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Rulers of Evil

By F. Tupper Saussy

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hands when they brought out this book, it might have been a best seller by now.

"Tupper Saussy has given us all a lesson in what real history writing is all about—and such lessons are hard to come by. Saussy firmly establishes, once and for all, how deep the plannings of societal takeovers can go.

"In my 20 years as a reporter, I have read many books that provided useful information, but I have read only a few that showed me how to sift great amounts of information to arrive at a platform from which I could continue to understand isolated facts. RULERS OF EVIL is one of the few.

"Let me put it this way: Reading RULERS OF EVIL is four years of post-graduate work at a university that should, but does not exist."

Review by John Rappoport

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Editorial Reviews from


Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly

Saussy, a Grammy-nominated songwriter and author (Miracle on Main Street) turned conspiracy theorist, makes a case here that will strike most readers as awash in bigotry (of the anti-Catholic variety): "[T]he papacy really does run United States foreign policy, and always has." To prove that, for example, the pope controls Washington, Saussy offers "evidence" such as the number of Catholic senators and other high government officials or that "the land known today as the District of Columbia bore the name `Rome' in 1663 property records." Further, he argues that the Jesuits "have imbued western culture with a purely Catholic political theory" the theory underlying the American Revolution, which in turn was brought about by a Jesuit priest, Lorenzo Ricci (aka Laurence Richey), as part of a plan to make America safe for Roman Catholics. Catholics were oppressed in colonial times, Saussy notes, but Catholic immigrants flooded into the U.S. from Europe in the decades following the Revolution. This book has a blurb from fellow HarperCollins author and conspiracy theorist Jim Marrs, and the publisher, in a press release and apparently asleep at the wheel, calls it a "riveting, well-researched and well-documented account of one man's discovery of the true driving forces behind our nation's history." But most will see it for what it really is an anti-Catholic version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

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Eustace Mullins, author of "The World Order," "Secrets of the Federal Reserve"

A work long in the making and well worth the wait. Impeccably documented. Saussy liberates us from deception!

Jim Marrs, author of "Rule By Secrecy"

"Saussy presents enough thought-provoking facts, details, and suppositions to engage the imagination of even the most jaded conspiracy theorist."

About the Author

F. Tupper Saussy, a native of the southeastern United States, spent ten years as a fugitive from the IRS, the period during which he did the research for this book. A true Renaissance man, he has been nominated three times for a Grammy Award, is a distinguished watercolorist, and is the author of the bestselling book The Miracle on Main Street. He lives in Santa Monica, California.

Product Description:

Rather than pass through the Atlanta Federal Prison Camp gate to serve a sentence for a tax misdemeanor back in 1987, author F. Tupper Saussy chose to become a fugitive in order to freely investigate his adversary -- the United States of America. What he discovered was valuable new proof of a vast Roman Catholic sub-stratum of American history -- more specifically, that Jesuits played eminent and underappreciated roles in persuading New Englanders to rebel against their mother country in 1776. Indeed, according to Saussy's groundbreaking discoveries, the American Revolution and its resulting constitutional republic may have been single-handedly designed and supervised by a Jesuit named Lorenzo Ricci -- this country's true founding father. Provocative and utterly compelling, Rulers of Evil analyzes the hundreds of historical clues left by the true leaders of the world. It should be read by anyone desiring to know, definitively, why America works the way it does.
