Trump said in January he planned to get Apple to “start building their damn computers and things in this country, instead of in other countries.” The Republican frontrunner also wanted to boycott Apple products, but continued tweeting from an iPhone.
The Talmud Tribe aren’t going to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. when they have even deeper slaves over in Asia. If you were a business man dealing in just cash flow would you pay a U.S. citizen $15 per hour on minimum wage and perks or would you rather like Apple continue to pay children $1.82 an hour and be able to have the children work seventy-two hour a day weeks? Now when you speak of the masters of slavery it’s not the whites or even the Arabs it’s the Synagogue of Satan that Tribe of deceit and they hate all the Goyim as they term anyone outside of their privileges. The West is to live within a zero-growth model in the Post-Industrial Plan. Who forced the companies to ship jobs out to Asia? Wall Street! So an answer to the problem is to cancel Wall St and remove it entirely from the United States. To achieve this you first implement Glass Steagall then progress from there and move over to a Federal Credit system like John F. Kennedy was doing.
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