The Naked Capitalist Based on the revelations contained in Professor Carroll Quiqley's "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our time" (1966)
Based on the revelations contained in Professor Carroll Quiqley's "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our time" (1966)
Publisher: Buccaneer Books; (1993-04-01)
ISBN: 0899683231
C ustomer reviews
You are still the one!! (2004-12-30)
This book continues to be a great reference on the elitist process. Nothing has changed since this book was written. The process of globalization has occurred, and the same people and their children continue to dictate domestic and world policies.
"The USSR was made in the USA." A great and chilling statement! The elites like to create conflicts in order to advance their agendas of global domination. So in order to create conflicts that the public approve of and to maintain the illusion of democracy, they have to create monsters that scare people enough to support their conflict. Every few years a new monster appears on the world stage, from Nazism to Communism/Sovietism to today's Islamism. What's next ? Chinism or Indianism? we are building these two large and highly populated and competitive countries to become great economic and military powers that will eventually clash with each other if the right strategies are put in place. That will make a great and profitable conflict for the military industrial complex, which will reduce population and incorporate these broken countries into the new world order and the one world government. However, if the elites can't instigate a popular conflict, they will keep lending these poor countries money at the American taxpayers' expense, and when they can't pay it back, or their economic bubble explodes, the elites own them.
Mr. Skousen's book is ageless, and makes a great reading for the curious mind.
== 5 of 7 people found the above review helpful ==
Too much evidence from too many sources to be ignored (2004-10-23)
Like others, I sought out, among other books, "Tragedy and Hope" by Dr. Quigley, Clinton's Foreign Service School professor at Georgetown to look up Skousen's references for myself after reading "The Naked Capitalist." As it turns out, Quigley's book was just one source for Skousen.
In the back of his book, Skousen describes the idealogical shift of the depression-era Democratic party the same way my liberal American government professor from an urban metropolitan university did in one of my class lectures several years ago.
I was fascinated by Skousen's discussion on how tax-exempt foundations can be used to wield great influence in world affairs by destabilizing and indebting governemts on the one hand while encouraging the West to make charitable donations for "worthy causes" on the other. I couldn't help but noting the similarities between Skousen's take on tax-exempt foundations and the establishment of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Microsoft had languished on the NASDAQ long after it should have been listed on the NYSE. After Bill Gates established his foundation and went abroad saying that computers couldn't solve the third world's problems (an odd sentiment for one of the world's foremost capitalists), his company was promptly bumped to the NYSE and the governemt antitrust suit against Microsoft fizzled into oblivion. Bill Gates was forced to "play ball" by using his excess fortune in the same way described in Skousen's book.
When the issue of lowering inheritance taxes came up in the news a few years ago round about that same time, Bill Gates' father who headed up the Gates Foundation publicly spoke out against lowering the tax, reasoning that trillions of dollars stands to change hands over the next few years between boomers and their children; when aging boomers are faced with the choice of bequeathing their estate to their children and losing a substantial amount in taxes or bequeathing it to a tax-exempt foundation, they'd give it to a foundation. In essence, the inheritance tax helps ensure their continued existence.
Is this the "noose around the neck" of the working class that Quigley alludes to in "Tragedy and Hope?"
For further insight and corroboration, read "Phillip Dru: Administrator" by Edward Mandell "Colonel" House, one of FDR's top advisors on the New Deal.
For an entertaining and well-informed look at American and world affairs, watch the 1976 miniseries, "Captains and the Kings", starring Richard Jordan based on the Tayler Caldwell novel.
Skousen isn't making this stuff up.
The truth is in this book (2004-02-26)
I have read this book in my research about what is going on with the U.S. government. This book was written in 1970 and the author said if we did not do anything by then it would be too late. Well here it is 2004 and it is way too late! Just yesterday Fed Chairman Allen Greenspan alluded, in his own jargon, that Medicare is insolvent. We already knew this but the masses don't care. Well when the baby boomers start retiring in 2008 with reduced Medicare benefits, we will see what they do then when it is too late!! Excellent book with plenty of foot notes to reference, which I can never find in liberal written trash!
== 4 of 8 people found the above review helpful ==
One of the most knowledgeable man on this subject I know (2003-08-28)
"The Naked Capitalist" by Scousen, details the suggestion, the communist take over of China by Mao was not resisted by Truman. Truman forced Marshall to remove U.S forces deterring, a Mao take over. Marshall admits to reducing U.S arm resistence in China allowing Mao to take over 600 million chinese. The effect was necessary and increased influenced by socialistic government idealogy. The Nake Capitalist also alludes to socialist in banking, foreign affairs, and education which supported such a movement. This was betrayal, since Chiang Kia-Shek wanted democracy: he believed in Jefferson, he believed in free elections, he believed in democracy; so why did we turn our backs on him? I think the prevailing argument was socialistic societies: 1. provided stable and controllable identities 2. eliminated private property rights 3. setup a generic government, easily controlled from a centralized oligarchy 4. and eliminated the rights of man so the rights of the state could supersede. 5. and replaced the free market economy with a state economy. The administrations excuse for not supporting Chiang was he could not be trusted.
So what happened in North Korea? MacArthur was a soldier. As a soldier he understood western war tactics. Against surprising odds he defeated the North Koreans. He was surprised when 400,000 chinese reds show up to fight. The conflict was not one sided in his favor, he experienced a early defeat but managed to regroup. He devised a brilliant strategy and got the chinese reds on the run and then Truman fired him. The reason, MacArthur didn't follow orders, of his boss. MacArthur could have overthrown the socialistic society of China and converted into a western democracy.
What about Viet Nam? An continuation of fighting left over from the Korean war. The strategy of containment was so poorly conceived, it was amazing any military stradegist would have follow it. The war could not be won using, such a non-western tactic. As a result little was gained in land acquistions and political power shifts as a result of the war. A increase in unpatriotic attitudes flourish in America and soldiers returning from the war were treated as villians. The founding fathers did not believing in becoming entangled in the affairs of other nations. It stands to reason, that the United States should not have become entangled in Viet Nam.
What about Iraq? A weakening in the middle east. Is an invasion by Russian against Iraq a possiblity? Iraq is at a weak point and Russia could gain by socializing this region of the world. Russian may want this area and it is possible they could launch an attack into Iraq and claim it as a territory. Is there a link to historical political resistence from Afghastian? Those brave people repelled a Russian take over, bankrupting Russian, and quieting communism.
So why war? Conspiracy theory: All wars are funded by a single family. Congress gets loans to pay for the war, these loans have connection to the largest European banks, and this family has connections or owns all the largest banks. All the banks are controlled by one group. This group goal is world domination. The reason, they don't care about discussing their accomplishments, in the open, is because ITS TO LATE!
What hope remains? The constitution is the key. The constitution can save democracy. President Benson told us to study the constitution. The constitution is our hope! The word of God was used to dispel the Gadiantons and their influences from the use of treasures of Gold and Silver. The word of God cleaned up the corrupt marketing practices and open free trade with all groups. The liberals use free trade imbargos and regulations to constraint the free market system. The founding father whole intend not to limit or constraint the system of free trade.
Conclusions: All wars are political and economical. How many millions of lives will scream vengance for Justice to the Lord? How many millions will discover the combinations and feel eternally betrayed. Christ told us not to go to war. Why is it, when we say no war, the liberals call us traitors? The results of war is bad because many of God's children are killed.
Are we lambs to the slatter and we can not open our mouths? No, we can, only pray to God. We must pray to God for deliverance. This will be our peril in America. God will deliver us. He will wait until our situation is almost hopeless and then a voice will declare, "Be Still and behold your salvation" as Isaiah foretold. Until then we must look to Christ and his resurrection.
== 8 of 21 people found the above review helpful ==
This is the original book that exposed and documented the power wielded by the Council on Foreign Relations and other interrelated elite groups. He did this by reviewing Tragedy and Hope -- a history book written in about 1966 by Dr. Carroll Quigley, an insider with connections to the power elite.
Remember that Bill Clinton, in his inauguration speech, praised his favorite professor in college--DR. CARROLL QUIGLEY!!
I have read this book two or three times, and have never looked at current events the same. No matter who gets into office, the key positions always get filled with people from the same elite clubs.
This book will definitely make you THINK.