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Toxic Sludge Is Good For You! Lies, and the Public Relations Industry

Lies, and the Public Relations Industry

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Publisher: Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine

Bookstore price: $16.95

ISBN 1-56751-060-4

Ask for it in your local bookstore or order it directly. To order by mail, send $15/book (includes postage & handling) to: CMD, 520 University Avenue, Suite 227, Madison, WI 53703.




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"Terrific! Don't miss it."

--Molly Ivins


Publisher's Weekly describes Toxic Sludge Is Good For You as "a chilling analysis of the PR business...a cautionary reminder that much of the consumer and political world is created by for-hire mouthpieces in expensive neckties."

Since its publication in late 1995, Toxic Sludge has already gone into its sixth printing amid rave reviews. It's been featured on ABC-TV's Good Morning America, National Public Radio's Marketplace, and in scores of other radio, TV and print stories.

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"A chilling expose."

--Tom Vanderbilt, Village Voice Literary Supplement, 11/95

"Toxic Sludge should appear on the short list of anyone serious about the study of public relations in the United States."

--Paul Swift, Public Relations Quarterly, Fall 1996

"Written with humor and outrage at the public relations industry's worst excesses."

--Utne Reader, January/February 1996

"A startling portrait of the poisoning of the American democratic process by the nation's professional spin doctors... exposes the bare-knuckled, invisible hand guiding and shaping public opinions."

--Will Fantle, The Progressive, 12/95

"A real eye-opener."

--O'Dwyer's PR Services Report, 10/95

"A font of knowledge on the anti-knowledge biz."

--Leslie Savan, Village Voice, 12/12/95

"A powerful indictment of an industry 'designed to alter perception, reshape reality and manufacture consent.' "

--Laura Castaneda, Dallas Morning News, 12/17/95

"Terrific! Don't miss it."

--Molly Ivins, author

"Revealing and motivating."

--Ralph Nader, consumer advocate

"Important ... unmasks how corporations manipulate our democracy."

--William Greider, author, Who Will Tell The People

"Exposes how far we've tumbled down the dark hole of 'Newspeak' that Orwell warned about ... it could be the flashlight to find our way out."

--Jim Hightower, author & commentator

"A well-written, enlightening look at a war of the powerful against society."

--Edward Herman, co-author, Manufacturing Consent

"Great book - I love it!"

--Bill Lutz, founder, Doublespeak Quarterly

"Helps us see corporate crime and media distortion up close."

--Jeff Cohen, Executive Director, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)


--Ben Bagdikian, author, The Media Monopoly




Introduction: Torches of Liberty, by Mark Dowie


Burning Books Before They're Printed

The Art of the Hustle and the Science of Propaganda

Smokers' Hacks

Spinning the Atom

Spies For Hire

Divide and Conquer

Poisoning the Grassroots

The Sludge Hits the Fan

Silencing Spring

The Torturers' Lobby

All the News That's Fit to Print

Taking Back Your Own Back Yard


PR Industry Leaders

The Clorox PR Crisis Plan

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