Black Friday 2012 Filled With Violent Outbursts as Americans Mindlessly Participate in Consumerism
Suzanne Posel
Nov. 26, 202
The Zombie Apocalypse went off without a hitch as debt – slaves gathered in long lines outside retail outlets across the nation to purchase imported goods from multi-national corporations and feed more digital debt into the credit system scheme. However, there were a few incidents of violence, as shoppers could not contain their frenzied emotions.
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, Black Friday shoppers began fighting in what was recalled on Twitter as a “gang fight at Woodland Mall” where “cops tackled them and sprayed pepper spray, everyone in that wing started coughing and sneezing.”
Police in San Antonio, Texas claimed a shopper pulled a gun on other shopper who punched him in the face for cutting in line while waiting in line to purchase goods at Sears. Customers scattered in fear and the man who cut in line hid behind a refrigerator.
Tallahassee, Florida was the scene of shots being fired at a Wal-Mart after an argument and a shopping cart hit one of the customer’s cars. Witnesses say when the shots were fired; people began running back into the Wal-Mart for cover. The scene was caught on surveillance tape, said police officers.
At an Urban Outfitters in Santa Monica, California, shoppers gathered for midnight deals smashed a glass door which resulted in 5 people being injured.
In Kansas, Victoria’s Secret was bum-rushed by frantic customers which caused a problem for the less than adequate security at the Oak Park Mall.
Frantic shoppers at Wal-Mart began pushing each other to get to a cell-phone on sale. The police were called in to break up the crowd, which quickly disbursed; yet began to reform as soon as the police vacated the scene.
Police finally arrived at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska after 6 calls were made – reporting gun shots were being fired. Officer James Shade, after assessing the scene claimed that no shots had been fired (to justify their lackadaisical response to the scene) and further added insult to injury by stating that the loud noises were trash cans being knocked over.
The police did arrest Darrell Richards on suspicion of disorderly conduct. The authorities recounted that a fight broke out after a woman stole items and pepper sprayed a security officer and store employee during her escape.
Sacramento, California saw shoppers at K-Mart threaten to stab each other as mob mentality governed the crowd of people who had camped out overnight and were obviously stressed. When one customer cut into line – that is when the violent threats began.
Baltimore, Maryland was the scene of a 14 year-old teenager being robbed of his bags after shopping on Black Friday at a Bed, Bath & Beyond. A group of 5 men reportedly punched the child in the face and stole his bag containing the purchases he had just made.
On a highway in southeast Texas, 2 people were killed and an estimated 120 others were injured after a pile-up due to Thanksgiving traffic and foggy conditions.
A man left his girlfriend’s 2 year old son in a parked car as he went into a K – Mart to purchase a 51’ flat-screen television. The boyfriend claimed that the boy had gotten away from him, yet had ignored several attempts by the K – Mart staff to call for the caregiver over the PA system.
Those who do not participate in the consumerism and continued debt – slavery on Black Friday will appreciate the last two videos.