US Martial Law Lockdown Exercise in Seward, Alaska?
Kurt Nimmo - Infowars
A caller into the Alex Jones Show today provided details about a possible Department of Homeland Security drill at the end of this month in Seward, Alaska, the seventh most lucrative fisheries port in the United States.
The caller, identifying herself as “Barbara,” said she had an encounter with a man from the Transportation Security Administration, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security. The man had black and white photographs of buildings in Seward and made unusual comments about terrorism. He also seemed confident he would see Barbara again.
Alex has received several emails from residents of Seward recently claiming the town will be locked down and a Homeland Security exercise conducted there. Listen call
Barbara and other residents of Seward believe the Department of Homeland Security is preparing a drill or exercise of some sort, based on the following events:
1) In November of 2008, parents of students at the Seward High School were informed of an “Every 15 Minutes” event to be held at the school on April 27 and 28. The Every 15 Minutes Program is billed as “emotionally charged” event “designed to dramatically instill teenagers with the potentially dangerous consequences of drinking alcohol,” according to the program’s website. The “Grim Reaper” event held on school grounds is quite macabre, as literature on the site reveals:
One student is removed from class every 15 minutes. A police officer will immediately enter the classroom to read an obituary which has been written by the “dead” student’s parent(s) — explaining the circumstances of their classmate’s demise and the contributions the student has made to the school and the community. A few minutes later, the student will return to class as the “living dead,” complete with white face make-up, a coroner’s tag, and a black Every 15 Minutes T-shirt.
The man from Washington D.C. gave Barbara this business card. | |
This “death education” event includes a simulated auto accident, a mock funeral service, and “an actual trip to the morgue, the hospital emergency room, and to the police department jail for the purpose of being booked for ‘drunk driving,’” according to the website. (For more on this ghoulish event, see the “Every 15 Minutes” manual.)
Barbara indicated the high school will be “locked down” during the event, although this is not stated in the document sent to parents (it does state that students participating in a “retreat” associated with the event will have meals provided and be “chaperoned by law enforcement personnel and responsible members of the community”).
2) Access in and out of Seward will be blocked the weekend of the 25th. “Road traffic between Anchorage and Seward will be blocked all weekend while the state installs temporary replacements for two older bridges on the Seward Highway,” the Anchorage Daily News reports. “The Alaska Department of Transportation said that recent inspections showed the Falls Creek and nearby Ptarmigan Creek bridges need to be replaced.”
Seward, Alaska — there is only one road leading in and out of the port town. | |
Barbara told Alex Jones the road in question is the only one in and out of Seward.
3) In May, 2007, the final leg of Alaska Shield/Northern Edge 07 culminated in Seward. Northern Edge 2007 was a Joint Chiefs of Staff directed, Northern Command sponsored homeland defense and Defense Support of Civil Authorities exercise, according to GlobalSecurity.
“Hundreds of first responders, with uniforms ranging from the reflective jackets of local firefighters to military biohazard suits, were on hand at the Alaska Railroad dock to practice an integrated response to a simulated terrorist threat on a marine vessel,” Capt. Amy Hansen of the Joint Task Force-Alaska Public Affairs office wrote at the time.
The Seward Police Department, the FBI, and Coast Guard participated in this “massive interagency effort” in response to “suspicious people” boarding a marine vessel docked at Seward’s port.
As Infowars reported earlier this week, the Northern Command, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA have graduated from exercises focused on “incident response and recovery” to events concentrated “exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection.”
FEMA’s National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09), to be held on July 27 through July 31, 2009, “will focus on intelligence and information sharing among intelligence and law enforcement communities, and between international, federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector participants” in the ‘aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States.” So-called “exercise play” will concentrate on “preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks.”
Because Seward, Alaska, is located on Resurrection Bay with access to the Pacific Ocean, it would serve as an ideal candidate for Homeland Security “exercise play” concentrating on “preventing subsequent efforts by … terrorists to enter the United States and carry out … attacks.” It is also an ideal candidate for such an operation because there is but one highway leading in and out of the town.
As we noted earlier this week, the threat of al-Qaeda or Muslim terrorism in the United States is a remote possibility at best. In recent weeks, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have raised the specter of domestic terrorism carried out by “rightwing extremists” and this effort to stigmatize and demonize the patriot movement has been vociferously criticized and has led to a lawsuit against DHS secretary Janet Napolitano and her agency.
The presence of an employee of Homeland Security, apparently engaged in less than covert surveillance of Seward, adds credence to the assertion made by Barbara and other residents in contact with Alex Jones that a DHS exercise may indeed be in store for the port town.