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The Original Video of Lilly: The World Map Master and Americans Are NOT Studi - With subtitles (videos)

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Google this: "Rachael Ray Geography Whiz" if you don't believe what you see. Lilly will also have a clip featured on Leno after the writer's strike hiatus.

Lilly is my niece. She was 23 months old when this was done in August 2007 in her parents small one bedroom apartment. She now knows over 80 countries. Yes, we know that Tasmania is not a country everyone. It's still a fun place to know.

She knows better geography than a 5th grader. She has been doing this for about 8 months. She is one funny niece. If you think that this is cruel and unusual, get a life.

To view this video of Lilly click on:

Americans are NOT Stupdi - WITH SUBTITES

So what if they don´t know how many sides a triangle have? Or who Tony Blair is? That is not fair...just because their president is as intelligent as a door, it doen´t mean they´re all like that...if you still think american people are stupid, watch this video and change your mind :)

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