The Common Bar Code
The Unhived Mind
The Common Bar Code – Part I
How would Satan make you bare his mark – 666? If he stamped it on your hand or forehead you would immediately recognize it as it is described in the bible and you would fight them by refusing it. So how are they going to get you to receive the mark without force? Answer; subtly introduce it as an inconspicuous barcode!
To really make the cashless society convenient and “identifiable” there is nothing like a bar code. Just about everything you can buy has a “bar code” on it. You know, those liney things they scan at the supermarket… Bar codes come in several formats and flavors, but when it comes to retail operations and consumer applications, the most common kinds are the UPC/EAN-13 format…
In most bar codes, numbers are coded as two bars. The length of the bars up and down does not matter to the computer. What does matter is the thickness of the lines and the thickness of the gaps between them. You’ll also notice two long skinny lines on the left, in the middle, and on the right hand side. These are referred to as start and stop scan codes. On the above example, you can see the start codes at the left, in the middle and the right. You can also see them even more clearly on the example below.
The code patterns used on the left 5 numbers are different from the ones on the right 5 numbers.
The UPC/EAN-13 Specification, or “the common barcode.”
Each line used is either fat, medium, or skinny. Gaps appear to be likewise. If you look at the example to the left you’ll see the two start code lines with a circle drawn around the bottom ends. You can also see the middle and stop scan codes with the same circles. You can see that a 0 is a medium and skinny line, a 1 is two medium lines, etc., etc.
Notice the 6 on the right side. Two skinny lines. Can you see any difference between the 6 and the start and stop scan codes? Any difference you see between them is due to the limitations of the graphics program I used to scan and enhance the images.
Why would two skinny lines represent a 6? Maybe it’s because in pure computer code (binary), a 6 is represented as 0110…
In 1977 the EAN code was used by 12 countries (all the countries of the European Community). Today, use of the EAN code has spread to all west European countries, USA, Canada, Australia and Japan.
“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in his right hand or in his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.” -Revelation 13:16
The Common Barcode – Part II
Everybody buys and sells merchandise. Everybody goes to the store and buys food, and supplies for every day life not even REALIZING something very shocking about the products they purchase.
All products have a Barcode or a “Proof of Purchase” seal on them. Is this Proof of Purchase seal Satanic? Why do products carry a barcode? Some would say its to control stock for inventory purposes. You will not be allowed to buy or sell a product without barcoding after the Year 2000.
Being a member of “Joe public” you will have to wait and see what happens in the future. You will/SHOULD want to know more!
The barcode is a group of lines which vary in width encoded on it. This system is used by the Post Office all the time. A letter can be tracked from the Sorting Office to the resipient via G.P.S. a system of sattelites in the sky that are used as MONITORS/TRACKERS for various groups and organisations, Military and Corporate.
In other words, Big Brother could know who, when, where, and what time you made a purchase. Far fetched? No, that IS just the kind of power the little old Barcode gives to Government Agencies.
While you can still use cash, that kind of problem doesn’t exist. If a world wide money crash were to happen then the barcode would show its true colours.
The current money system is on its way to crashing. The world markets are very close to a cashless society. And this is what Big Brother wants(Revelation 13).
Mondex MasterCard are major players in the supply of PLASTIC SMARTCARDS, in France it is estimated that over 1 billion cards are loaded and ready for use in the event of a Money Crash.
Eighteen towns worldwide are experimenting with VISA CASH. Is it really a test or are they just putting the final touches to a carefully laid plan? Only time will tell.
Mondex are the pioneers in cashless transactions, i feel that they are the likely candidates to advertise the fact for the need to move from cash to plastic just prior to the MONEY CRASH…..
After all, if you were warned in advance of an impending MONEY CRASH and the difficulties it would bring with BUYING and SELLING, i am sure joe public would accept the coming PLASTIC SMARTCARD with open arms. It is not the SMARTCARD that bothers me, it is the TECHNOLOGY that it incorporates. We would be literally monitered DAY and NIGHT. No body would be able to BUY or SELL without a SMARTCARD, if you went into any shop to make a purchase you are automatically zapped, after the cashier swipes your card, the details of your transaction would be sent to a central data collection point to be annalised. 6.6 megabytes of info held on ONE SMARTCARD
Medical Records
Voice records
Digital fingerprints
Eye scans
Hand geometry scans
A dynamic signature
2000 pages of text information.
The PLASTIC SMARTCARD has a number of problems, they can be LOST, STOLEN,WIPED,BENT, CARBON COPIES can be used illegally, or the they can be BROKEN or DUPLICATED.
The next stage of the “CASHLESS SOCIETY” is already here, IMPLANTABLE BIOS SMARTCHIPS, the size of a grain of rice, can be easily INJECTED UNDER THE SKIN.
Sorry to spoil the party folks, but THIS GENERATION may not be to faraway from the final scenario.
As technological science runs faster, the DEVIL rubs his hands…………………………WILL YOU TAKE HIS MARK?