Exclusive: Indoctrination in Public Schools Leads to Rise in Home Schooling
t’s that time of year again as parents scramble to pick up the necessary supplies to send with their children as they are bussed off to the public school (I call them government indoctrination centers) across town. Unlike years ago, when our parents sent us to school with a notebook for each class, a couple of pencils and our lunch money, today’s child will lug clear or mesh backpacks filled with such necessities as liquid anti-bacterial hand soap, boxes of baby wipes and, in the case of Hermitage Elementary School in Hermitage, Arkansas, their first graders will supply two rolls of paper towels and a 50 count pack of clear sheet protectors each.
- Say "Thank You" in 100 Languages!
Put the "Thanks" back in Thanksgiving with this geography and language activity that teaches students to say "thank you" in many languages.
- Thanksgiving Placemats: A Community Service Project
Work with your local shelter, food kitchen, or nursing home to brighten everybody's Thanksgiving.
- Thanksgiving Feast
Grades 3-5 and 6-8 read charts and learn where Thanksgiving foods are grown.
- Thanksgiving Science Experiment
This plant-growing experiment for grades preK-5 shows how Squanto helped the early settlers.
- Popcorn History
Did the Pilgrims eat popcorn during the first Thanksgiving? Research/create a timeline of the history of popcorn.