Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ
by L. Fry, ( Mme. Paquita de Shishmareff
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From: http://www.posse-comitatus.org/BeWise/newlight.html
The highly remarkable book "Waters Flowing Eastward" by L. Fry contains much valuable information regarding Maurice Joly (Moses Joel). In the "Memoirs of Rene Mareuil," (one of the members of the Ministerial Cabinet of Polignac of France) is stated that Maurice Joly was born in 1831 and was employed in 1848 in the ministry at Chebreau as a minor employee. The young man was strongly influenced by Adolph Israel Cremieux (the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.) Later he became a communist and was jailed for two years. In 1878 he committed suicide and at his burial the Jew Gambetta (former prime minister of France) delivered a post-mortem speech.
It should be remembered that Gambetta played a certain part in the French commune, that Bolshevik reign of terror that existed in France from March 18th to May 29th, 1871, during which time Paris was robbed and ruined. Nevertheless, by a most remarkable "coincidence none of the 145 houses owned by Alphonse Rothschild were damaged.
What are the conclusions that can be drawn from the foregoing information? They are:
1. The Jewish author that furnished the inspiration for the "Protocols" did not confine himself to nefarious theories; he did not hesitate to apply them practically in criminal actions.
2. The "Protocols" have nothing whatsoever' to do with the Russian Secret police, as the "Corrrespondent" of the "Times" infers.
3. The "Dialogues" are not a creation of an anti-semite, but on the contrary they represent the Quintessence of Jewish Idealism.
4. The satanical development of ideas of this book is extracted from a still older work, thus proving Joly to be a plagiarist himself.
"The Dialogues Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" is the title of this older book, published by Franz Duncker at Berlin in 1850. The author of this book was the Jew Jacob Venedey. He was born in 1805 in Cologne, Germany; expelled from Germany he settled in Paris in 1835... Prosecuted by the police for his subversive activities, he was protected and defended (as was the case with Joly) by Cremieux. Venedey was an intimate friend of Karl Marx (alias Jew Mordechai).
With Marx's assistance he organized in 1847 "The Communist Workers League. In 1843 he visited England and organized another secret society having as a purpose the promotion of Israel's World Domination.
Thus it is definitely proved that both books that served as a foundation for the "Protocols," were written by Jews, both of whom were friend of the founder of the "Alliance Israelite Universelle," ADOLPH ISRAEL CREMIEUX.
Under these circumstances it can not be doubted that all three books are the product of Jewish thought.
Anyone who will study carefully these books should be very much surprised to hear the Jews whining about Jews being innocently persecuted and forced to defend themselves against "Lies & Defamation." There can be no talk about "Forgery" whatsoever, as we have to do only with slightly different versions of "ideas" coming from the same powerful political and economical circle of influence.
The secret society that was organized by Karl Marx and Venedey was in fact only an outgrowth of an older Jewish organization known as "The Jewish League for Culture and Education," which already existed in 1819. The program for this league was taken over by A. Cremieux and further developed.
One easily understands the "Aims" of this "leaque" if he reads carefully the letter written by the Jew Baruch Levy to Karl Marx. Here is what he writes:
"The Jewish people taken collectively will be its own Messiah. His reign over the Universe will be obtained by the unification of the human races and through the elimination of frontiers. A Universal Republic will come into being in which the Sons of Israel will become the directing element. We know how to dominate the Masses. The governments of all nations will gradually fall, THROUGH VICTORY OF THE PROLETARIAT, INTO THE HANDS OF JUDAH. All private property will become the possession of the PRINCES OF lSRAEL - they will own the wealth of all lands. Thus will be realized the promise of the TALMUD that when the time of the Messiah comes the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all the peoples of the world."
The spiritual relation between this letter and the "Protocols" is exactly the same as between an acorn and an oak.
This dreadful plan is transmitted into action in our midst every day.
The "Pan-Europa" a periodical of Count Coudenhove-Calergi proclaimed that the Aristocracy of the future will be Jewish. (In the "New York Times" of April 14, 1933, Samuel Untermyer made a statement to the same effect, claiming that the Jew is the Aristocrat of the world. -Editor.)
The character and behavior of this new "Aristocracy" is substantially different from the old. The names of Bela Kun (Cohen), Kurt Eisner as well as the Jew-Soviet "Nobility" will be written for all time in world history in letters of blood.
An interesting article appeared in the newspaper "Die Front" published in Zurich, Switzerland on January 3, 1934, which reported that a group of Jews, more powerful and more influential than the Zionists, has organized a "Cultural Movement" on a world-wide scale with the purpose of putting every country under Jewish domination.
Always the same leading idea - not the slightest variation in the program.
The French magazine "Libre Parole" in its issue of November 1933, page 27, and earlier "La Vielle France" issue of March 10, 192 1, published a remarkable speech of Rabbi Reichhorn delivered in Prague in 1869 over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda; he said in part:
"For centuries the Sons of Israel have been despised and persecuted, but they have fought bravely to prepare the way for victory. Now they are approaching their aim. They already dominate the economic life of the damned Christians; their influence is just as great in politics and in moral fields. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christians will definitely enslave Christendom to us. Thus will be accomplished the promise of God made to his people."
This promise is already accomplished in Russia. What country will be next to experience the same tragic fate? [WOW! -TRY A HOST OF OTHERS SINCE THESE PROPHETIC WORDS WERE WRITTEN IN THE 1930'S!! AND OUR TURN IS COMING SOON IF THE "MASSES" DON'T WAKE UP *NOW*!!-BeWISE]
In a recent issue of the Jewish publication "Freurid von Israel" the editor deplores the fact that the modern Jewish youth seems to have disrespect towards God and his laws. He says, "the Godless Jew seems now to be the master of all Jewish powers. Israel runs the danger of becoming a Satanical race."
A remarkable acknowledgement! This utterance is not made by an anti-semite but by a leader of a Jewish mission!
The danger is, in fact, grave. Israel has ceased, to believe in Jehovah and is worshipping the Golden Calf only