Congress to president: Lose 'safe school' chief
Oct. 10, 2009
Kevin Jennings |
About a dozen members of Congress have written President Obama, strongly suggesting the administration lose Kevin Jennings, a homosexual activist who was appointed to supervise the Education Department's Office of Safe Schools.
"We respectfully request that you remove Kevin Jennings, the Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, from your administration," the members wrote. "It is clear that Mr. Jennings lacks the appropriate qualifications and ethical standards to serve in this capacity."
He founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, which promotes homosexual perspectives in public schools across the nation.
In a letter signed by U.S. Reps. Doug Lamborn of Colorado, Steve King of Iowa, Duncan Hunter of California, Darrell Issa of California, Paul Broun of Georgia, Joe Pitts of Pennsylvania and others, the authors point out Jennings "has played an integral role in promoting homosexuality and pushing a pro-homosexual agenda in America's schools."
"Throughout his career, Mr. Jennings has made it his mission to establish special protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students to the exclusion of all other students," the letter said.
"There is more to safe and drug free schools than can be accomplished from the narrow view of Mr. Jennings who has, for more than 20 years, almost exclusively focused on promoting the homosexual agenda."
The members of Congress also pointed out that troubling was Jennings' "self-described history of ignoring the sexual abuse of a child." They cited his reference in his book, "One Teacher in Ten," about a 15-year-old student confiding in him that he had a sexual relationship with a much older man. Jennings response was to ask whether a condom had been used.
"As a mandatory reporter, Mr. Jennings was required by law to report child abuse, including sex crimes," the members of Congress said.
Although Jennings reported the student was 15, other reports have suggested he was 16 at the time.
Further, Jennings has a "history of unrepentant drug and alcohol abuse."
"You should replace him with someone who has a record of educating children in a safe and moral environment," the letter concluded.
The Mission America ministry has documented Jennings' career extensively and said his biggest accomplishment has been founding GLSEN, which lobbies for homosexual activities in public schools.
"Mission America has called GLSEN a child corruption group from the outset. We took a hard look a few years back at the books GLSEN recommends for students. Most of the books we examined remain on GLSEN's list today on its web site. We also looked at one of its early curricula, 'Tackling Gay Issues in Schools.' GLSEN has never refuted any of our findings," the website says.
"This is the history of what Kevin Jennings is all about, and why he needs to be removed from this position immediately."
WND also has reported how Jennings developed a strategy to use the word "safe" to bring the promotion of homosexuality into schools all across Massachusetts.
According to the Americans for Truth website run by Peter LaBarbera, the incident involving the 15-year-old was just one among a series of egregious behaviors by Jennings.
Another incident was the "fistgate" scandal in which his organization led discussions at a seminar where "young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including 'fisting,'" the website said.
Yet another was Jennings' address in a New York City church on March 20, 2000. He said:
"Twenty percent of people are hard-core fair-minded [pro-homosexual] people. Twenty percent are hard-core [anti-homosexual] bigots. We need to ignore the hard-core bigots, get more of the hard-core fair-minded people to speak up, and we’ll pull that 60 percent [of people in the middle] over to our side. That's really what I think our strategy has to be. We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit — I’m trying to find a way to say this. I’m trying not to say, '[F—] 'em!' which is what I want to say, because I don’t care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead!"
WND reported on a speech Jennings gave in 1995 outlining his manipulation of words to obtain his aims.
Excerpts have been posted on the website of MassResistance, where chief Brian Camenker has worked to oppose the demands of homosexual activists.
In the speech, Jennings described how he was concerned about being described as promoting homosexuality, so he chose to campaign on the idea of "safety" instead.
"If the radical right can succeed in portraying us as preying on children, we will lose. Their language – 'promoting homosexuality' is one example – is laced with subtle and not-so-subtle innuendo that we are 'after their kids,'" he told the conference.
He continued, "In Massachusetts the effective reframing of this issue was the key to the success of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. We immediately seized upon the opponent's calling card – safety – and explained how homophobia represents a threat to students' safety by creating a climate where violence, name-calling, health problems, and suicide are common. Titling our report 'Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth,' we automatically threw our opponents onto the defensive and stole their best line of attack. This framing short-circuited their arguments and left them back-pedaling from day one."