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And Not a Shot Is Fired

by Jan Kozak

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gh strikes, rallies, petitions, threats, and - sometimes - sabotage. The 'pressure from below' by the small number of revolutionaries and their larger number of dupes is then used to 'justify' the centralization of power in the hands of the executive branch of the state. Wishy-washy politicians are intimidated, and the 'pressure from above' intensifies.

Each legislative victory results in new demands for even stronger legislation, which is relentlessly pursued by communists and their dupes in parliament - who claim that they are acting in the name of the popular will. The cycle continues until opposition is completely powerless, intimidated, or liq! uidated - and the revolution is a fait accompli."

Book Description

Jan Kozak explains how the people of Czechoslovakia were manipulated into voting themselves into slavery. Through targeted mass agitation, a free government was transformed into a totalitarian dictatorship -- legally! Today more than ever, the revolutionary methods described by Kozak are being targeted against American liberties.

* * * * * * * * *

Reviewer: Ryan Setliff (Danville, VA USA) - See all my reviews

This political tract book outlines Marxist revolutionary tactics at subverting a democratic parliamentary government. Thus, making a 'legal' change to a social democracy which then erodes into a socialist totalitarian dictatorship. This book illustrates the 'legal' transitional communist takeover of Czechoslavakia without a shot fired. This is strikingly similar to the Hitler-led NSDAP takeover of Germany in the 1930's.

This book should serve as a cautionary warning of how democracy can be subverting and how the constitutional checks and balances of the American Republic serve as a protection against this subversion (assuming that there preserved and not subverted.) Although, it is a little expensive for a book under a 100 pages, it is nonetheless informative.