Reincarnated Commodity
Raymond Ladebo
With humility, I have pleasure in bringing to your attention my new novel REINCARNATED COMMODITY - \"Phenomenon that refuses to die"; one of a series of three novels by Raymond Ladebo, published on Amazon - available on Kindle which allows you to read on Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Mac, and PC. It is an advocacy styled fictional story contributing to the awareness raising efforts to eradicate Human Trafficking, Modern-day Slavery consciously presented from an African perspective.
"IVIE, Abiku-spirit child, only child of her middle-aged mother, was smart and graduated from secondary school before fifteen. She was sponsored to travel abroad for further education by her paternal Auntie Esomo who\'d arranged with her wealthy daughter, Blessing, to assist her little cousin to Italy. The relentless attempts by a ruthless Madam to coerce the innocent teenager into prostitution cartel lead to unexpected consequences.....\"
The scarred girl\'s trials and tribulations propelled her from Italy to Britain, Egypt, and the United States of America where she was fortunate to find freedom
It is available on Amazon OR
It is hoped you'll read this fascinating story and recommend to your friends and contacts in particular among educational institutions and the Non Governmental Organizations involved in the anti-slavery organizations, and the Child Rights International Network, UNICEF; UNFPA; UNIFEM, plus other UN Humanitarian Agencies.
With gratitude and our best regards
Raymond Ladebo