GOOLAG: AI-Executed Censorship By Google Creating Internet Ghettoes
Snapchat, etc.
MUST be taken over
The real problem is: Who can be trusted to properly run these global social network utilities guaranteeing free speech to all?
Google is totally OUT OF CONTROL. Their infamous search engine effectively controls the Internet. The rapidly emerging Goolag is the result of a worldwide censorship regime whose own employees now feel its wrath.[1] Internet ghettoes are springing up wherever Google’s AI-administered censorship has lowered the boom.
GOOGLE: ‘We own the Internet and can censor anything we want to’
YouTube censors have become the 3rd millennium’s thought police à la The Matrix. YouTube is now taking down more videos than are being created. Alternative news websites on both the right and the left complain of countless videos that have inexplicably gone blank. YouTube Censorship Goes After Every Truth Teller (Video)
Facebook calls everything “fake news” that Mark Zuckerberg disagrees with. For real! The Soros-funded Facebook censors now label anything that is not MSM-approved as “fake news”. This massive social network utility is notorious for their AI-run algorithms which filter out the truth with brutal efficiency.
Twitter is known to ban people for simply … … … tweeting! Even the POTUS has wondered out loud what might happen if his Twitter account was closed. The Twitter platform is actually structured as an Orwellian tyranny that can shut down a truth-telling tweeter with the press of a button.
KEY POINT: Each of these social networking behemoths effectively functions as an informational utility and monopoly. As such, they should not be owned and operated by individuals and/or shareholders, particularly those of the same ilk. Because all of these government-corporate enterprises were originally created and funded by agencies of the U.S. Federal Government, they belong to the We the People. Not only that, but WTP want our fair share of the profits, interest and all!
It’s bad … real bad!
People don’t know how bad this situation really is.
At the current rate of locking down the Internet, there will soon be no Alt Media. Yeah, there will be all the usual alternative news websites, but they will be a shadow of their former selves.
The controllers at the top will not let the alternative side of the Internet ever exert their power and influence like they did during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Not no way; not no how. End of story. GOT IT!
Just in case you don’t get it—IT’S GAME OVER. They saw the power that our alternative media platforms gave us and they aim to shut them down. Clearly, Big Brother will do everything in its power to strip us of our voice…especially our collective cyber-voice.
Hopefully, all concerned have been sufficiently shocked by this grim reality. For only a true existential threat will sufficiently compel the Alt Media to get ready for the final battle of this epic info war.
Google, YouTube, Facebook were all conceived by DARPA, set up by the C.I.A.
Just in case you still don’t get it, please check out the following 2 links. Then you will understand what we’re really dealing with.
GOOGLE: Conceived, Funded and Directed By The CIA — Part I
GOOGLE: Conceived, Funded and Directed By The CIA — Part II
Obviously, TPTB planned on maintaining their global information matrix as a completely covert operation. But now that everyone knows the real deal, this extremely inconvenient truth cannot be contained. Hence, the controllers get more draconian by the day.
There is nothing more liberating than good information and accurate facts, true history and right knowledge. These are also the main weapons for the Alt Media in this escalating info war. The truth, however, about everything is under unrelenting assault… like never before.
That’s why the Central Intelligence Agency is in charge of coordinating Deep State’s reaction to the Alt Media’s once-growing influence. Information — all information — is considered intelligence, and therefore it must be effectively controlled by the U.S. Intelligence Community.
The Remedy
Given this quickly devolving state of affairs, there is only one solution. Each of the major social networks must be taken over post-haste before they reach their respective points of no return.
There is an urgency to do this before the 2018 midterm elections. The Democratic Party (as well as the congressional RINOs) have hooked up with the Mainstream Media mavens, the Sultans of Silicon Valley, the Hollywood moguls, the East Coast intelligentsia and U.S. Intelligence Community to make sure the American patriot movement is neutralized.
All of the concerned interlocking IT and WWW systems are being restructured to ensure the CIA’s desired results. Deep State will not tolerate a fair election process. The agents of Deep State are working hard to make sure the newly retrofitted Internet machinery manufactures the necessary consent.
This is why a remedy must be found and applied asap. Once The Company (aka the C.I.A.) has completed their post Trump victory realignment process, it will be nearly impossible to reverse. TPTB will then administer the Internet as a overt worldwide tyranny.
Realistically, what can be done?
From our seat, we are at a classic “David and Goliath” moment.
Actually, David had far better odds then than the Alt Media has today.
Therefore, there is only one way out of this info traffic jam.
This is where the works of William Shakespeare and Holy Bible can be quite instructive.
Like the biblical “David and Goliath” story, the Shakespearean dramas often depicted overwhelming challenges facing the protagonist (i.e. Alt Media). Some of those insurmountable obstacles were so daunting and formidable that human effort was wholly inadequate to save the day.
During the most trying circumstances in both his comedies and tragedies, the famous bard made use of a special device that saved the day, even if partially so.
Deus ex machina
While deus ex machina is a mere literary device employed to successfully resolve an exceedingly difficult predicament, there are ways to bring about divine intervention in real time.
That time is NOW!
Hence, the mission confronting each and every truth-seeker is to perform their special role in this epoch-ending conflict. Of course, that means to play their integral part to the best of their abilities. However, this can only be done by aligning with the Higher Power.
Only through the agency of grace can this divine production come to a happy ending. Which is exactly why the odds have been stacked so much against the forces of light. That’s the way it always is. Because the people — We the People — are being challenged to get with the program.
The American people are essentially being compelled to get right with God so that God can help them get their country right. Only through an apocalyptic drama would the tensions come to breaking point so that a much-needed resolution could present itself.
Special Note: Very few understand that every major IT corporation and social network utility in U.S. history was the direct product of research and development conducted jointly by DARPA, CIA and other agencies so secret they have no names. The US government would leave nothing to chance, especially where it concerned intelligence generation and dissemination on a global scale. In light of the ensuing totalitarian state which the USSA has become, the national security state has turned the oppressive control apparatus on American citizens. Not only was the global digital infrastructure completely taken over, the social media have been weaponized with great consequence. WEAPONIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA: TAKEOVER OF GLOBAL DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE
The entire Mainstream Media must be either taken over or shut down. The C.I.A. must be terminated—forever, as it cannot be fixed. The U.S. Intelligence Community as a whole ought to be disestablished and then rethought as a force for the good, not enslavement.
The U.S. Congress has become such a den of traitors and foreign agents that it, too, must be dissolved. The recent vote on the unconstitutional bill that placed more illegal sanctions on Russia was a highly revealing litmus test. It demonstrated that most members of Congress would not hesitate to participate in sedition…in broad daylight.
What to build and put in place of these massive, monolithic and malevolent institutions is the question at hand. Perhaps there may have to be another 9/11-type event that will compel the US citizenry to take back their power from those who have stolen it. Then, they can stand in their own truth — speak truth to power — so that the American Republic can, once again, serve as a beacon to the world community of nations.
Bottom Line: The patriot movement must show some fang, sooner or later. Until the elected representatives and government officials are more afraid of the American people than they are of Deep State, nothing will change. Similarly, only when those MSM magnates and titans of social media become fearful of personal consequences will things change for the better. When their respective corporate bottom lines begin to suffer permanently due to countrywide boycotts of their advertisers, a sea change is but a moment way. Truly, the single best way to the demolish the Internet ghettoes and eliminate the Goolag is to starve the beast that created them.
August 11, 2017
Author’s Note
For anyone who doubts the capability of AI, and especially autonomous superintelligence, to execute the Internet’s censorship regime being administered by Google, the following essay conveys critical understanding. AUTONOMOUS SUPERINTELLIGENCE
Goolag glossary
[1] The Google Gulag
Google Is Committed To The Suppression Of Free Speech