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As a member of the House of Representatives, Dr. Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom. He tirelessly works for limited government, low taxes, "Austrian" free market economics, and a return to sound monetary policy. As a Republican he strongly opposed the foreighn policy of the the Bush administration and advocates a fast redrawal of US troops from Irak. Texan Ron Paul was first seen as an outsider, but his sincere call to limit the size, scope, and power of government has won him the hearts and minds of young people allover America, Democrats as well as Republicans. In just a few weeks and despite little attention from the mainstream media he has become the favorite candidate of the young generation and is now the most popular candidate on the internet. For Ron Paul his amazing success proves American people are tired of the iron fist approach to their lives, and are disillusioned with the solutions the candidates of the establishment have on offer. Taxation and federal interference in private affairs have come to a point people just dont take it any more.
Poll Results: Congressman Ron Paul ' s Chances
Meet Congressman Ron Paul and learn what he stands for in these YouTubes :
Het is allemaal met koele cijfers en nuchtere wetenschappelijke waarnemingen vast te stellen, en dat doet Simon Rozendaal in Het Grote Goed Nieuws Boek en Bruna): de honger neemt af, het aantal bomen neemt toe. De straten zijn schoner, net als de Rijn, en ook de lucht. Kindersterfte neemt af, en er wordt ook steeds minder oorlog gevoerd. De waarheid moet gezegd worden. En waarom zou je niet, wanneer die aangenaam is?
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