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A History Of Modern Palestine

Ilan Pappe

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of Palestine, a land inhabited by two peoples. It begins with the Ottomans in the early 1800s and traces a path through the arrival of the early Zionists at the end of that century, through the British mandate at the beginning of the twentieth century, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent wars and conflicts which culminated in the intifadas of 1987 and 2000. While these events provide the background to the narrative and explain the construction of Zionist and Palestinian nationalism, at centre stage are those who lived through these times, men, women and children, Jews and Arabs. It is a story of coexistence, as well as oppression, occupation, and exile. Ilan Pappe is well-known as a revisionist historian of Israel. Lucid and typically forthright, his account is a unique contribution to the history of this troubled land.


Introduction: A New Look at Modern Palestine and Israel

1. Fin de Siecle (1856-1900), Social Tranquillity and Political Drama

2. Between Tyranny and War (1900-1918)

3. The Mandatory State: Colonialism, Nationalization and Cohabitation

4. The 1948 War between Nakbah and Independence

5. The Age of Partition, 1948-1967

6. Greater Israel and Occupied Palestine: The Rise and Fall of High Politics, 1967-1987

7. The Uprising and its Political Consequences, 1987-1996

Conclusion: Post-Oslo Palestine and Israel

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