Inconvenient History | Revisionist Blog
“The story of the human race is war.”
Winston Churchill (1925)
An Independent Revisionist Blog
(Publish Date: 2015-05-12 Time: 23:32 )
A major regime change happened in the Soviet Union around 1990, after which there remained no Soviet Union as such, but instead Russia and a number of newly sovereign neighbors such as Ukraine. It would have been around this time that a museum/historical site such as Perm-36 became possible, even useful to Russia’s government. Revisionism, […]
Inconvenient History Volume 6 is now available!
(Publish Date: 2015-04-11 Time: 18:39 )
By History Behind Bars. The softbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume VI is now available! Our sixth softbound annual contains 612 pages of cutting-edge scholarship that topples misleading myths of contemporary history by revealing the inconvenient truth of these matters. Inconvenient History Volume VI contains all the content from our 4 issues from 2014. You […]
Inconvenient History 2014: The Year in Review
(Publish Date: 2015-01-31 Time: 18:15 )
By Richard A. Widmann- As 2014 came to a close, Inconvenient History ( closed the door on its sixth year of activities. In our online journal, we published another 32 articles by some of the leading voices in historical revisionism in the world today. In addition, we printed hardcopy annual of our complete works from […]