The Art of Spiritual Dreaming
by Harold Klemp
Your dreams are real. Learning to see and use the wisdom you receive from your dreams is an art. Discover your own greatness. Discover how to paint a greater, more fulfilling life for yourself using the 52 tips and techniques in The Art of Spiritual Dreaming.
The great Frech Renaissance thinker Montaigne wrote, "Dreams are faithful interpreters of our inclinations; but there is art required to sort and understand them."
Throughout the ages, dreams were held in high regard. Prophets like Moses and dream interpreters like Jacob held the fate of nations in their hands. Today, Harold Klemp is recognized as one of the foremost advocates of spiritual dreaming in the world.
Solomon once said that there is no new thing under the sun. Harold Klemp shows there is something beyond the sun.
Learn how dreams can help you gain insights from the past and future, grow in confidence, heal yourself spiritually, and make decisions about your career and finances. Create your masterpiece!
Editorial Reviews
Body Mind Spirit magazine
Harold Klemp...leading authority on the spiritual nature of dreams.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., coauthor, The Mythic Path
Some dreams create, some dreams heal, some dreams initiate; this remarkable book encompasses them all.
Arielle Ford, author, More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul
Harold Klemp's new book is a definitive work. It offers the best tips on interpreting spiritual dreams I've ever read. This book is a knockout!
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., author, Love is Letting Go of Fear and Forgiveness, the Greatest Healer of All
Harold Klemp's book, The Art of Spiritual Dreaming, leads the way to our exploring the full potential of dreams.
About the Author
In 1981, American-born Harold Klemp became the spiritual leader of Eckankar. Known as a pioneer of today's focus on "everyday spirituality," he speaks at Eckankar seminars around the world. From North America and Europe to Australia and the Pacific Rim, he shares the timesless truth of Eckankar. His teachings uplift all. They help people recognize the power of their own intimate experiences with God. He writes extensively, adding new titles to his more than thirty published works to date.