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"The road to failure is the path of least persistence." - Lao-Tzu

Once again there are a bunch of yayhoos propagating a new and wonderful (NOT) idea to the sheeple ARE YOU READY FOR THIS: That we can get access to our BC Estate from using Paypal.

Now I’ve heard it all.

Every so often somebody who has little or no knowledge comes along with some new stupid idea, but what really amazes me is how fast people will rush to follow without checking out any facts at all.  It seems all one needs to do is wave the idea of accessing ones account and the idea of getting rich overnight and people lose their minds.

Along with it all common sense goes right out the window and it amazes me that the loyal followers will attack you if you say anything against their new “deliverer.” I find this hilarious because those attacking know absolutely nothing about trust law, status and standing, nor could they tell me anything they’d done which might lend credit to the fact that they had the authority to access the accounts.

For those of you who have been in the movement for over 10 years you probably heard about the OID debacle.  Many went to prison over it and no doubt many will go to prison if they try to use Paypal as is being suggested by the group I’m referencing in this newsletter.

First of all, anyone with any sense knows YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET YOUR REMEDY THROUGH PAYPAL!  Ok?!  JEEZ!

I posed a scenario to the people on this website:  Let’s assume I’m right.  What are you going to do when a police officer comes to the door with a warrant for the arrest of the NAME?

The response:  Crickets!

So many people want to run out and try the newest idea forgetting that there could be serious consequences for doing these things.  But will they listen?  Usually not until it is too late.

This is why I emphasize my “bassackwards” approach, which is to first learn how to handle ANY situation that could ever come up, e.g. an indictment, arrest, in processing in jail, etc. etc.  Then if you want to take INTELLIGENT, calculated risks in trying something out and go playing around with new ideas, you do so knowing that you can handle any problems that may arise.

This is exactly what I train my students to do and quite a few have done so successfully as you can see on the link to my testimonial page.

Want to learn more?   Visit my website at Also, click on the link below to download a snippet from one of my classes to better understand the training I offer.  You can do so by clicking here: 

Call 13 a 26:55 -  32:30

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