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Book Review: HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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illing? What if you are right? You are powerful beyond your knowing, and you are being called to your greatest service ever. Are you living up to your Divine Potential?

The Company of Heaven has asked that the awesome information contained in this sacred book be revealed to Humanity during this critical time, so that people will know the Truth of what is occurring on Earth. The Divine Intent of this book is to Enlighten and inform Humanity, so that we will “ keep on keeping on” in spite of the adversity that may appear on the screen of life. It is imperative that we not accept, as our true reality, the illusion of chaos and confusion that is surfacing to be healed.

This book clearly documents some of the myriad activities of Light which have taken place over the past few years and changed the course of history. It also contains practical, tangible and incredibly effective tools that have been revealed to Humanity during this challenging time to assist us in cocreating the wonders of Heaven On Mother Earth.
