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Dick Morris, Eileen McGann

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Special interests use their money and power to distort the legislative process and buy elections. Then there's the unmistakable bias of the mainstream media, and the craven way Washington insiders spin every political misstep for public consumption, while they scratch each other's backs to maintain the status quo. It's time to transform our democracy back into what it was intended to be: no longer a government of the pampered congressmen, paid for by the lobbyists who pervert the process for the benefit of greedy special interests, but a government truly of the people, by the people, and for the people. In Outrage: How Liberals, Congress, Unions, Drug Companies, Big Oil, Banks, Lobbyists, Corporations, the United Nations, the World Bank, the INS, the TSA, and the Democratic Party Are Ripping Us Off...and What to Do About It, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann show just how bad things have gotten -- and outline a way to bring the American public square back to what it should be.

Morris and McGann offer a sobering chronicle of the outrages they've seen in government and business. But they do more than just describe them: they've come up with a series of concrete proposals to stop the outrages, to turn our country and our society around, and to help us all control our own future. That makes Outrage not just a cry of frustration, but a much-needed program for reclaiming what is ours: government of, by, and for the people.

The 2006 Congress: why it deserved the thrashing it got at the polls -- and why the election wasn't a mandate for the Democratic Party, but a mandate for correction and reform

How teacher's unions block the education reform they should be supporting

The amazing Democratic Party gravy train at Fannie Mae

How special interest trade protectionism robs us all: how we've been conned by the claim that we're protecting our fellow American workers, when all we've really been doing is protecting billions in corporate profits

The abuses of the UN Human Rights Council: how they strike at the heart of the UN's mission

Russia, France, Saddam, and the UN: How the Oil-For-Food money flowed to corrupt politicians

Needed: a UN made up only of democracies, that will truly speak for the people of the world, not just for a handful of tyrants

How nine of the 9/11 hijackers could have been deported before they struck

Where the cops dare not go: how sanctuary cities bar cops from enforcing immigration laws

How to get the truth about your congressman, and connect the dots between campaign contributions and lobbyists

Members of Congress who spend too many days on exotic vacations paid for by special-interest groups (another perk that should be banned outright)

Was the Katrina disaster necessary? How government money that poured into New Orleans was diverted to politically attractive projects instead of spent on flood control

The great insurance scam: how big insurance companies are still thumbing their noses at their Louisiana policy holders who were victimized by Katrina

Converting campaign money into personal income: legislators who put their spouse on the payroll

How two of our most important allies in Western Europe were led throughout the 1990s and the early years of this decade by men who should have been in jail

How tough anti-terror laws saved the Brooklyn Bridge

How the drug companies fleece us by keeping generic drugs off the market -- and how their push for ever greater sales not only leads to over-medicating the public, but also drives medical costs to absurd levels

Democrats who sold out on bankruptcy protection -- and how much money they got

Punishing students and families -- the new student loan legislation

Why it's so important for the average American to speak up about subsidy and trade issues

Revealed: the financial epicenter of the "vast left wing conspiracy"



Half of all illegal immigrants came into this country legally—and we have no way of knowing they’re still here!

Congressmen are putting their wives on their campaign payrolls—so that campaign contributions are really personal bribes!

The ACLU won’t allow its own directors free speech.

Liberals want to strip us of the tools to stop terrorism.

The UN is a cover for massive corruption—and eighty countries, who pay 12 percent of the budget, are blocking reform.

Drug companies pay off doctors to write scripts—whether we need them or not.

Teachers unions block the firing of bad teachers—and battle against higher education standards!

Katrina victims are being stiffed by their insurance companies!

Special interests cost our consumers $45 billion—through trade quotas that save only a handful of jobs!

Never heard of these abuses? You won’t in the mainstream media. That’s why Dick Morris and Eileen McGann wrote Outrage. Their proposals:

Ban immigration from terrorist countries

Ban Congress putting spouses on their payroll

Ban lobbyists who are related to senators or congressmen

Ban nicotine additives to cigarettes

Ban trade quotas that drive up prices and save few jobs

Ban drug company bribes to doctors

Ban teachers unions’ work rules that stop education reform

Ban insurance companies from backing out on Katrina coverage

In Outrage, you’ll get the facts—and learn what we can do about them. You won’t read about these outrages anyplace else; too many people are working hard to cover them up. Get them here instead—and learn how to fight the special interests of the left and right.