Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia
By Gore Vidal
Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia Summary
Book Reviews of Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia
Book Review: Wise and sad humor
Rating: 5 stars
This is a wonderful collection of essays; some current, and all timely despite a few redundancies and dated comments about the Japanese economy. There is more wisdom and truth here than in the dry high school textbooks that were the last history that many have read (neither rates 100% but Vidal is MUCH better).
The first and last essays alone are well worth the price of the book. Unlike certain policy makers today (almost all 'Chickenhawks') Vidal served in the military; unlike most (including a certain 'gentleman C student and-proud-of-it) Vidal knows his history. You may not agree but you should always find him thought provoking.
When the US is something like 25th in reading (despite the benefits of great English literature and many choices) this should be first on the list before the military history and heroes of myth. Unlike many books today it is the truth here that will both disturb and enchant.
It is a thoughtless, uninformed, superficial reading that would dismiss the some arguments as anti-Semitic or ideological and it is the early democratic spirit of the country not Marxism that informs his judgments. Thinking about the comments of Franklin, Jefferson, Adams quoted herein should make that clear. If people read it otherwise perhaps the Hollywood producer, quoted by Vidal in another context, assessing the general public as walking with its knuckles scrapping the ground was right?
Book Review: Time is running out
Rating: 5 stars
I would urge those concerned with the future to read Mr. Vidals newest book, Imperial America. In it you'll learn things of value. The False Statement Statute (Title 18: Section 1001) which should allow not only for Bush's impeachment but a possible jail sentence is one. Another is the HAVA (Help America Vote Act) which could allow some very suspect machinery to influnence this next election...or rather after 2000, the selection. One should be more concerned with Letting America Vote.
Yet please do not feel this is a slow, technical read...far from it. It moves briskly and unlike many offerings always shows where quotes came from and who said them. Mr. Vidal, along with Ms.Roy and Mr.Chomsky continue to be very meticulous here. Their knowledge greatly expands each book...allowing for greater thought, bringing us into area's not reported or covered.
For those who won't read this book...don't...you will not get anything from it. For those who respect knowledge and truth, you'll undoubtedly read it. My concern (and hope) is for those not quite sure. It is for you to grow and become (far) more knowledable. Put down the sports page, stop worrying about some millionaire, who will not hit his weight...and get involved.
Time is running out...The French Foreign Legion had a motto, 'March or Die.' For 2004 may I suggest, 'Learn or Die.' Thank you for taking the time to read this...and please read this book...Highly recommended.