Your First Contact
By Sheldan Nidle
Chapter 3: Making the New You 33
Chapter 4: Galactic Human Society 46
Chapter 5: Lords of Light 60
Chapter 6: Physical Angels 75
Chapter 7: Galactic Federation of Light 88
Chapter 8: Why a First Contact? 101
Chapter 9: Your First Contact 113
Chapter 10: Galactic Time 126
Chapter 11: Your Extraterrestrial Origins 139
Chapter 12: The Great Flood and Its Aftermath 151
Chapter 13: Modern Times 158
Afterward 169
Explanation of Book Cover 171
Aloha nui loa! To paraphrase the noble words of Washta, a Sirian Ascended Master and my ever-present, compassionate companion, you are currently hovering on the edge of an amazing cosmic journey through the myriad wonderlands of consciousness. These awesome worlds, your eternal home that you are now bound for, are filled with magical experiences and represent your true Joy and Happiness. You, my fellow Lights, are beginning to gaze, rather tentatively, upon these numerous realms. The Spiritual Hierarchy detects a certain degree of apprehension lingering within you, obstructing your path. Fear not! The omnipotent brilliance of the Light ever guides your journey. Dear Friends, open your hearts, free your minds, and greet us, in Love!
Countless millennia ago, the Spiritual Hierarchy of this galaxy and of numerous other nearby, sent you on a ‘short’ journey into a mysterious house of cards called ‘limited consciousness’. Since that time, you have bravely inhabited a ‘reality matrix’ that you have found most confusing and intimidating. Your life appears quite incapable of ever leading you toward a fulfilling place of Light, Joy, and profound Happiness. Fear has captivated you, rendering you oblivious to a way out of this apparently hopeless situation. However, despite your inherent misgivings, the door to Heaven has always been there in the darkness, nearly impossible to notice, yet unlatched and inviting your entry. Finally, the moment has arrived for your self-inflicted veil to be lifted! The divine right time has come for you to transmute your present, unacceptable reality into a new, more evolved vision through which the glorious legions of Light can show you the way home.
Look ahead! The Light sings, enveloping you in its radiance. In it, the beginning of an expansive era for your physical and spiritual self is dawning. Deep within you, this mighty Light of Lights is changing every cell in your body. It is working its magic in the RNA/DNA protein strings of your genes and dancing to the rhythm of the many cascades of enzymes that shape your metabolism. You are being transformed and transmuted! Gradually, your body is becoming ‘lighter’ as its frequency resonance is steadily rising. You are about to become like the fabled Body Electrik, singing: I AM ready to be ALL that I am truly capable of BEING!
Your physical form is preparing itself for a long-awaited holy union with its ‘living’ Light. Some scientists refer to this spiritual body, containing many shapes and colors, as the electromagnetic body. To metaphysicians, it is the Aura or Light Body – the Merkaba – vividly described in the ancient, holy texts of the Hebraic Kabbalah. Out of this sacred merging of Spirit with matter comes the Age of Light and full consciousness, known as the Golden Age of Heavenly Peace. Within it, the myths of your many indigenous ones can find their ultimate, superb validation. And, you may well ask, what is full consciousness?
Full consciousness is a sacred and magical domain! It is a miraculous ‘space’ where Heaven ceases to be a dream and where death is but a distant memory. Immortality is your reality at long last! To some, it is a fairy tale come true – more amazing than any other adventure story. However, over the course of my life, I have been extremely blessed by being invited to observe the gracious ways of these fully-conscious Beings. Their loving ‘angelic’ manner and infinite wisdom continually astonish me! They do me great honor by sharing with me their beautiful, inspiring rituals and their numerous, superb narratives of the history of Earth and her people. Most of all, the favor me with a delicious taste of our own divine destiny!
Along with other kindred Spirits of the Light, these wondrous Beings have come from afar to act as guides, leading us into our coming Golden Age. This book, dear Friends, can serve you as a beacon, enlightening your path to that miraculous. ‘soon-to-be’ time. Let it be a way shower in your current preparations for an astounding quantum leap in consciousness. The matrix-shattering metamorphosis of your reality is now underway. Every day, the Spiritual Hierarchy and our space brethren are gradually adjusting your reality, our precious Mother Earth, and, most importantly, ourselves.
In this book, we discuss the way these transmutations are presently manifesting and why the are occurring. I also share the story of my ongoing contacts which began when I was very young. Let us embark on our adventure now with a very brief review of how these amazing events actually began.
In the late 1960s en early 1970s, the so-called ‘counter-culture’, which was an ill-conceived and ill-fated worldwide spiritual renaissance, burst upon your society and left its indelible mark. This social ‘revolution’ deeply impressed your planet’s Spiritual Hierarchy. Thus, after a series of cosmic accidents caused your Sun to become very erratic, they allowed the Sirians and their many inter-dimensional allies (through the use of a special multidimensional hologram) to prevent your Sun from going nova. By the summer of 1972, the much-needed hologram was in place, and the divine intervention into your planet’s affairs had formally begun.
The Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light thank all of you who were involved in assisting the development of your transforming planetary culture and the revivifying of your most precious Mother Earth. As part of a vast experiment in consciousness, you are now capable of successfully making this remarkable change, equitably, and harmoniously. Above all, you need to quickly acquire the skills to consciously embrace this unprecedented transformation.
It is the divine right time for you to view yourselves as an integral part of a creative and highly effective team, making possible a much-needed galactic harmony. We are all working together, heading toward Mother Earth’s graduation into a splendid galactic culture. Along with the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light, let us usher in an imaginative, creative, innovative culture and a truly balanced, totally nurturing civilization. Through our committed and joyous co-creation, a glorious destiny filled with harmony en peace for your planet, your solar system, and your galaxy becomes possible. I invite you to make each new day a fresh, vital step in the beginning of your experience of galactic citizenship and its vast, cosmic responsibilities!
Let me conclude with many well-deserved Mahalos to those who have made this book possible.
Let us now proceed to our point of entry and happily begin our adventure!
N.B.: Following Galactic Federation of Light Protocols, the spelling used for the residents of the Pleiades is Pleiadeans and not Pleiadians. This spelling will be used throughout this text.
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (be one! Be in Joy!)
Sheldan Nidle
Makawao, Maui
7 Akbal, 11 Pop, 9 Eb (August 11, 2000)
1. Contact Begins
My story begins in my childhood …
It was a clear, star-lit night. The large, silvery, orb-shaped Sirian ship hung in the night sky like a faraway Christmas ornament. Later that same night, eight other companion ships joined it and quickly assembled in their traditional ‘V’ formation. To me, it was a signal that another contact with my space kin was about to begin. Rapidly, I felt the first twinges of the energies that soon put me deeply asleep. I awakened to find myself on one of the nine scout ships. Washta, my wise and loving teacher, gently tapped my shoulder. He was dressed in his usual purple and gold-trimmed jumpsuit which was intricately braided on each shoulder. The time had arrived again for me to go to the Sirian Mothership for another series of their amazing lessons.
From my very early childhood, the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light allies had closely watched over me. I saw them as physical Angels who regularly talked to me, guided me, and protected me from harm. T monitor me during the night, the Sirians sent bright, pale blue orbs of light into my room. These globes of light followed me constantly around the house. From birth, I had telekinetic abilities. I moved objects about without touching them and easily closed or opened doors and turned on lights with my mind.
Initially, the Sirians and the Galactic Federation of Light had to protect me most from the harm inflicted by my own father, Harry Nidle. He was a powerful, stocky, angry man who seemed unable to cope with events he did not understand. A former professional boxer and fight manager, my dad responded physically to what deeply confused and scared him. His answer to all the strangeness he perceived surrounding me was to constantly beat me.
I came from a dysfunctional family. But, despite my father’s beatings, my parents showed me a great deal of love. Though our family was not well of, my mother was committed to teaching me about the world around me and made it her project to instill in me a love of books and reading. My parent’s difficulties lay in their shared fear of what I represented. They both discerned that something unknown had brought me into their lives, and this recognition was manifested every day in either incredible deference to my every whim or in abrupt outbursts of physical and/or emotional violence. As I grew older, the dichotomy between my two realities became increasingly overwhelming.
My mother, Thelma, grew up in a family terrorized by an authoritarian mother. At my mother’s funeral, her surviving siblings jokingly referred to their own mother as the ‘dragon lady’. To their generation, this phrase was their code for an over-controlling and truly self-serving type of woman. Mom’s reaction to her upbringing was to become docile on the one hand and extremely manipulative on the other.
My mother was much cleverer than my dad. Early on in the Depression, Mom was offered a full four-year college scholarship in mathematics to the University of Buffalo . She turned it down and instead kept the books for her parent’s business, a bakery. Yet, despite all the grief her family eventually caused her, she remained devoted to them. She once confessed to me that it was due to her misplaced family loyalties that, in 1949, we moved back to her hometown of Buffalo , New York .
My dad was very complex individual. At times, his emotions ran out of control. Like my grandfather, he was noted for being stubborn and set in his ways. For example, to pursue his love of physical culture and boxing, he dropped out of high school in eleventh grade. Later, he balked at his father’s help in getting him apprenticeship jobs in the city’s building trade unions to tide him over. His dislike of formal learning was life-long. Yet, despite great hardship, he prevailed.
During the early years of World War II, Dad was a sergeant assigned to an engineering battalion stationed in New Jersey whose personnel did not survive the invasion of Normandy . However, because of this pre-war boxing experience, in early 1943 he was reassigned to a battalion of MP’s who guarded General Marshall and the planners of the atomic bomb. But that, as they say, is another story.
When we kids had a problem, my dad willingly listened and talked it out with us. However, he had a terrible temper, and we knew it was time to run or duck whenever his ears began to turn red. That sign meant his great propensity for rage was about to overflow. In this state, he was capable of unbelievable violence. Unfortunately, his rage was usually directed at my. Once, my sister told me, the door to my bedroom across the hall accidentally swung open, and reflected in the large mirror of her dresser, she saw me getting a most awful beating.
Occasionally, from the upper stairs of our house, we heard Dom and dad yelling at each other in the loudest of voices. Mom told me later that, as intense as their arguments were, Dad never hit her. If only I had been so lucky! I was the odd stranger, the weird alien, who had come from far, far away.
My earliest childhood recollections are filled with the gentle, loving presence of Washta, my Sirian guide. Near to him always were many loving and caring Beings who treated me with reverence. His protectiveness of me in those years equaled only that of my adoring grandfather, Max Nidle. Max was a passionate man, famous throughout his Bronx neighborhood for his fiery temper. Although by trade an interior designer, he was known to all as a powerful ward boss for the city’s Democratic political machine, Tammany Hall.
When I was barely three, my parents moved far away from Max and the Bronx to upstate Buffalo , NY . It was here that my life-long contact began in earnest.
From the start, the Sirians (and especially Washta) seemed to have a plan. They talked to me constantly about a mission to Earth of which I was a part. They told me that whatever was happening to me now was only a necessary learning experience destined to be transformed by me at a later date. Instead, I was to bring to mind the love within my parents that had created me. Repeatedly, Washta told me, “Remember, you are not alone.” The Sirians continually watched over me. When required, a special Sirian medical team took care of my physical injuries. Of immediate importance was that I play and grow and, at the proper times, be educated for what I was later meant to accomplish.
One of the strangest elements of my childhood was my father’s constant physical abuse. Again and again, I was left for dead, sprawled on my bedroom floor or curled up in a fetal position on the bed. Promptly, the Sirian medical team teleported me up to the Mothership or to a nearby scout ship. Furiously, they worked to restore me to pristine health – no bumps, no bruises, and no broken bones. I was then sent back to my bedroom, usually in a deep, healing sleep-state and unable to awaken until morning.
The next morning (or on his return from work), Dad beheld me in absolute horror, mixed with joyous amazement –his unknown benefactors had saved him yet again. Still, what he saw deeply frightened him. I, in turn, became increasingly confused at having been placed in this perilous situation. Washta always told me that I had chosen it. This answer regularly left me bewildered.
Let me state that in my youth, along with many other psychic gifts, I possessed a well-developed telepathic ability which I used to better understand what I was experiencing. After the age of five, I began to notice that most individuals on this planet did not publicly show such abilities and seemed to fumble around with no comprehension of what was happening to them.
Telepathy made it easy for me to discover what people were really thinking and even what they intended to do. I formed a profound, severely limited, and very negative. Almost everyone lied occasionally. A few persons frequently deceived friends and family. This realization made me wonder, even more intensely, why I was here.
One of the positive ways in which I utilized telepathy was to guide people whom I met. After watching them react to what was being said or done, I was able to put helpful thoughts into their heads or clarify a question they desperately wished answered. However, by age twelve, I began to feel that I needed to discard my unusual psychic abilities which made many of my friends very uncomfortable. Worse, my dad had replaced his physical battering with unceasing emotional and mental abuse and yelled at me unrelentingly about them. Determined to find some peace at home, I began, at age thirteen, to shut down my telekinesis and by the age of seventeen, had almost totally discarded my telepathic abilities.
The Sirians and, later, some notable Andromedan scientists told me about the necessity of assisting the earth trough its period of transition. Those who came to help Earth had to understand fully what life in this society was like. The process required that a number of daring souls be willing to experience incarnation as Earth Beings.
The Galactic Federation project directors considered the mission most difficult. It was a pivotal task and possessed a number of possible scenarios. Zakumadi, an Andromedan scientist, was famous throughout the Galactic Federation of Light for her profound wisdom on these weighty matters. Washta arranged for me to meet her to clear up some of my growing confusion. Her conversations with me are ones I shall never forget.
Although Zakumadi’s wisdom helped me to re-assess my early life, it did not (at that time) permit me to release all of my pain. I fervently wished to find some solace for the honors I had suffered at the hands of my dad. I felt his behavior toward me had a deeper meaning. Later, Zakumadi told me that my situation was designed to clear up some early karma from the end of Atlantis. Yet, this explanation held a still greater significance for me, which I did not realize until much later in life. But let us return to my mentor and most loving guide, Washta.
Washta is a being of great Light and infinite Love. He stands over seven feet (more than two meters) tall, with broad shoulders and a very well built body. Washta has an oblong head en thick, shoulder-length, sandy blonde hair. His eyes are blue and piercing, and his thin lips readily produce a most awe-inspiring smile. His voice is deep yet very melodious. His wondrous laugh is infectious and turned my deepest frowns into long episodes of ecstatic laughter. He exudes a perfect Love filled with a great wisdom.
Washta’s entourage was almost always quite large, usually consisting of 50 to 100 people. The Mothership’s personnel always seemed to be at his beck and call. Frequently, when I saw him there, he was dressed in multilayered diaphanous gowns of light blue or royal purple. Each layer sparkled like an endless pattern of sequins. As he walked unhurriedly beside me, his elegant, golden sandals barely seemed to touch the marble-like floors.
This usual place for my training sessions was the main Sirian Mothership. Through the portholes of a scout ship, I often saw it looming above me. Football-shaped and over 300 miles (some 480 kilometers ) in diameter, this immense ship always glowed and twinkled like an enormous star (see figure 1)
Washta frequently reminded me (as we approached) that neither Earth’s military nor its astronomers were able to see the Sirian Mothership. Its light frequencies were too high, and it employed a force field that, by bending the visible light around it, made it appear cloaked. When we adjusted our perception to these distortions, it became visible to us.
Our Sirian scout ship was one of over 50,000 such ships stationed on the main Sirian Mothership. Approximately 100 feet (about 30.5 meters ) in diameter, our scout ship was shaped like a huge orb with a special midsection that bulged slightly, like a small airfoil, for about 12 feet (a little over 3 meters ). The portholes (actually special holograms) allowed us to look outside.
Other scout ships had up to five decks, whereas on this type there were three. The lowest level was set aside for storage and other activities. Usually, I was told by the chief pilot to remain on this bottom deck. The other decks were used for flight operations and scientific observations. Occasionally, I was allowed to visit these levels while the crew was busy doing their work.
On the Sirian Mothership, our frequent destination was a well appointed conference room. It was as large as a football field, with very white walls and a glowing ping ceiling, embellished with peach-colored swirls. Strangely pleated walls soared nearly twenty feet (over six meters) in height. They glowed oddly, as if lit from within, and were bright enough to light up the entire room.
The light was not at all harsh but quite pleasant and soft. I discovered that the walls were organic. They were seemingly alive, cool to the touch, and noticeably resilient. In the central area of this enormous room was an extremely large, oblong conference table, surrounded by about sixty chairs, with many more arranged behind them. Above the entire length of the table floated, as if by magic, a very thin, brightly-colored rod. From it, the Sirians projected (at will) various pertinent 3-D holographic images, fully interactive with anyone in the room.
Sessions with Washta, or with any other instructor, always began with a very loving conversation. Focused on my feelings at the time, they were intended to assist in my development or resolve day-to-day problems. They also set the stage beautifully for the lessons to come which employed two instructional aids.
The first was the aforementioned brightly-colored rod above the conference table. The rod projected a large 3-D image of whatever was being described and then a learning game began. Playing the game, I was clearly aware of the joy of life aboard the ship. This world was one in which wisdom, Love, and Light emanated form all. In the Sirian culture, consciousness is a wondrous, godly gift meant to be experienced to the fullest.
There was a second learning tool. On the conference table, situated in front of each chair, was a small panel. From it extended life-like holograms of any size or shape, which slowly formed, rose, and moved about the room. They were very interactive, and I was able to easily command them, converse or play with them, or even learn from them. I enjoyed taking part in them, for they, like the brightly-colored rod, taught me effortlessly and joyously through fun and games (see figure 2).
Learning sessions with the Sirians lasted for many hours but seemed like mere minutes. A phenomenal amount of amazing information was freely given. Washta explained that they wish me to understand a type of science not yet fully explored on Earth – the science of consciousness, containing the principles for creating all things. In their world, this consciousness or spiritual science was paramount. Out of it flowed all forms of creativity, along with the solutions to any potential problem. A Sirian proverb described this unique science quite simple, “Nothing in the Universe is without solution nor does it occur without a reason. Any Being of Light can determine why it occurs and for what reason.
During these intense learning sessions, the Sirians impressed upon me that life is a grand adventure of consciousness. Each segment of your life is but a slight bend in the path, signaling the start of, yet again, a new episode in your ongoing, grand adventure. Even in life’s darkest moments, you need to maintain an open, positive attitude about your life.
Such a positive attitude is extremely solution-focused. Its application means that you do not deny your emotions – rather, you fully embrace them. Make use of all that the Creator has given you, in order to fully experience the events that will help you to learn en to grow. From this knowledge comes a wisdom that can help others. Life is very interconnected. What you learn can be passed on. Knowledge is Life’s greatest gift. It generates a joy for living and brings you a great inner Love which you can easily transmit to others.
Out of this profound Love for life comes the joy of compassion. Compassion is expressed through heart-felt grace and a profound gratitude for all that you are experiencing. All experiences are ultimately positive in nature. Every lesson is an opportunity to find a solution to a potential problem. Before you incarnated, you fully worked out your present reality with your numerous personal guides and spiritual mentors. The key is to love yourself and all others. The greatest gift you give yourself is Love. If you stay centered in this holy Light, you can easily fulfill your destiny.
Again and again Washta would say to me, “The true nature of this reality is divine Love. The Creator is within all of us. We are a deep reflection of each other.” The purpose of my education was to prepare me to bring this simple yet profound message to this aspect van humanity. Washta’s words have been spoken many times during Earth’s recorded history.
The difference now is that the grand adventure embodied in our existence is about to hit the expressway that leads us to our destiny. This highway is the route to a majestic homecoming. It leads us out of the current miasma of limited consciousness and, unerringly, to a full expression of who we truly are. In so doing, it guides us back to our space kin. What I continually observed on the Sirian Mothership greatly amplified my understanding of my personal role in this grand adventure.
A Sirian Mothership, in its own unique fashion, contains a loving consciousness. Each Mothership has a wise personality which easily conveys its kindly desire to serve its crew. Its sincere service is seen and felt in the great Love it constantly projects throughout the ship. There is an inner sense that the crew and its ship are one.
This oneness allows any potential task to be accomplished easily and lovingly and carries over into everything that is done on the ship. There is a constant movement of interconnected consciousness which is self-organizing and pushes creativity to the forefront. In this environment, a joy that dissolves days into hours and hours into minutes is ever-present.
Whenever the end of a learning session arrived, I was overcome with sadness. To know that is was time to return, one more, to Earth often brought tears to my eyes. Leaving this empathetic environment was always difficult for me. My instructors were my very special friends and kin. We were a spiritual pod (family) that clicked in every way. They were the type of individuals I so deeply desired to meet on Earth.
To me, the Sirian Mothership was a place of bountiful love and deep compassion for all that I represent. It was a special place where learning and a profound wisdom were revealed every day. Most of all, it was the place where I met Washta and his special staff and where together we shared a vision about Earth and its coming prophesied destiny.
The journey back to Earth was usually a swift one. Washta, or a few members of his entourage, walked me along a series of corridors. After what seemed a very long stroll, our group suddenly stopped and faced a seemingly blank wall in the corridor. At a prearranged phrase from Washta or the group leader, a door in the wall instantly appeared. Behind the door was a large room staffed by a few attendants and filled with two or three rows of twenty beds each. Each bed was really a special kind of teleportation device. Above each one was a long, thin, silvery rod.
One of the room’s attendants led me to a selected bed, and I lay face up gazing at the silver rod. The pillow on the bed was soft and comfortable. Once I was in position, the attendant then asked if I was relaxed. When I said ‘yes’, a strange whirling noise filled the room. As I looked up, a blue beam instantly descended, totally surrounding me.
Immediately, I began to feel drowsy with a deep need to sleep. My eyelids became very heavy, and closed. I inwardly sensed another flash of bright light followed rapidly by an elevator-like sensation lasting a few minutes. When it stopped, I was lying on my own bed, looking around at my bedroom. The grogginess lasted another ten minutes. I had just completed another marvelous session with Washta!
Those ‘up and down’ trips were the highlight of my young life. What an exciting adventure it was to learn in the special environment of the Mothership! Each trip brought me new information of innovative ways to employ the old. In that world, I was surrounded by a great, compassionate Love as well as the impetus to grow constantly in wisdom. Each day, I looked forward to an opportunity to explore their exemplary ‘school’.
Every so often, Washta, wishing me to meet the crew and understand their environment, took me to other parts of the Mothership. These pleasant excursions gave me a chance to learn about Sirian culture and experience a bit of it firsthand. Above all, I was continually astonished by their technology. The way they interfaced this technology with the ship’s vast crew never ceased to amaze me.
One of the most enjoyable ‘field trips’ was to the control rooms located in the center of the Mothership and consisting of three large, interconnected rooms. The first room was used by the ‘flight crew’. Their task was to become one with the ship, its navigational computers, and its propulsion system.
They sat on special chairs in a dimly-lit room with no visible instrumentation. The fantastic technology was in the chairs. Each one was created of a special, artificially made, organic material designed to curl up exactly around whoever occupied it. While the ship was in operation, a direct telepathic link connected the ship’s computers and its flight crew. Each crew member simply observed what was going on and made specific telepathic adjustments as needed.
The other two rooms in this large complex were full of very exotic-looking instrumentation, including many holographic monitors. They were mounted near the high ceilings and in the middle of some very peculiar-looking instruments. The monitors were arranged in two or three large rows around the rooms which also contained all sorts of specially-designed meters, switches, and dials. In each room there were well over 100 people whose primary mission was to support the flight crew in carrying out their various tasks.
As part of this complicated mission, these crews monitored the Mothership’s propulsion systems, its many life support systems, etc. Their secondary tasks included partial supervision of all scientific activity going in aboard ship. In addition, they maintained ongoing communications with the other two or three Sirian Motherships in their small fleet. They were extremely busy, and, whenever I entered this vital section of the Mothership, I felt that I was walking through its brain en central nervous system.
En route from the control rooms back to our ‘classroom’, we passed the main geology laboratories. Washta delighted in first walking me past a few of these labs and then asking me if I wanted to visit them. Here, he gave me the opportunity to converse directly with the Earth Devas. Our Earth is really a conscious, living entity. A wide range of special Beings help Mother Earth maintain the wondrously diverse collection of living things that are her precious cargo.
The Devas view these labs as a ‘home away from home’ and have transformed each of them into living examples of Mother Earth herself. Her sky, her many types of terrain, and her many water environments are all represented in the labs. To enter one is like gaining entrée to a living hologram which describes in minute detail how the Earth really works.
Another fun visit was to the main repair and storage facilities which took up nearly a quarter of the ship’s total floor space (see figure 3). Here, I encountered some very unusual artificial life forms. Like the Mothership herself, all working machines on the ship were bio-organic in nature, endowed with a personality and fond of conversing as they carried out their various tasks.
Each machine gladly informed me about the many day-to-day chores required in running a large inter-stellar spaceship. The walls of the huge cargo holds were up to 200 feet (just over 60 meters ) high and glowed in different colors. To the bio-organic machines, each color indicated where items were to be taken, removed from, or stored. Yet, my favorite places were the crew’s lounges and recreational areas where I met and talked with the ship’s off-duty personnel.
Sirians are very gregarious by nature. They loved to talk with me about events on board their spaceship and answer my questions about the intricacies of their society. I passed many hours of my extracurricular studies with them. I saw firsthand their spontaneous interactions as they spoke. Their openness and inner joy, as well as their deep confidence and complete harmony, were all clearly evident and never ceased to amaze me. Their voices resonated with an intense mutual compassion, and all crew members expressed themselves freely on any subject. Their luminous energy frequently brought tears to my eyes. In my opinion, it was the way we humans were meant to be – freely interacting with total joy and perfect, complete Love.
On occasion, Washta introduced me to a noted scholar or some other renowned Galactic Federation of Light dignitary. These rare meetings brought me face to face with fully-conscious humans who were highly honored in their respective societies. I was also allowed to experience, firsthand, fully-conscious reality, which Washta often said was Earth’s future state.
According to Washta, Earth was simply
A unique soul experience that taught us many important lessons about limited consciousness. In all its varied forms, Life’s divine goal was to share its experiences with its many different aspects from every other. Washta used these encounters to prove his point, and each session allowed me to experience the heart-felt insights of some remarkable women and men.
During these meetings, I was allowed to visit another star-nation’s Mothership or a new part of the Sirian Mothership. I was interested in comparing the design of the ships.
Pleiadean en Andromedan Motherships were astonishingly organic. The two star-cultures loved to create habitats and communities which mirrored in minute detail their home planets. On visits to scholar’ homes, we walked through huge fields, viewed multi-moon skies, climbed steep hills, or crossed a strangely designed bridge over a very wild stream. During these visits, I reveled in the diversity of another star-culture. Each Being we visited symbolized how magnificently Life has given each of us an important part to play in the Creator’s ever-unfolding Creation drama.
The most interesting Beings I ever met were the tall, horse-like and very matter-of-fact Arcturians. A very old species, whose sentient culture had seen the rise and the fall of many galactic ‘situations’, they had witnessed many star-cultures come, go, or be transformed. They taught me about time and its role in releasing the divine plan to this galaxy.
An important part of their sacred essence was the art of healing. Earth and its people were to be healed and their deep wounds cleansed. Earthlings were to learn the ways of harmony and the mutual joys of compassion. Life is a blessed experience. At its heart is a free sharing of knowledge. That sharing lies at the core of the Galactic Federation’s philosophy of Light which is about to shine its full and complete Love upon this planet.
The many Andromedan star-cultures were another exceptional group of Beings. Extremely Earth-like in appearance, they were noted in the Galactic federation for their great spiritual knowledge which had greatly advanced the science of consciousness. Their scholars taught me, inspiringly, on consciousness, Creation, and the unfolding of the Creator’s sacred blueprint.
In their wisdom, they had constructed some of the most amazing interiors I ever saw on any Galactic Federation Mothership. They had reproduced their home-world environments exquisitely. Moreover, utilizing holographic technology, the developed and exactly replicated a version of agriculture which they called ‘Light farming’.
The Andromedans believe that to be in the midst of growing fields enhances one’s perspective of life and its many processes. It makes one appreciate the connection of every part of life to every other. Their large farms exist not for the actual harvest but specifically for the sacred experience of watching and talking to the fields, experiencing the Devas, and knowing intricately how a biosphere works.
Andromedans desire to feel and see the nature of their reality. Each is a steward and an astute caretaker of the broad diversity of life in this galaxy. In these fields, the conduct group and individual rituals which connect them magically to their hone-worlds and to all the other home-worlds in this galaxy.
Closely connected to the Andromedans are the Pleiadeans who revere them as their most honored mentors. A major element in the relationship between these two star-cultures lies in the Andromedans’ ever-gentle nudging of their Pleiadean counterparts to thoroughly transform the inner essence of Pleiadean culture.
Over numerous millennia, the culture of the Pleiadeans, those great warriors of the Galactic Federation, grew overly patriarchal and encumbered by a great series of intricate rules. During each galactic war, endless waves of enemy Alliance fleets summarily invaded their far-flung Star League. Yet, this noble culture survived.
To their credit, they not only survived but maintained their integrity as a people. This constantly war-torn environment had somewhat stratified the heart of Pleiadean culture. Each faction greatly distrusted the others. Yet, their great common bond (love of their home-worlds) promised to move their culture to its fullest levels of development.
The superior science of the Andromedans led many Pleiadean star-nations in the Star League to invite several eminent Andromedans to become consultants to their ritual-based and rule-bound sacred Orders. These dedicated women and men came to the Pleiades to impart their deep reverence for Life and to spread a consciousness typical of Andromedan reality. This infusion of new energy, full of harmony and co-operation, was a breath of fresh air. Its increasing influence began, slowly, to transform Pleiadean society.
The constant exchange of key personnel gradually altered the very essence of Pleiadean civilization. Legendary patriarchal warriors were slowly returning to their nearly forgotten toots as galactic humans. Little by little, the process began to make significant inroads into Pleiadean culture. During a visit to a Mothership, I could feel a new energy. The crew greeted me with great enthusiasm and made constant remarks about the new Andromedan influence.
This Pleiadean Mothership was part of the Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets whose primary task is to explore this galaxy. When appropriate, they offer Galactic Federation membership to any star-nation fulfilling certain prerequisites. Much larger than our Sirian Mothership (and quite different in design), this craft seemed to be three Motherships united only by a series of central connectors.
Each section of these ships was devoted to a specific task. Living quarters were extremely spacious, resembling those of the Andromedans in design. Laboratories took up one of the apparently linked ships. Like separate and fully-sufficient worlds, these Motherships rarely returned to their Pleiadean home-world. Instead, they spent many of our centuries traversing and exploring this immense galaxy.
On my return from these visits, Washta (or one of my teachers) often quizzed me on what I had observed. My Sirian hosts felt that I needed to observe the diversity of the Galactic Federation of Light. In spite of its inherent variety, great harmony exists therein to spread the Light throughout this galaxy. This was their divine mission to Earth. Erath was a world in transition, desperately needing to fulfill its sacred destiny. Our task was to help her and her developing civilization achieve these lofty objectives. The time for direct interference was still far off in the future. This was a time for preparation and study.
My studies with the Sirians made school on Earth seem very dull and unrewarding. Whenever I confided my experiences to my schoolmates, they made fun of me and called my a liar. They often reported my words to our teachers, and these reports often led to me being punished. For this reason, I had few friends. However, those few I had were loyal.
Again and again I asked Washta, “How do I fit into this very strange world called Earth?” He always told me that to my peers I did, indeed, appear strange and quite different, “Earthlings are not yet ready for us.” The reaction of so many proved him quite correct. Yet, I wanted to share these wonderful experiences with someone. That someone became my younger sister, Susan.
Susan was a delicate child, habitually bed-ridden until she was about twelve years old. While she was still very young, we began to experience the Sirians together. It was a great joy for me to have someone who validated my own experiences.
My instructors/counselors on the Mothership treated Susan very well. She began a course of the study that took advantage of resources available on Earth and led me to rediscover Buffalo ’s public libraries. Acquisition of knowledge became a deep passion and my main mission as a child. Aided by my amazing photographic memory, I collected, categorized, and finally memorized this knowledge.
A photographic memory was one of my most prized mental tools. I was able to read anything and recite it by rote. In high school, I frequently corrected my history teachers’ mistake by reciting from our history text and concluding my correction with the page and paragraph number. Eventually, after much prodding, my teachers would often ask me if what they had just told the class was correct. Additionally, I employed these abilities more constructively by comparing all the knowledge I had gleaned from many Earth-bound libraries to what the Sirians had long taught me.
To my way of thinking, most of the information I gathered from local libraries seemed scattered and rather primitive, lacking the integration of Sirian knowledge. Earth, as Washta said, was a planet in transition. Earth’s science denied realities that had been part of the Galactic Federation’s technical manuals for millions of years.
During my childhood, our cosmologists ware waging a silly intellectual battle between the ‘Big Bang’ theory and the ‘Steady State’ theory. Neither was absolutely correct, yet the ‘Steady State’ theory was closer to the truth. The ‘Big Bang’ theory indicated to me that many scientific hypotheses were incomplete. Each proponent was seeing the signs in the Heavens as they would like them to be, not as they really were.
Deeply tied to a set vision, the major scientific theorists of the day followed this parochial rationalism. Their narrow view clearly excluded consciousness as a possible answer to their theories. They constantly went to painstaking length to refute its possibility. The spiritual science of the stars was an unwanted child whose wisdom many openly disdained.
The only opening in this otherwise closed society was the then-infant field of quantum physics. When I was barely a teenager, many of my teachers saw it as a very poor excuse for science. In its place, they flaunted the work of Newton , Einstein or some other scientific giant, but owing to my esoteric knowledge, these ‘pioneers of science’ failed to instill any great passion in me.
Nevertheless, science as practiced on this planet became quite important to me. I needed to use its succinctness to verify the data I had previously collected. In this way, I intended to move this jumbled body of knowledge in an essential new direction toward the science of consciousness. To do this, it was necessary to present Time, Space, Light and other lesser-known elements of Creation in a compelling way to Earth’s scientists and to the general public.
My goal was to imbue Earth’s science with the profound excitement I had felt during my instruction on the Motherships. The question of how to accomplish this plagued me. Consequently, I spent a major portion of my junior and senior high school studies focused on determining an answer to my dilemma. If I were to successfully fulfill my goal, a major leap forward in the current perceptions of Earth scientists would obviously be required.
I planned first to distinguish myself in science. In the late 1950s, many junior science programs were available offering students the chance to spend their summers in actual research laboratories located either in a private business or a college campus. One summer, I worked at a polymer laboratory located in a local private chemical research center. The tasks were menial. I washed out test-tubes, made sure that all laboratory equipment had been put away properly, and avidly observed what was going on. This way, I was able to get into the researchers’ heads to learn what made them tick and what projects turned them on.
To accomplish my ‘research’, I frequently stood for short periods of time in a far, dark corner of the countless hallways of this facility. More often than not, several researchers walked by, completely engrossed in discussions, and I frequently trailed behind them by five to ten steps. My self-directed project was to listen to their intense conversation telepathically, thus enabling me to quickly learn their scientific terminology as well as its proper presentation.
After a month of this activity, I was proficient in the use of their jargon. By that time, I was able to completely merge, psychically, with another person’s consciousness and Full Self. That way, I was able to discover what their Full Self deeply wished to tell them. Usually, I noticed, they were in total denial of its message unless fast asleep or in a meditative, creative-type mode.
One day during a break, I observed two researchers in a hallway caught up in a terrible quandary over how to create a certain type of polymer chain. The resultant new plastic was the reason for their mutual research. I followed ten steps behind them and ‘tapped in’. Each had an immense mental block causing them to flounder about and preventing them from mutually solving their problem. Of course, their two Full Selves had the solution, but their blocks were preventing any kind of inner communication from occurring. With the permission of their Full Selves, I joined in telepathically.
Completely absorbed, the two researchers were unable to distinguish my inner voice from their outer ones. They heard me simultaneously and never recognized the difference. A rousing and highly creative conversation soon developed. Both men became aware that there was a third person behind them whose expertise was solving their many month of failed research. This intense scientific conversation continued all the way back to their laboratory on the far side of the building.
Before reaching their destination, they asked this third person to join them in a brainstorming session in their office. Only at this point did either turn to greet me. Expressions of astonishment and deep reproach betrayed their great surprise. As they left me, I saw them resume the same conversation that had just ended so abruptly. However, I had achieved my goal by solving their problem.
Incidents such as these happened on an infrequent basis for the next two months. They revealed much of what I needed to know about how people involved in science functioned. I suddenly understood that they were given to the same fears and denials as my teachers, my fellow students, and their parents. Unfortunately, the scientists usually rejected my assistance and promptly labeled me an outsider.
For the most part, my teachers treated me as a very intelligent student, one with the potential for becoming a future famous scientist. Most students, except for those deeply involved in the shared pursuit of a scientific career, ostracized me. But al long last, I had found a niche. This awareness led me to some profound philosophical conversation with Washta and his circle of Sirian counselors and instructors regarding the direction my future would take.
Washta and his entourage informed me about many things. They told me that the next few decades were a time for me to explore who I was and who I wished to become. It would be a period for me to learn more about the earth and its peoples. I was to choose how best to handle this situation. After a most arduous inner dialogue, my answer was to ask them to leave. It was my desire to pursue a career in science. They agreed and, shortly thereafter, ceased all formal contact with me. It felt very strange indeed to be without most of my psychic abilities. Soon, also, I deeply missed the gentle direct guidance of Washta. However, I was not completely on my own. Unbeknownst to me, Washta had assigned a special group to watch me secretly and see that I came to no harm.
My science career never really got off the ground. As a college freshman, I encountered a certain Newton-mechanics professor (Vice-Chairman of the Physics Department) who was notorious for flunking out those individuals who didn’t measure up to his standards of what constituted a physicist. During the summer and fall of 1965, I therefore changed my major from Physics to Political Science. Eventually, I took a degree in Area Studies, followed by a Masters in Southeast Asian Government and a Ph.D.program in American Government and International Public Administration.
During my last period of graduate school, I met a few people who were actually interested in the remarkable discoveries of Nikola Tesla. As a child, Tesla had been my principal ‘science hero’, and I had never abandoned my deep admiration for his many phenomenal achievements. Like many who had studied his work, I strongly believed that he was the man whose scientific discoveries and inventions created the 20th Century. The chance to work on a documentary of Tesla’s life arose, and I took it.
The documentary on Nikola Tesla lured me, gradually, into the very unusual world of ‘free energy’ physics and other types pf alternative science. Ultimately, this led me in 1986 to contact certain individuals who once again stimulated my interest in the Sirians’ mission. By 1987, my contact with Washta and his team of counselors/instructors had resumed. The instruction I had received as a child began again and continued for the next six years. In 1993, I began to lecture and do workshops on what I had been told. The rest, as the say, is history.
Now, at long last, the time has come to inform you of what is happening to you en to our home planet, our precious Mother Earth! To make it easier for you to absorb and experience the information we wish to impart to you, let us now use out imagination and board a most unusual starship on a phenomenal journey into consciousness. This is a sentient starship with the incredible ability to make itself large or small and to travel anywhere in time. On board, to enlighten us, we will have the complete cooperation and expertise of Washta as well as a number of special guides from the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light.
Before we enter our starship, Washta and your other tour guides wish me to inform you that a special section will be reserved at the conclusion of each chapter/tour for them to answer your many questions. First, I, and then the guide assigned to each tour will be most happy to clarify their information by answering your questions. Without further ado, let us now begin your first question and answer session.
How were you and Susan taken up to the Mothership? What happened when you got there?
We were taken up into the ships – mostly physically and, on occasion, during our dream state. We knew that
we were there. They talked to me about science, history, culture, metaphysics, and more, whereas Susan’s studies with the Sirians focused mainly on metaphysical subjects. The only thing that upset my sister a little was the fact that they often treated me with a bit more interest than they did her.
Q: What reasons did the Sirians give you for coming to Earth at this time, and how did they want you to view them?
A: When the Sirians came to us, here on Earth, they wanted us to understand that they were merely people from an advanced galactic society. They brought a very profound message for Earth’s humanity. For quite a long time, they had been instrumental in maintaining civilization on this planet. Their role was basically to be guide-like administrators, very ‘laid-back’ overseers. This situation existed due to the way certain rulers had historically been established for the Sirians to play under here – their ground rules.
Like Star Trek’s Prime Directive?
Yes. It was a modified version of Star Trek’s Prime Directive, reinforced by the Pleiadean concept of karma. It
was in effect because the rebel Pleiadeans and their various off-world allies (the so-called ‘Anunnaki’) had set up a karmic game. In it, according to edicts of the Galactic Federation’s Main Council, the rebel Pleiadeans end their Pleiadean Star League counterparts were put in charge of our small sector of the galaxy for a period of time to be determined by this galaxy’s Spiritual Hierarchy.
So, the Sirians had to play a secondary role under the aegis of the Pleiadeans from the Star League. The Sirians chafed at this set of events. Every so often, I heard how much they really wished to assist us. I learned that they had devised a grand plan and were waiting only for the right moment to implement it. Then, they would be able to get involved in a way more to their liking. That is why, when I asked them to leave me alone, they told me they intended to return at the right divine time when this grand plan was to be played out.
Q: Is Susan your only sibling? Did they ever tell you why you and Susan were selected for this special treatment and attention?
A: Yes, she is my only sibling. We were selected because of the contracts we made with them before we incarnated on this planet. Our contracts involved the grand plan to which they constantly referred. Basically, we are spirit souls from another star system. Washta’s job, and that of his large entourage, was to educate us – to prepare us for what we had agreed to do here.
How did Susan’s involvement and her Sirian education shape her life?
Understandable, these experiences instilled in her a deep interest in metaphysics. For example, in 1975,
Susan moved to Seattle . Eventually, she joined a leading metaphysical group (the Theosophical Society) and soon became the manager of Seattle ’s Quest Bookshop. She later resigned to study nursing. While she was managing the bookstore, Susan received special management training at the Theosophical center in Wheaton , Illinois and a few other places. Thus, she has a considerable background in business management and a great knowledge of metaphysics and Theosophy.
You mention her interest in metaphysics and Theosophy. When did it begin to manifest?
While Susan was still in Buffalo in the early 1970s, she joined the Theosophical Society. The Buffalo chapter
included a few older members who knew some of the founders of the Theosophical Society’s American branch. These people had also worked at the London office. Through them, Susan furthered her interest in metaphysics and, especially, in Theosophy. She still retains fond memories of the people she met in the Buffalo and Seattle branches of the Theosophical Society.
How did this instruction by the Sirians affects your childhood?
It led me to educate myself within a broad range of subjects and eventually to develop to non-fiction and were
totally eclectic. I devoured books and ‘read out’ a number of local branch libraries. The librarians’ only prohibition, when I was very young, was adult fiction. About that, they were most emphatic.
You began reading very early, then?
Yes, around three.
And you read easily. In other words, you read more than ‘Dick and Jane” at age three?
Yes. This was one thing that confused my mother. I did so poorly in school that I almost failed first grade. Yet,
at the same time, I was reading at the eight of ninth grade level.
What caused you to almost fail in school?
I had a very difficult time during my first years of school. My kindergarten teacher was in her last year of
teaching. Past caring about convention and the rules, she was noted for becoming angry quite easily and would pick me up and shake me violently. This mistreatment traumatized me.
In first grade, I had a very thick German accent. My Polish-born teacher, whose parents had been killed by the Germans in World War II, would become very upset whenever I spoke. She singled me out for special punishment, often whacking me over the knuckles with a big, thick, old-fashioned, wooden yardstick. That is when I started to stutter.
My ‘school’ in the ships was so different! In shock and desperation and spurred on by fear, I forced myself to modulate my diction. By the age of seven, I had completely lost my accent. During the third and fourth grades, however, my stuttering developed into a tremendous problem, and I had to attend special speech classes.
Did your stuttering make it difficult for you to get along with the other children?
Yes, definitely. Outside the classroom, I hardly stuttered at all. I found it very confusing, because, away from
school, I spoke quite clearly. But in class, I would develop a weird ring of fear and panic around my head and neck that kept me from speaking or thinking normally. As a result, I had a tremendous aversion to school that my mother virtually had to walk me there.
And it cleared up later on?
Right. In the third and the sixth grades, I met a couple of teachers who were truly and lovingly involved in the
process of educating people. They (especially my sixth grade teacher) were wonderful teachers and transformed my experience of going to school.
How did you resolve the enormous contrast between your Earth and your Sirian education?
I remembered my Sirian education clearly, although a lot of the detail began to be blocked out by the time I
started junior high school. My life became incredible confused. When I came home from school, I went to my room and was transported up to the Mothership. The very loving Sirian teachers would educate me for a few hours in all kinds of exciting subjects.
During those periods, I interacted with technologies that people on this planet would be in awe of today. Then I would return to my parents and all the tyranny and dysfunction that I associated with home. I began to ask myself which world I had to live in – the world of the ships or the one down here. As my confusion increased, the vastness of the dichotomy grew. Eventually, I decided that I had to live in this world. I envisioned developing a truly novel approach to science that would transition physics and infuse it with a new spiritual outlook capable of transforming this world.
In high school, I became deeply involved in researching quantum physics. I aspired to attend college and study with a couple of professors who had done their major research at Brookhaven Labs (in New York ).
The stark contrast between the Mothership and my earthly environment took its mental and emotional toll. By my fifteenth year, it had become overwhelming. Washta told me that moving permanently to the ship was an option not available to me. My focus must be on my earth life and my mission. When the Sirians gave me the chance, I decided to stop their visitations. I told them to leave. Their gentle answer was, “Okay, it is your free will to choose that. Know, however, that you are destined to complete your service. At the appropriate time, we shall return.
What did the Sirians tell you about your role here on Earth?
They told me that I was to help people transform and assist them in embracing a fully-conscious state. The
Sirians were engaged in a process, along with their Galactic Federation allies and especially the local Spiritual Hierarchy, the purpose of which was to eventually transform humanity’s state of limited consciousness. They required people who could act as their vanguards and representatives. My role was to prepare mankind for this new, full consciousness and Earth’s destined contact with galactic society – our space kin.
And you were quite young to receive all this, too!
Yes. The idea of it seemed amazing to me! The whole process was very real, and yet the role that I was to play
appeared somewhat grandiose. However, I accepted it intuitively without knowing at the time how it would play out.
Were you in a waking or in a sleep state when they took you on board the ships?
For teleportation purposes, the Sirians began by placing me in a heavy trance, which kept me calm. Panic or
fear could lead to injury during transportation. On the ship, I was in an awakened state of consciousness and had total recall of what was happening to me. The process was repeated for my return.
If you were inside your home, how were you teleported?
I was beamed up. I would simple vanish.
It literally is a ‘Beam me up, Scotty” kind of thing?
Yes. I would feel the process beginning, and suddenly, I would be in the Mothership.
Is there any difference between dematerialization and a raised frequency?
To be dematerialized through teleportation, your body is raised to a higher level of coherence (although still a
physical body, your frequency is too high to be seen by humans' eyes). The body travels at the speed of Light to its destination. A raised frequency adjusts the physical body and increases its ability to integrate its various layers of Lightbody. In dematerialization, frequency is raised to beyond the level at which we can still perceive it.
Were you ever allowed to bring anything back physically?
No. The Sirian counselors forbade me to do so and strictly enforced their edict.
Did you meet Washta at the time you were contacted?
yes, I met him physically.
You physically saw the person who was speaking to you?
Yes. My sister and I saw him here as well as up in the ship.
Have you been taken up to the ships again since you were re-contacted?
Yes. Once in a while I am transported to the ships, bur very rarely. They said they were reluctant to teleport me
aboard too frequently, because they sensed it would cause me some difficulties.
What did your later training initially involve? What did it entail, overall?
The Sirian training team began to instruct