Book Review: Messages from Water, Vol 1
By Masaru Emoto
The second half of this book is what makes it so unique. Emoto discovered that water was extremely sensitive to vibrations, and not only physical vibrations such as music and speech. He devoted several years to photographing the formation of ice crystals from water which had been "treated" in various ways. He had monks recite prayers over the water, played music for it, even taped words on the outside of small vials of water, all with remarkably distinctive effect. Since water constitutes some 70% of both the human body and of the earth, his thesis is that these experiments demonstrate empirically the direct physical impact that thoughts, speech and emotions have, not only on water, but on these larger, more complex systems which are largely comprised of water.
Format: paperback, 145 pages, over 100 color photographs. Bilingual, Japanese/English, $35.00