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The Bible Fraud

By Tony Bushby

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eptions inherent in the Church's origins and development. Particular attention is given to the lineage and birth of Jesus (Rabbi Jesus) and his twin brother (Judas Khrestus), their bloodlines, the creation of the Jesus story as given in the Bible, and how the Catholic Church and the Roman Emperors conspired to create myths that empowered them at the expenses of virtually everyone else.

If your faith depends on historical facts, this book is not for you. If you wish to open to new ways of understanding Jesus and his mission, you will not be disappointed. For The Bible Fraud offers support for the probability that most of what we have been told heretofore about the lives of Jesus and his disciples, the formation of Christianity and the Christian church, and nearly every paragraph of academic Christian theology, stands on the shaky underpinnings of false historical data.

While Bushby does not claim to have the full truth and nothing but, he does support his conclusions with ample, well-documented research (800+ references). He presents a new look at history which is quite exciting, and which shows how we should not be surprised to see corruption and stupidity in high church places, given that it started that way.

Additional information about the book and how to order it can be found at
