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AUG. 25, 2016


Much has been said recently about the questionable connections and behavior of the Clinton Foundation, most notably the scandalous corruption and alleged “pay-to-play” scheme in which Bill and Hillary Clinton traded influence and political favors for hefty donations from foreign governments and businesses.

But now it appears that the corrupt Clinton Foundation could be culpable for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of AIDS-infected patients in Africa.

An in-depth investigation by The Wall Street Journal revealed a scam involving the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Health AIDS Initiative, a United Nations aid program, and a controversial pharmaceutical company based in India.

It was revealed that the Clinton Foundation was skimming tens of millions of dollars off the top of funds collected by the U.N. through a levy placed on international airline travelers, while using their “prestige” to secure contracts for a pharmaceutical company to provide low-cost AIDS medications for victims in Third World countries.

The India-based pharmaceutical company, Ranbaxy, has a long history of using subpar ingredients in their generic medications, which render them impotent and sometimes even toxic, certainly not helping AIDS victims to treat and mange their disease effectively.

According to WND, Bill Clinton was aware of the issues surrounding Ranbaxy for years, yet stood up for them and partnered with them to provide the low-cost drugs.

“The scam was perfected, when a key player in developing the CHAI ‘discount generic drug’ strategy touted as revolutionary by Bill and Hillary Clinton, namely Ranbaxy in India, achieved their ‘economy of scale’ by selling drugs the company knew were so drastically substandard that the Ranbaxy ARV products had no chance of curing any HIV/AIDS patients taking the drugs in the third world countries to which the Clinton Foundation delivered them,” explained Charles Ortel, the WSJ journalist who uncovered the scheme.

“It seems in hindsight a textbook case of reckless and wanton neglect,” Ortel stressed.

Making matters worse, and revealing the mindset of the individuals involved in the scam, were comments overheard by a reporter for Fortune, conducting their own investigation into Ranbaxy executives, who heard one of them coarsely dismiss the concerns over defective medications.

“Who cares? It’s just blacks dying,” the executive is reported to have said.

Sadly, these allegations shouldn’t surprise anybody.  The Clinton’s have used their work to combat the AIDS virus as a shining example of the good that they do for the world, often pointing to it as a way to distract from the numerous other allegations of selfishness and wrongdoing.

It would now appear that much of the “work” done to combat AIDS was for naught, and essentially all for show, as the medication was worthless and did nothing to save AIDS patients from their slow deaths.

Eventually, both Bill and Hillary Clinton will be unable to escape the mounting allegations of corruption and scandal and blatant hypocrisy, and hopefully will be taken to task and held accountable for their actions.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you aren’t surprised that the Clintons were skimming off the top of a U.N. imposed “tax” on airline passengers, but are horrified that they would knowingly join with a troubled company that sold bad medicine to people desperately in need.