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Dr. Hulda Clark's Books on Alternative Health

Dr. Hulda Clark

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solvents and metals which allow these parasites to settle in certain organs or tissues (nerve sheath for example), you can knock out the bugs that essentially create the disease symptoms. Her info is top rate in my opinion

Hulda's books:

1. The Cure for All Disease

2. The Cure for All Cancers

3. The Cure for Advanced Cancers

4. The Cure for HIV/AIDS.

5. The Synchrometer Lab Manual

6. The Prevention of All Cancers (**New book-extermely important information**)

You can get the book s directly from the publisher in California, New Century Press:

New Century Press

1055 Bay Blvd., Ste. C

Chula Vista, CA 91911



or from Dr Clark's web site:

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Editorial Reviews from

The Cure For Cancers


Book Description

Cancer can now be cured, not just treated

We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure for cancer. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about a cure. This is possible because in 1990 Dr. Clark discovered the true cause of cancer. The cause is a certain parasite, for which I have found evidence in every cancer case regardless of the type of cancer. So lung cancer is not caused by smoking, colon cancer is not caused by a low roughage diet, breast cancer is not caused by a fatty diet, retinal blastoma is not caused b y a rare gene, and pancreatic cancer is not caused by alcohol consumption. Although these are all contributing factors, they are not THE cause. Once the true cause was found the cure became obvious. but would it work? I set a goal of 100 cases to be cured of cancer before publishing my findings. That mark was passed in December, 1992. the discovery of the cause and cure of all cancers has stood the test of time and here it is!

About the Author

Dr. Clark is an independent research scientist. Dr. Clark has a Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, and the Master of Arts with High Honors from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Then she studied for two years at McGill University before attending the University of Minnesota and obtaining her doctorate degree in physiology in 1958. After doing government sponsored research for almost ten years at Indiana University, she began private consulting in nutrition in 1979.

She continued her studies to earn a Naturopathy degree and an amateur radio license. The freedom to follow her most promising observations led to the breakthrough discoveries described in this book.

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The Cure For All Diseases

The Cure For All Diseases Book By Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark


It took an independent research scientist to find the answer. Hulda Regehr Clark began her studies in biology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, where she was awarded the Bachelor of Arts, Magna cum Laude, and the Master of Arts, with High Honors. After two years of study at McGill University, she attended the University of Minnesota, studying biophysics and cell physiology. She received her Doctorate degree in physiology in 1958. In 1979 she left government funded research and began private consulting on a full time basis. Six years later she discovered an electronic technique for scanning the human body. Today she puts her methods, results and conclusions before you. Read and recover.


The sick have been held hostage for their money or intangible assets since time immemorial. Doctors, even primitive and natural healers, surround themselves with mystery as they use herbs or chemicals and incantations or “prognoses” to help the sick recover. Today, the medical industry (doctors and their suppliers and insurers) take a significant amount of the worker's earnings. Wouldn't it be nice if they could all go back to gardening or some other primitive and useful endeavor? Wouldn't it be wonderful if the sick could join them?

The most promising discovery in this book is the effectiveness of electricity to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites. Does this mean you can cancel your appointment with your clinical doctor? No it does not. Killing your invaders does not make you well instantly. But happily, at your next doctor visits she or he will be removing drugs, not adding them.

You might think that such an invention should be quickly patented. That was my universal advice. But I chose not to. It helps me, my children, and my grandchildren, if you are well. The whole world needs to come out of the dark ages of medicine and illness. And to learn the true causes of infection and disease. We must and can usher in the new age of disease-free living.

No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no cancer, no HIV/AIDS, no migraines, no lupus and so on! Not a single disease is left unconquerable with this new understanding!

The Promise

Step into a new world. A world without chronic diseases. step out of your old world. It has kept you a prisoner. Try something new. The prison has no walls. It has only lines. Lines that mark the ground around you. Inside the lines are your old ideas. Outside are new ideas that invite you to step over and escape your prison. Dare to try these new ideas and your illness promises to recede. In a few weeks it can be gone.

If you are very ill or chronically ill you must have asked yourself many times: why have these problems chosen me? Will there never be a way to conquer them?

You may be quite familiar with your doctor's explanation of your illness or your child's illness. A Coxsackie virus has entered your child's brain causing inflammation (encephalitis) there. You pray that your child's immunity will overcome it. You may be familiar, but so very helpless against this microscopic invader.

If you had the proverbial 3 wishes they would be: 1) please spare my child's life; 2) please make it so my child doesn't have permanent damage; 3) please bless and guide the wonderful doctors and nurses who are keeping the oxygen tent going, and are watching my child's temperature and vital signs.

What if you could turn a dial and in 3 minutes kill every Coxsackie virus in your child's body?

What if this had no side effects?

What if the virus never came back?

In this book you will learn how to do that. You will also learn why your child got encephalitis or other disease and how to prevent it forever.

If this is too mind boggling, just take it a step at a time: First, learn about the radio-type broadcasting that all living animals do. Second, find the “station frequencies” that your particular invader(s) broadcast at. Third, learn how to “jam” their frequency until they expire: it takes only minutes!

Finally, learn how to make your own diagnostic and treatment devices. The instructions are simple enough for anyone. Only by putting this power in your hands will it be safe from government regulation, however well intended.

Only Two Health Problems

No matter how long and confusing is the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fatigue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants and/or parasites. I never find lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anything else to be a primary causative factor. So the solution to good health is obvious:

Problem ----- Simplest Cure Parasites ----- Electronic and herbal treatment

Pollution ----- Avoidance

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The Cure For Advanced Cancers




Cancer can now be cured, not only the early stages, but also advanced cancer, stages four and five, including imminent death. The 21 Day Program described in this book provide a total approach that not only shrinks tumors, but also normalizes blood chemistry, lowers cancer markers, and returns health.

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The Cure for HIV/AIDS


Book Description

53 CURED Cases The First Year

Cure, not treatment, is the subject of this book. In 1991 Dr. Clark discovered the source of HIV. Once the source became clear the cure became obvious. but would it work? After curing 53 cases in a row, all who used this method, Dr. Clark could wait no longer to present these findings. Since that time many more have been cured, too many to be added to this book. Most important is adding yourself to that list!

Electricity can now be used to kill bacteria, viruses and parasites in minutes, not days or weeks as antibiotics require.

If you have been suffering from HIV infection or AIDS related illness, learn to build the electronic device that will stop it immediately. It is safe and without side effects ad does not interfere with any treatment you are now on.

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The Prevention of All Cancers


Cancer can be cured, not just treated. Kill the malignancy-causing parasite and the tumor-causing bacteria. Learn the dietary triggers for each oncovirus that immortalizes your tumor cells. Outwit RAS, MYC, NEU, SRC, SV40, JUN, and FOS with diet. Follow a tester’s protocol that guarantees success. Get your immunity back with electricity: zapping, plate-zapping and homeography make it easier than ever to find your health again. Learn the single epidemiological factor that destroys your immunity. Avoid it and live free of rare diseases, inherited diseases and cancer. Cancer has many contributors but the main actors form a single chain of events. Pull out one link and the whole cancer process is blocked. This kind of prevention is more powerful than a cure. You can get started now! …for your pets, too.

Believing that cancer has many contributors, Dr. Clark says that pulling one link out of the chain blocks the whole cancer process. By protecting your immunity with electricity you can avoid this disease. Describes her program of zapping, plate-zapping and homeography.

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For more information on the books of Dr. Clark, go to this URL: