U. S. of A Against U.S.
Contrary to the beliefs of many in the patriot community, the real blame for this current situation rests with the People, and consequently; the solution also rests with the People individually. Contained within the covers of this book is a treatise on the political and legal history of deceit, Constitutional reinterpretation and utter socialism that has been silently assented to by the people. The authors also plainly describe to the reader the simple yet elegant solution to reclaiming one’s lost rights through the reassertion of one’s status as a Citizen of one of the Several States of the Union and by severing legal relations with the United States which is revealed in this book as a federal corporation.
Whatever your political affiliation or philosophical proclivities this book is intended to provide a foundational basis for a new understanding of the reader’s political and legal relations with the “Government of the United States”. These relations have a very profound effect on one’s rights, claims to property, and every aspect of one’s day to day life, even if those relations are politically and legally established through silent assent, waiver, contracts or agreements the reader is completely unaware of.
The State Constitutions, as well as the Constitution for the United States of America (1789) have been allowed to be removed from the “legal memory” of the people as those very same people have become United States citizens, devoid of the rights, privileges and immunities referenced in the Bill of Rights and in place been granted civil rights. Most Americans alive today are proud to be referred to as United States citizens. If those same Americans were aware of what the courts had to say about the rights of United States Citizens, they might reconsider their thinking on the matter. Here is what one Court had to say:
“The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States,” US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957
What else might you need to know about the difference between the United States of America and the United States? What you don’t know can cost you your life, liberty and property. If one reads this book, the authors believe, that every citizen, whether of the United States or one of the Several States of the Union, will have the understanding to make a conscious decision on whether legal relations with the United States is an appropriate choice.
HKP Publishing and the authors are pleased to announce that orders for the long awaited book, U.S.ofA. v U.S. are now being accepted. And to help begin the long and arduous task of educating our fellow Americans about what was done to our Republic, with the help of those who have shown an interest in becoming “early adopters”, the Publisher and the authors make the following offer.
For all of those who order the book U.S.ofA. v U.S. before February 21, 2006, you will receive a $10.00 discount off the list price of $89.00. For those ordering 5 or more books, take an additional $10.00 off (See order form as an attachment) plus $7.50 shipping and handling.
With the book you will also receive an MP3 CD containing over 12 hours of audio from a seminar with one of the authors teaching the very same material in the book. The first year’s membership to the companion website www.UsofAvUS.com is also included (currently under construction). The authors hope that the website will become a virtual community for people from the Several States of the America Union to meet like minded Citizens and begin the work of reestablishing States under free Constitutions or simply to discuss successes in reclaiming State Citizenship. The website will also be the place to take a knowledge test before receiving any paperwork to be used by those seeking to self determine their freewill with respect to citizenship. The website will also be the dissemination point for updates on finding ways to work, live and play without a Social Security number, how to travel internationally and other important issues.
In exchange for this pre-shipment discount, HKP Publishing and the authors ask each of you to send this email on to everyone in your address book. We also hope that you will forward any comments you think appropriate by way of introduction to the book. Anyone you send this email to can order U.S.ofA. v U.S. at the discounted price through February 21, 2006. Let’s get the word out that each of us is responsible for working to restore the Republic.
Thanks for your help and support,
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You can place an order by mail by sending $79.00 for each copy of the book plus $7.50 shipping and handling for the first copy and $2.00 for each additional copy. For orders of 5 copies or more, the per copy price is $69.00 plus $12.00 shipping and handling for the first 5 copies and $2.00 for each copy above the first 5.
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