Letter to Congress: Lose 'gay' radical Jennings (with video)
Bob Unruh - WND
Oct. 5, 2009
Kevin Jennings, President Obama's choice to run the Department of Education's Office of Safe Schools, has made a career connecting the idea of "safety" and advocacy for homosexual behavioral choices, and as such "has shown that he cannot be trusted with this position and should be removed from it as soon as possible."
The criticism of Obama's selection to oversee safety programs for public schools in the United States came today from the American Principles Project, a group dedicated to preserving and propagating the fundamental principles on which the United States was founded. It has set up a website program through which concerned parents and others can send a message with their concern to members of Congress.
Robert George, the McCormick professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University and organization founder, explains the problem:
According to a statement released by the project, Jennings, "supports a radical agenda regarding homosexuality that has no place in our schools. As the author of the foreword to the book 'Queering Elementary Education' and the former Director of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, he is deeply out-of-synch with the majority of Americans and does not respect the rights of parents on these sensitive issues."
At least one member of Congress already has the message. According to a report in the Washington Examiner, Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King already is calling on Obama to fire gay activist Jennings.
The report said Jennings not only has no background in anti-drug work, his experience in education has focused not on school safety but on how to introduce the topic of homosexuality into the classroom, including in elementary schools.
"The totality of his life has been the promotion of homosexuality, and much of it within education," said King. "He has focused on nothing else during the last two decades, and that is not the focus that our schools need to be on."
WND started reporting on the Jennings appointment and its controversy in May, and has documented a number of situations the reflect Jennings' philosophy, from a New England case where educators won a court battle to spring homosexual promotions on students as young as kindergarten without letting parents know to California, where a "safe schools" plan is being used to teach children as young as five about transgender communities.
"Jennings' personal actions and statements also demonstrate a lack of fitness for the position. He has demonstrated open hostility to those with contrary views (especially people of faith), calling them everything from 'hard-core bigots' to saying that those who oppose the promotion of homosexuality ought to 'drop dead!'" the foundation said.
"It is clear that Mr. Jennings wants to remake public education in the way he personally sees fit. He has said that all teachers ought to be required to complete coursework in which they examine their own 'bias' against LGBT persons before they are allowed to teach. He has gone as far as to say that someone without such training is 'a threat to children,'" the foundation said.
"On the contrary, the real threat to children is Mr. Jennings and his radical agenda," the group said.
WND reported just days ago on a transcript from a 1997 speech that shows Jennings expressed his admiration for Harry Hay, one of the nation's first homosexual activists who launched the Mattachine Society in 1948, founded the Radical Faeries and was a longtime advocate for the North American Man-Boy Love Association, NAMBLA.
"One of the people that's always inspired me is Harry Hay," the transcript shows Jennings saying, "who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society. It took him two years to find one other person who would join.
"Well, [in] 1993," Jennings continued, "Harry Hay marched with a million people in Washington, who thought he had a good idea 40 years before."
WND previously has reported on other aspects of Jennings' homosexual activism, including his founding of the organization "Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network," which advocates for homosexuality in public schools.
Most recently, he admitted that he now knows he should have reacted differently two decades ago when he was a teacher and he was approached by a 15-year-old student who admitted he had a sexual relationship with an older man. Some later reports said the student was 16, even though Jennings described him as 15.
Jennings response was to suggest using a condom, although the student's statement probably revealed, depending on his age, at a minimum, statutory rape.
His perspectives and activities have come under scrutiny because of his office, where he now is responsible for creating and implementing programs that make public school classrooms across America "safe."
"The protection of children is one goal that we can all agree on," The American Principles Project statement said. "But the innocence of our children is threatened by the appointment of Kevin Jennings… Through his actions and statements, Mr. Jennings has shown that he cannot be trusted with this position and should be removed from it as soon as possible."
The statement said protecting children's innocence is hard in the face of sexually oriented material that is flooding the American society. Parents must be able to trust schools to side with parents in that fight.
"Unfortunately, President Obama has violated that trust by appointing Kevin Jennings, a man who has no respect for childhood innocence, to a key position in the United States Department of Education.
"Kevin Jennings aggressively advocates using our schools to teach children – including young children – about homosexuality and homosexual practices." the group said.