Book Review: Forbidden Property
By Grant Sterling
As obviously a greatly blessed author of this BOOK REVIEW - he grants full permission for any one to freely reproduce this book review in any manner, mode or form and in any language on Earth. So be it.
Forbidden Property, by Grant Sterling, absolutely belongs on my list as one of the TOP TEN BOOKS worthy of reading on Earth today!!
Actually, I am OVERWHELMED, thrilled and tremendously excited that someone (Grant Sterling) has presented in book form, such a clear easy-to-understand TRUTH that YOU and I (and all others on Earth) have been deceived by our national governments and ARE 100% CHATTEL SLAVES, by clear legal description!!
Suddenly knowing TRUTH can be very terrifying to some people!! But more than ever "Only KNOWING the TRUTH can 'set YOU free' or set your children and their children free!!!
60 MILLION laws in 3 million law books CONTROL our lives in the "seeming" FREEDOM we have in the USA. Thus Grant repeatedly expresses this foundational TRUTH, "control equates to ownership."
Are YOU really forbidden to own your Self?
Are YOU really, legally nothing more than a lowly CHATTEL SLAVE?
In terms of rating our USA, using a scale of 10 as perfect, Grant rates our USA a 6...but insists we must regain our CONSTITUTIONAL rights and become a 10. In my estimation, compared to other countries of the world I have seen and been in worldwide, I would rate the USA only a 2. Especially now with the abominable "Patriot Acts" that BUSH and other treasonous government traitors have recently enacted.
The IRS has been given complete CONTROL over our lives and our fortunes!! According to the IRS YOUR labor has "0" value...while any business corporation or business entity can deduct a refrigerator as an income tax deduction, and labor by YOU as an income tax deduction, and get it, yet YOUR life time labor is declared and evaluated as of NO VALUE? Figure that?
Black's Law Dictionary has become a tool of the illuminati, as each new current edition changes legal definations to further limit or even completely do away with our "unalienable" rights!! Unalienable was the word used in the original US Constitution! Unalienable means our natural inherited human rights and freedoms---a matter of natural law versus 'invented' law.
By the way, Grant Sterling points out how and why the law books are called "codes" because they are written in code, which truly means a 'secret language' to the rest of us. Yet, ignorance of law is said to be no excuse. Can YOU read 60 million laws that are secretly coded, that only lawyer dupes of the government invent and communicate to each other with in CODE?
Does this fit you? Here is Black's Law Dictionary definition of a "slave."
"A slave has no political rights, and generally has no civil rights. He can enter into no contract unless specially authorized by law; what he acquires generally, belongs to his master. The children of female slaves follow the condition of their mothers, and are themselves slaves."
"You have rights antecedent to all earthly government, rights that cannot be human law." John Adams (1735 - died July 4, 1826) Statesman and Philosopher, second American president.
"If we resist compliance with some law. we will eventually face the threat of gunfire, even if only for a misdemeanor. The wheels of justice will grind forth through a series of threats until the authorities dispense armed police to bring compliance, and if necessary, exert force and violence. No one mentions the unseen gun and its potential use when we propagate our thousands of laws year after year against each other."
PAGE 111
"If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested. If you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the Rule of Law." Edward Abbey (1927 to 1989) Popular novelist, poet and environmentalist.
Hmmm. seems he saw some video police brutality films on TV? Do any of my readers remember William Cooper's "legal" assassination?
"If we have not voluntarily surrendered our rights to Self with full disclosure and full knowledge of our actions and consequences, if we have not suffered at the hands of legal punishment, and if a lawful Constitutional amendment has not altered our rights to Self (an oxymoron in itself), and we are not secretly conquered, it cannot be possible for State to lawfully hold title, control and ownership over our Selves or our property -- yet they do.
We are either a nation of of laws, or a lawless nation.
"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." George Bernard Shaw (1856 to 1950) Considered to be the most significant dramatist since Shakespeare.
'Paul' happens to be the greatest majority of VOTERS in any nation, so of course, they vote the ROBBERS 'back' into office!!!!
According to the State, an attorney's first duty is to the court. This applies to judges as well, so State government ALWAYS has its way, right or WRONG!!
This book ought to be taught in school from early age as well as be a MUST READ for every citizen of any country worldwide. Knowing the TRUTH can and WILL "set us free." Here is what Margaret Mead has to say about this.
PAGE 155
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead (1901 to 1978) Famous 20th century anthropologist.
A final word from the author:
PAGE 122
"Every moment of every day, we must choose life or death... success or failure, whether we support or withdraw, every moment a moving canvass that paints our future based upon the choices we make. Freedom requires vigilance, even when difficuilt, especially when difficult. The promise of liberty carries the burden of choice.
Liberty or servitude? What will you choose?"
Pesonally, once again, I simply cannot say enough about this book, it has MOVED my soul like few books can or have done. I hope YOU choose to obtain and read it...and resolve to be FREE.
NESARA is the world catalyst for that FREEDOM worldwide. I am going to make sure that DOVE and close friends of mine are gifted with a copy of this very DIVINE book, written so simply and obviously so MASTERFULLY. This powerful book allows readers INSIGHTS never before presented!! We MUST CHOOSE to acknowledge TRUTH or deny and turn away and thus to leave a dank, dark, dismal life of more abject SLAVERY and STRUGGLE for them too.
Bless Grant Sterling mightily. I count him as another genuine HERO on Earth today, who summoned the courage to unveil and disclose vile hidden truths...and I am anxious to meet and know him well in person (soon, after NESARA, I am sure).
Bless the return of all of our natural rights and freedoms---stolen from us---right before our eye!! NESARA, is shining brightly on the near horizon!! We are DESTINED to be FREE!! So be it, and so it is.
MEANWHILE, please obtain and read this DYNAMIC book, "Forbidden Property," ASAP.
Obtain this book via:
Grant Sterling
Life Keys Resources, LLC
1500-A East College Way, #565
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
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