Health Book Summaries - What Will Happen in 2012...
Mike Adams, Kevin Gianni and the HBS Team
Dear Reader -
Powerful films have helped transform many lives...
I'm not sure if you saw "The Secret" when it was released a few years ago, but it was one of those films that transformed a small part of this nation (and the world).
Health, personal development and spirituality have been closely linked for thousands of years. Yes, even before Deepak Chopra, Dr. Michael Beckwith and Tony Robbins were born. LOL!
I've recently been in touch with Arielle Ford, of Spiritual Cinema Circle, who has been telling me about some of the new films that are touching the lives of thousands of people that you may not know about.
One of them has caught my eye...
The title is "2012: Science or Superstition"
There's been a lot of talk about the ending of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012. It has sparked a worldwide discussion — bestselling books, New York Times and USA Today articles, Hollywood films and more.
The film explores if life as we know it end — metaphorically, literally or at all? Or could 2012 actually represent an evolutionary leap in consciousness?
As Health Book Summaries readers, we all can agree that at least the health of our global health population could use a 2012-like shift!
This isn't the only film that she's been talking about.
She's been running a program called "Spiritual Cinema Circle".
This is a program where can receive documentary and thought provoking films on a regular basis in the mail. I think it's a great alternative to Blockbuster or NetFlix!
If you'd like to try it out, now for a limited time only you can receive 2012: Science or Superstition plus 3 highly entertaining short films FREE (you only pay shipping) when you sign up for a trial membership with our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle.
Here's where you can do that...
Click Here to Check Out the Spiritual Cinema Circle
You'll get all 4 of these exclusive, independent films FREE. (You pay shipping) There's no risk and you can cancel your membership at any time.
Join Spiritual Cinema Circle today to enjoy these rare films!
Click Here to Check Out the Spiritual Cinema Circle
Stay tuned for next week's summary... it's a good one ;-)
To Your Health,
Kevin, Mike and The Health Book Summaries Team
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"When I was a child, my cousin and I used to ride our bikes miles to the local book stores to review new and used books. Often I would read nearly a third of a book before deciding if I wanted to buy it. This has never been possible on the Internet until now. Mike Adams and Kevin Gianni have now developed so that you can deeply review any health books that interest you for FREE — just like the old days at the book store. Not only can you learn a tremendous amount very quickly by browsing these summaries, you can also decide if you want to have each book in your personal library. What a great service!"
- David Wolfe, author of The Sunfood Diet Success System, Amazing Grace, Eating For Beauty, and Naked Chocolate, founder of,, and the non-profit
Please stay tuned for our next announcement!
To Your Health,
Mike Adams, Kevin Gianni and the HBS Team
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