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Operation "Rebirth America": Brake the Web

By America Publications

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ment (and ever since), the American people became "the enemy" of their own government. This "National Emergency" must be ended, immediately! Some people are saying, "Oh, it's gone too far, and we can't fix it. " As Walter J. Burien, Jr. , said early this, year (see his article in MediaBypass, Feb 2001 issue, 1-800-429-7277, entitled, The Biggest Game in Town, which exposes government's Sixty Trillion Dollar "Second Set of Books, " called ("CAFR". ) In his article, Walter asks us, "Can David (the American People) still fling the rock true and straight to hit its mark (the "WEB" of treason) and defeat (a criminal government) Goliath?" YES, Walter WE CAN, and we see many, many strong and courageous Americans - like you, like former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Texas Congressman Ron Paul (1-888-322-1414) doing just that! These are REAL Americans who have fearlessly placed their lives, fortunes and sacred honor on that same "battlefield" in David's shoes along with millions of other awakening Americans. These are the REAL Americans who are NOW making GREAT INROADS to the "REBIRTHING" of America, the greatest successful experiment in all history of a working government - a government that used to work for its people! Yes, Walter and others, David did it, and so can we! The CAFR-1 audits, (See 8 on "The WEB" are being received from coast to coast with excited enthusiasm. Operation "Rebirth America" is for BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE and will return America swiftly to her proven successful prior GREATNESS! What do you say, People of America? Shall we JUST DO IT and BRAKE the WEB? NOW? Pat Revere, America Publications Volunteers / 26 August 2001 AD

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