The Rothschild Money Trust
By George Armstrong
The estate has been preserved and managed since his death as a unit in pursuance of the provisions of his will. There are now several hundred heirs, for the family is a prolific one, but the estate is communal and still under the management of one head. So far as known, the provisions of the wills of the members of the family still contain in substance the directions of the founder of the fortune.
History affords but meager information regarding the rulers of this fortune and the extent of it, because of their secretive methods. No inventory has ever been filed and no division has ever been sought by any heir.
Most of the histories of the Rothschild family are either Jewish or strongly pro-Jewish. While they are extravagant in praise of the virtues of the different members of the Rothschild family, they are rather meager in facts. The facts herein related have been gleaned from many sources and are based on information believed to be reliable.
We do not know the extent of the founder's fortune at the time of his death in 1812, nor do we know the present magnitude of it, but apparently it represents about one-half of the wealth of the world.
This huge fortune has been devoted with great shrewdness and energy to the purpose of exploiting the Gentiles in all the countries of the globe. The methods employed are the manipulation of currencies, speculations on the exchanges, and wars. The Rothschilds by these operations profit enormously because they have the power by virtue of their immense wealth and political power, to put prices up or down at pleasure. It is for these reasons that we have most of our wars and depressions.
The protocols and the communist code, which are identical in purpose and intent, represent their plan for the conquest of the world. Both of these codes were published subsequent to Mayer Amchel's death, but some of the protocols appear to have been in existence prior thereto. They, however, represent his principles as shown by all that we know of him.
This book is not written in a spirit of anti-Semitism, for I have Jewish friends that I do not wish to injure. It is written in the hope that it may be helpful in solving our Jewish problem peaceably and by appropriate legislation. To the extent that the remedies herein suggested may contribute to that end they will be helpful to the Jews as well as to the balance of us, for it is certain that the people of this country will never meekly submit to slavery.
In writing and publishing this book I am inspired by no other motive than to render a service to my country. I realize that I am taking some risk in doing so-at least that of persecution. Adequate provision has been made for the publication and distribution of this book regardless of the Author.
September 12, 1940.
George Armstrong
Rothschild Occupational Government: Ministry of "Prosperity" - The Federal Reserve Board
The Federal Reserve Bank was created by associates of the Rothschilds with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The chief architect was Paul Moritz Warburg, with help from the Loeb, Schiff, and Morgan banking families. The Federal Reserve was ostensibly created to stabilize the economy, but between 1923 and 1929, the Fed printed up a whopping 62% inflation rate, then suddenly stopped, throwing the country into the crash of 1929, followed by a numbing depression.
The Federal Reserve had a predecessor in the Second Bank of the United States, which had been dismantled at the order of President Andrew Jackson, putting an end to a major depression in his time. The Great Depression of the thirties, however, had a Rothschild lacky in F.D.R., who prolonged the agony, so as to maximize property foreclosures, allowing bankers to make a killing when the economy bounced back. This also put the bankers in the position of being landlords of properties once owned, with allodial title, by soveriegn citizens.
The primary intentions of the Fed, however, was to usurp the power of Congress and the U.S. Treasury over our government's, and our country's, finances. It's chairman, appointed by Congress, has only nominal power. The Fed is NOT a government agency, but a totally private corporation owned by about twelve banking families, including the Rothschilds, and those mentioned above.
I.R.S.: The enforcement arm of the Fed, is the Internal Revenue Service, established by the Rothschilds in 1933 as a "soak the rich" scam. It is also a private corporation. It serves to collect tribute from the American public, which is then channeled through the Fed, into Rothschild pet projects. "Internal" means that it was set up to collect money "internal" to the federal government, NOT from private citizens, who are actually paying the bulk of the tribute. Our money supply is loaned into circulation by the Fed, charging interest which cannot be paid until taken out of the next year's principle. Money collected by the IRS is sent to the Fed (NOT the Treasury). It is then credited towards the principle on the money supply (the interest does not exist yet), with the actual funds send to the Soviet Union, Red China and other Rothschild projects.
Federal Reserve notes not only violate a Constitutional prohibition against paper money (Article 1, Section 10), but are also in violation of 12 USC 411, which restricts them to transfers between member banks of the Federal Reserve Board, and 18 USC 334, which makes it a felony to release them into general circulation, except in accordance with law. Now, title 18 is law, but title 12 is not. Does that mean that they may be circulated anywhere? Or doesn't it really mean they may not be circulated at all?
It is even worse. Federal Reserve notes are insurance script; anything purchased with them belongs, not to the purchaser, but to that party whose name is on the script: Federal Reserve. What does it all mean? Our leaders have sold out our country for some gold beads and an illusion of power. They have betrayed us; they have betrayed their office, they have committed treason against the people and Constitution of the United States of America. As such, they have shown themselves unfit for anything but imprisonment.
Rothschild Occupational Government: Ministry of "Justice"- American Bar Association
Rothschild Occupational Government:Ministry of "Truth"- Central Intelligence Agency
The Central Intelligence Agency was created by the Rothschilds, not to discover facts of importance to national security, but to manufacture and disseminate ideologies and disinformation which serve Rothschild interests, and to create evidence to support that ideology, such as by planting Soviet weapons caches, or coercing newspapers into covering up damaging information, or even manufacture stories to support the Rothschild ideology.
The Patty Hearst kidnapping was engineered by the CIA, because Randolf Hearst threatened to expose sensitive information. An LA Times reporter uncovered considerable evidence in this regard, including the fact that Donald DeFreez, the ringleader, had been arrested two weeks prior to the kidnapping. He had been wandering around in the middle of the night, with a tommygun, in the neighborhood where the kidnapping was to later take place. The police let him go when they learned he was a CIA operative, and the gun a CIA issue. The aforementioned reporter had been unable to publish her report in any major daily, finally turning to the "Berkeley Barb". The article was totally atypical of Barb articles, in language, length, attention to detail, and style. It was also the very last issue of the Barb I would ever see.
The VietNam War was created by the CIA. Ho Chi Mhin had been a US ally during World War II. After the War, the French attempted to retake VietNam, but Ho Chi Mhin forced them out. The Red Chinese invaded VietNam from the north, but Ho Chi Mhin forced them out too. This threatened Rothschild interests in the development of Red China. The return of Ho Chi Mhin to south VietNam also threatened a sweet deal the CIA had with Diem for heroin, which the CIA smuggled into the U.S. at enormous profit.
The CIA planted weapons caches and spread the fiction that Ho Chi Mhin was a Red. Bobby Kennedy got wise to the scam, and shared his suspicions with Robert, who then refused to send arms. The CIA plotted to have him assassinated, so they could install a Rothschild patsy, Lyndon Johnson, in his place, who subsequently pulled us into a full-scale war, after promising not to. When Robert Kennedy ran for president, they had him killed too, so he couldn't straighten things out.
The DEA was set up partly to protect the CIA drug monopoly, partly because drugs have a way of jogging people's minds, facilitating paradigm shifts, waking them up to what is going on around them. Some, like marijuana and LSD, are very good at this. I think it was Jerry Rubin who once called marijuana a "truth serum".