The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
The human race evolved under the sun and for thousands of years lived in close harmony with its heat and light. A little more than 50 years ago doctors in Europe and North America were using sunlight to treat potentially fatal diseases on a routine basis, and a number of hospitals were built specifically for sunlight treatment.
Unfortunately, today there are very few physicians who have even the remotest understanding of the sun's broad therapeutic implications. Many of us have lost close contact with the sun and its healing powers because sunbathing is regarded to be a dangerous pastime that should be discouraged.
If you have been successfully brainwashed by conventional medical wisdom into fearing the sun then this book will help you see the light about the value of proper sun exposure.
An Essential Tool for Bringing the Benefits of the Sun into Your Life -- Safely!
Author, Dr. Richard Hobday, has created an important tool to help us bring the benefits of sunlight into our lives safely -- explaining how tanning moderately throughout the year is better than avoiding the sun altogether; how sudden bursts of strong solar radiation are unnatural and dangerous; how protection needs to be built up slowly; how early morning sunlight in cool temperatures is particularly beneficial to the body; how prolonged exposure to artificial light puts the body under great stress -- and much more!
Emphasizing how the sun was used to prevent and cure diseases in the past, and how it can heal us in the future, this book shows how sunlight can help:
Lower Your Cholesterol
Treat Multiple Sclerosis and Osteoporosis
Prevent and Treat Cancer
Lower Your Blood Pressure
Kill Chronic Viral Infections In Your Blood
Increase the Value of Exercise
Increase Your Muscle Strength
Improve Your Body's Ability to Detoxify
Dr. Hobday also explains how designing and building sunlit houses not only help prevent disease, but also make us feel happier and save energy.
History Proves Moderate Sunbathing is Beneficial to Your Health
"The Healing Sun" is a literal treasure house full of useful and very difficult to find information on the benefits of sunlight. Providing a substantial body of historical evidence that suggests moderate sunbathing is far more beneficial than we are currently led to believe, Hobday reveals:
that over 100 years ago the Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to a physician for his innovative use of sunshine
how sunlight was used successfully to speed up the healing of wounds before the invention of antibiotics
how prior to antibiotics solariums were frequently used as the only effective alternative to severe cases of TB that would otherwise be sent to surgery
Sunlight is every bit as central to our health and well-being as proper nutrition, clean water, and exercise. I have extensively studied vitamin D and written many pages about the benefits of this commonly deficient vitamin in my "Total Health Cookbook and Program" and here on this website. "The Healing Sun" is, without a doubt, the best book I've read this year and clearly one of the most important health books I've read in my life.
Get Three of My Most Highly Recommended Books and Save Over 30%!
Because I feel this so strongly about "The Healing Sun," I am offering you a special opportunity to get this book -- together with two other books that I believe will have a profound effect on your life -- at a substantial discount off their regular price!
Paul Chek's "How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy" and my "Total Health Cookbook and Program" work synergistically side by side, giving you a tailor-made exercise regime suited to your body's needs, plus the means to truly optimize your weight, energy and health by eating properly for your specific metabolic type.
Save over 30% by getting all three books today and begin your journey to achieving optimal health and total well-being!